24 research outputs found

    Organization of multiprotein complexes at cell–cell junctions

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    The formation of stable cell–cell contacts is required for the generation of barrier-forming sheets of epithelial and endothelial cells. During various physiological processes like tissue development, wound healing or tumorigenesis, cellular junctions are reorganized to allow the release or the incorporation of individual cells. Cell–cell contact formation is regulated by multiprotein complexes which are localized at specific structures along the lateral cell junctions like the tight junctions and adherens junctions and which are targeted to these site through their association with cell adhesion molecules. Recent evidence indicates that several major protein complexes exist which have distinct functions during junction formation. However, this evidence also indicates that their composition is dynamic and subject to changes depending on the state of junction maturation. Thus, cell–cell contact formation and integrity is regulated by a complex network of protein complexes. Imbalancing this network by oncogenic proteins or pathogens results in barrier breakdown and eventually in cancer. Here, I will review the molecular organization of the major multiprotein complexes at junctions of epithelial cells and discuss their function in cell–cell contact formation and maintenance

    Tight junctions and cell polarity

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    The tight junction is an intracellular junctional structure that mediates adhesion between epithelial cells and is required for epithelial cell function. Tight junctions control paracellular permeability across epithelial cell sheets and also serve as a barrier to intramembrane diffusion of components between a cell's apical and basolateral membrane domains. Recent genetic and biochemical studies in invertebrates and vertebrates indicate that fight junction proteins play an important role in the establishment and maintenance of apico-basal polarity. Proteins involved in epithelial cell polarization form evolutionarily conserved multiprotein complexes at the tight junction, and these protein complexes regulate the architecture of epithelia throughout the polarization process. Accumulating information regarding the regulation of these polarity proteins will lead to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms whereby cell polarity is established.11438435sciescopu

    Crumbs3 is essential for proper epithelial development and viability

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    First identified in Drosophila, the Crumbs (Crb) proteins are important in epithelial polarity, apical membrane formation, and tight junction (TJ) assembly. The conserved Crb intracellular region includes a FERM (band 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin) binding domain (FBD) whose mammalian binding partners are not well understood and a PDZ binding motif that interacts with mammalian Pals1 (protein associated with lin seven) (also known as MPP5). Pals1 binds Patj (Pals1-associated tight-junction protein), a multi-PDZ-domain protein that associates with many tight junction proteins. The Crb complex also binds the conserved Par3/Par6/atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) polarity cassette that restricts migration of basolateral proteins through phosphorylation. Here, we describe a Crb3 knockout mouse that demonstrates extensive defects in epithelial morphogenesis. The mice die shortly after birth, with cystic kidneys and proteinaceous debris throughout the lungs. The intestines display villus fusion, apical membrane blebs, and disrupted microvilli. These intestinal defects phenocopy those of Ezrin knockout mice, and we demonstrate an interaction between Crumbs3 and ezrin. Taken together, our data indicate that Crumbs3 is crucial for epithelial morphogenesis and plays a role in linking the apical membrane to the underlying ezrin-containing cytoskeleton. © 2014, American Society for Microbiology.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/175373/2/MCB.00999-13.pdfPublished versionDescription of MCB.00999-13.pdf : Published versio

    Oncogene-like induction of cellular invasion from centrosome amplification.

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    International audienceCentrosome amplification has long been recognized as a feature of human tumours; however, its role in tumorigenesis remains unclear. Centrosome amplification is poorly tolerated by non-transformed cells and, in the absence of selection, extra centrosomes are spontaneously lost. Thus, the high frequency of centrosome amplification, particularly in more aggressive tumours, raises the possibility that extra centrosomes could, in some contexts, confer advantageous characteristics that promote tumour progression. Using a three-dimensional model system and other approaches to culture human mammary epithelial cells, we find that centrosome amplification triggers cell invasion. This invasive behaviour is similar to that induced by overexpression of the breast cancer oncogene ERBB2 (ref. 4) and indeed enhances invasiveness triggered by ERBB2. Our data indicate that, through increased centrosomal microtubule nucleation, centrosome amplification increases Rac1 activity, which disrupts normal cell-cell adhesion and promotes invasion. These findings demonstrate that centrosome amplification, a structural alteration of the cytoskeleton, can promote features of malignant transformation

    Mitochondria-targeted Probes for Imaging Protein Sulfenylation

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    Abstract Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential regulators of cellular signaling, metabolism and epigenetics underlying the pathophysiology of numerous diseases. Despite the critical function of redox regulation in mitochondria, currently there are limited methods available to monitor protein oxidation in this key subcellular organelle. Here, we describe compounds for imaging sulfenylated proteins in mitochondria: DCP-NEt2-Coumarin (DCP-NEt2C) and rhodamine-based DCP-Rho1. Side-by-side comparison studies are presented on the reactivity of DCP-NEt2C and DCP-Rho1 with a model protein sulfenic acid (AhpC-SOH) and mitochondrial localization to identify optimized experimental conditions for labeling and visualization of protein sulfenylation that would be independent of mitochondria membrane potential and would not impact mitochondrial function. These probes are applied to image mitochondrial protein sulfenylation under conditions of serum starvation and in a cell culture model of lung cancer exposed to ionizing radiation and silver nanoparticles, agents serving dual functions as environmental stressors and cancer therapeutics