1,233 research outputs found

    Production of a potential liquid plant bio-stimulant by immobilized Piriformospora indica in repeated-batch fermentation process

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    Piriformospora indica, a mycorrhizal-like fungus able to establish associations with roots of a wide range of plants, supporting plant nutrition and increasing plant resistance and tolerance to stress, was shown to solubilise phosphate applied in the form of animal bone char (HABO) in fermentation systems. The process of P solubilisation was caused most likely by proton extrusion and medium pH lowering. The fungal mycelium was successfully immobilized/retained in a polyurethane foam carrier. Further employment of the immobilized mycelium in repeated-batch fermentation process resulted in at least 5 cycles of P solubilization. The concentration of soluble P increased during the experiment with 1.0 and 3.0 g HABO l−1 and at the end of the 5th batch cycle reached 40.8 and 120 mg l−1, respectively. The resulting final liquid product, without or with solubilized phosphate, was found to significantly increase plant growth and P plant uptake. It can be used as a biostimulant containing microbial plant growth-promoting substances and soluble P derived from renewable sources (HABO) thus supporting the development of sustainable agro-ecosystems.This work was supported by Project CTM2014-53186-R, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-ES/EC FEDER Fund and the sabbatical Grant PRX16/00277 to NV

    A formula for the *-core of an ideal

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    Expanding on the work of Fouli and Vassilev \cite{FV}, we determine a formula for the *-core\rm{core} of an ideal in two different settings: (1) in a Cohen--Macaulay local ring of characteristic p>0p>0, perfect residue field and test ideal of depth at least two, where the ideal has a minimal *-reduction that is a parameter ideal and (2) in a normal local domain of characteristic p>0p>0, perfect residue field and \m-primary test ideal, where the ideal is a sufficiently high Frobenius power of an ideal. We also exhibit some examples where our formula fails if our hypotheses are not met.Comment: 11 pages, submitted for publicatio


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    A contribution to set a legal framework for biofertilisers

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    The work has been supported by a grant to E.M. from the EU Regional Development Fund through the Polish Innovation Economy Operational Program, contract N. UDA-POIG.01.03.01-10-109/08-00.The extensive research, production and use of microorganisms to improve plant nutrition have resulted in an inconsistent definition of the term “biofertiliser” which, in some cases, is due to the different microbial mechanisms involved. The rationale for adopting the term biofertiliser is that it derives from “biological fertiliser”, that, in turn, implies the use of living microorganisms. Here, we propose a definition for this kind of products which is distinguishing them from biostimulants or other inorganic and organic fertilisers. Special emphasis is given to microorganism(s) with multifunctional properties and biofertilisers containing more than one microorganism. This definition could be included in legal provisions regulating registration and marketing requirements. A set of rules is also proposed which could guarantee the quality of biofertilisers present on the market and thus foster their use by farmers.EU Regional Development Fund through the Polish Innovation Economy Operational Program UDA-POIG.01.03.01-10-109/08-0

    Diffusion couple studies of the Ni-Bi-Sn system

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    Investigations of Ni-Bi-Sn system were performed in order to inquire the phase diagram and to assess some diffusion kinetic parameters. For this purpose diffusion couples consisting of solid nickel (preliminary electroplated with tin) and liquid Bi-Sn phase were annealed at 370 °C. Three compositions (0.8, 0.6 and 0.4 mole fractions Sn) of the Bi-Sn melts were chosen. Annealing times from 24 to 216 h were applied. The phase and chemical compositions of the contact zone were determined by means of electron scanning microscope. It was confirmed that the diffusion layers consist mainly of Ni3Sn4 but other intermetallic phases grow as well. For the first time metastable Ni-Sn phases as NiSn and NiSn8 (NiSn9) were observed in metallurgical alloys (i.e. not in electroplated samples). The existence of a ternary compound previously reported in the literature was confirmed. More than one ternary Ni-Bi-Sn compounds might possibly be admitted. A growth coefficient of (2.29 ± 0.02) x 10-15 m2 s-1 was obtained. It was found that the apparent activation energy for diffusion layers growth (18 ± 8 kJ mol-1) is inferior to that one assessed at growth from solid state Bi-Sn mixtures (88 ± 12 kJ mol-1)

    “Green” Synthesis of Sucrose Octaacetate and Characterization of Its Physicochemical Properties and Antimicrobial Activity

