4,837 research outputs found

    Caracterização molecular de populações de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense em regiões produtoras de banana na Bahia.

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    O mal-do-Panamá, causado pelo fungo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), é uma das doenças mais destrutivas da bananeira, sendo considerada entre as cinco doenças economicamente mais importantes de todos os tempos. O fato de ser causada por um fungo do solo que, mesmo na ausência da cultura, sobrevive por períodos prolongados, faz com que a medida de controle mais efetiva seja o uso de variedades resistentes. Desta forma, o projeto tem como objetivo caracterizar populações brasileiras de Foc por meio de marcadores SSR

    Can cold weather be a cardiovascular determinant in warm countries?

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    In almost every temperate region of the world, the number of cardiovascular mortality increases significantly during winter months. This phenomenon has been considered as a public health issue in several countries as many of these deaths are considered to be avoidable. The cause for the excess of winter deaths can be attributed to a number of factors, such as diet, exercise and exposure to cold weather. Curiously, southern European countries, such as Portugal, seem to have the highest excess winter deaths that seem to be related to exposure of cold. However, very few studies have addressed this relationship in Portugal and no quantification of the role of cold weather on cardiovascular diseases has been published. The main goal of this study is to quantify the short effect of cold weather on the cardiovascular morbidity in Portugal Generalized additive Poisson regression models were used in order to obtain the influence of a thermal comfort index (PET) on daily hospitalizations for acute myocardial Infarction in the two most developed metropolitan areas of Portugal: Lisbon and Oporto. All models were adjusted for time and other environmental variables. Influenza was also considered as a confounder. The main results reveal an increase up to 2.2% (95% CI = 0,9%; 3,3%) of daily hospital admissions in winter per degree fall in PET. The increase in daily hospitalizations was greater for the entire population than when only the elderly (>65 years) were considered. View publicationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of aluminium granulometry on the behaviour of filled epoxy resins for rapid tooling

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    Aluminium filled epoxies moulds have beenused in indirect rapid tooling. These moulds, whichhave a low cost processing, are very competitive,when applied in the manufacturing of low volumeseries.The geometry and the size distribution of thealuminium particles affect significantly the powderpacking density, the resin ratio, the thermalconductivity, the curing time, the homogeneity andthe mechanical characteristics of the tool.Using three high temperature epoxy resins itwas possible to understand the resin behaviour inthe presence of the aluminium filler and formulatefilled resins with the best compromise ofmechanical, thermal and processing performance

    Micropropagação de cultivares de framboeseira.

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    Viabilidade econômica do acabamento de cordeiros em pastagens cultivadas de capim gramão e tanzânia.

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    O presente trabalho, realizado na Embrapa Caprinos, em Sobral-CE, avaliou a terminação de cordeiros em pastagens de capim gramão (Cynodon dactylon (L.)) e capim tanzânia (panicum maximum cv. tanzania), sob duas taxas de lotação. O período de terminação foi de 83 dias. O lucro obtido com a terminação de cordeiros em pastagem de gramão e venda dos animais em pé foi de R1,58/cordeiroeR 1,58/cordeiro e R 3,77/cordeiro, para taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. Nas áreas de tanzânia, o lucro obtido foi de R4,31/cordeiroeR 4,31/cordeiro e R 2,64/cordeiro, para taxas de lotação de .40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. Entretanto, cada ha permitiu a terminação de 4,4 lotes por ano. Com isso, o lucro anual da terminação no gramão foi de R277,30/haeR 277,30/ha e R 995,66/ha nas taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. A terminação à pasto no tanzânia proporcionou um lucro anual de R758,64/haeR 758,64/ha e R 697,65/ha nas taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. A venda dos animais abatidos proporcionou um lucro anual de R94,79/haedeR 94, 79/ha e de R I 233, 23/ha para taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente, no gramão. Já em pastagem . de tanzânia, a venda dos animais abatidos proporcionou um lucro anual de R198,79/haeR 198,79/ha e R 891,95/ha para as taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. A terminação de cordeiros em pastagem de capim gramão e de tanzânia foi economicamente viável.CD ROM

    NAP-2 Secreted by Human NK Cells Can Stimulate Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell Recruitment

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    SummaryStrategies for improved homing of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to a place of injury are being sought and it has been shown that natural killer (NK) cells can stimulate MSC recruitment. Here, we studied the chemokines behind this recruitment. Assays were performed with bone marrow human MSCs and NK cells freshly isolated from healthy donor buffy coats. Supernatants from MSC-NK cell co-cultures can induce MSC recruitment but not to the same extent as when NK cells are present. Antibody arrays and ELISA assays confirmed that NK cells secrete RANTES (CCL5) and revealed that human NK cells secrete NAP-2 (CXCL7), a chemokine that can induce MSC migration. Inhibition with specific antagonists of CXCR2, a receptor that recognizes NAP-2, abolished NK cell-mediated MSC recruitment. This capacity of NK cells to produce chemokines that stimulate MSC recruitment points toward a role for this immune cell population in regulating tissue repair/regeneration