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    Sucrose octaacetate (octa-O-acetylsucrose) has been synthesized by esterification of sucrose with acetic anhydride using ultrasound-assisted irradiation. This sucrose ester is a white, water-insoluble substance with a bitter taste. The FT-IR and NMR spectra confirmed acetylation and revealed the hydrophobic incorporation in sucrose molecule. Furthermore, the foamability, foam stability, emulsification and antimicrobial properties of octa-O-acetylsucrose were evaluated. Foams and 50 % (oil/water) model emulsions were prepared with 2 % (w/w) octa-O-acetylsucrose. The obtained results demonstrate the formation of emulsions and foams with high stability (50–70 %). The antimicrobial activity of octa-O-acetylsucrose was evaluated against seventeen microorganisms (Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts, and fungi). Octa-O-acetylsucrose inhibited the growth of fungi Penicillium sp., Rhizopus sp. and Fusarium moniliforme at 5 mg cm–3, and yeasts Candida albicans at 1 mg cm–3. Inhibition against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was not observed. The obtained results demonstrate the potential applications of octa-O-acetylsucrose as a foaming agent, oil-in-water emulsion stabilizer, and antifungal substance in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Glutathione accelerates sodium channel inactivation in excised rat axonal membrane patches

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    The effects of glutathione were studied on the gating behaviour of sodium channels in membrane patches of rat axons. Depolarizing pulses from –120 to –40 mV elicited sodium currents of up to 500 pA, indicating the simultaneous activation of up to 250 sodium channels. Inactivation of these channels in the excised, inside-out configuration was fitted by two time constants ( h1=0.81 ms; h2= 5.03 ms) and open time histograms at 0 mV revealed a biexponential distribution of channel openings ( short=0.28 ms; long=3.68 ms). Both, the slow time constant of inactivation and the long lasting single channel openings disappeared after addition of the reducing agent glutathione (2–5 mM) to the bathing solution. Sodium channels of excised patches with glutathione present on the cytoplasmatic face of the membrane had inactivation kinetics similar to channels recorded in the cell-attached configuration. These observations indicate that redox processes may contribute to the gating of axonal sodium channels


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    The antioxidant effect of the exogenous polyamine Diethylentriamine (DETA) on the oxidative changes in young maize plants treated with different As concentrations was studied. The plants were grown in a climatic box in a Hogland-Arnon nutrient solution. Arsenic was applied as Na3As04 in concentrations 0, 2 and 5 mg dm-3 (pH 5.5). The polyamine DETA (concentration 10-4 М) was added to the nutrient environment of some of the plants 24 hours prior to the As treatment. Five days later the lipid peroxidation level, the peroxidase activity, the growth and leaf gasexchange, and the protein and plastid pigments content were studied. The physiological analyses proved that DETA had positive effect on the As-treated maize plants by increasing the leaf gas-exchange, the plastid pigments content and soluble protein. The exogenous polyamine DETA, applied 24 hours prior to the As treatment, decreased considerably the lipid peroxidation level and the peroxidase itself in maize plants. DETA had protective effect on the As-induced oxidative stress, but in order to clarify its role as an antioxidant, more detailed and profound studies should be made.Проучен беше aнтиоксидантният ефект на екзогенния полиамин Диетилентриамин (ДЕТА) върху оксидативните промени в млади царевични растения, третирани с различни концентрации арсен. Растенията бяха отгледани в климатичен бокс в хранителна среда на Хогланд-Арнон. Арсенът (As) беше приложен като Na3As04 в концентрации 0, 2 и 5 mg dm-3 (pH 5.5). Полиаминът ДЕТА (концентрация 10-4 М), беше прибавен към хранителната среда на част от растенията 24 h преди третирането с Аs. След пет дни беше отчетено нивото на липидната пероксидация, активността на ензима пероксидаза, растежът и листният газообмен, и съдържанието на белтък и пластидни пигменти. Физиологичните анализи показаха, че полиаминът Дета оказва положителен ефект върху третираните с арсен царевични растения, като повишава листния газообмен, съдържанието на пластидни пигменти и разтворим белтък. Екзогенният полиамин Дета, приложен 24 преди третирането с As намалява съществено нивото на липидната пероксидация и ензима пероксидаза в царевичните растения. Изследванията показват, че ДЕТА изпълнява протекторен ефект срещу As-индуцирания оксидативен стрес, но за изясняване на неговата роля като антиоксидант са необходими по-детайлни и задълбочени изследвания

    New distinguished classes of spectral spaces: a survey

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    In the present survey paper, we present several new classes of Hochster's spectral spaces "occurring in nature", actually in multiplicative ideal theory, and not linked to or realized in an explicit way by prime spectra of rings. The general setting is the space of the semistar operations (of finite type), endowed with a Zariski-like topology, which turns out to be a natural topological extension of the space of the overrings of an integral domain, endowed with a topology introduced by Zariski. One of the key tool is a recent characterization of spectral spaces, based on the ultrafilter topology, given in a paper by C. Finocchiaro in Comm. Algebra 2014. Several applications are also discussed