15 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Development of the Clinical Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Hospital on Patient Satisfaction and Student Education

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    Veteriner Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hayvan Hastanesi Klinik Laboratuvarın Geliştirilmesinin Hasta Memnuniyeti ve Öğrenci Eğitimi Üzerine Etkisi Amaç: Sağlık hizmeti veren hayvan hastanelerinde bulunan klinik laboratuvarlarında, biyolojik materyallerde, hastalıkların tanısı, ayırıcı tanısı, şiddetinin belirlenmesi, sağaltımının izlenmesi, bulgu vermeyen bir hastalığın ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla laboratuvar analizlerinin yapılması oldukça önemlidir. Özellikle hastaneler bünyesinde kurulan klinik laboratuvarlar hastalıkların kesin teşhisi için gereken özel testleri yapabilecek donanım ve bölümlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu proje Veteriner Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi bünyesinde bulunan Klinik Laboratuvarında tanı ve teşhis için yapılacak analizler için kullanılacak cihaz donanımının tamamlanması amacıyla planlanmıştır. Laboratuvarlar, yaygın olarak kullanılan test sonuçları üretir ve bunların nihai çıktıları test ve raporlamanın doğruluğuna bağlıdır. Laboratuvarlara gönderilen numunelerin test sonuçlarının hatasız ve güvenilir olması gerekmektedir. Yanlış veya eksik sonuçlar; gereksiz tedavi, tedavi komplikasyonları, uygun tedavinin sağlanmaması, doğru tanıda gecikme ve ek ve gereksiz tanı amaçlı testlere yol açar. Bu bakımdan temel analiz yöntemlerinin doğru ve eksiksiz yapılması gerekmektedir. Hastaneye getirilen hayvanlarda görülen vakalardan doğru teşhis yapabilmek için test parametrelerinin artırılması gerekmektedir. Metot: Veteriner Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi bünyesinde bulunan Klinik Laboratuvarında analiz cihazı olarak hemogram ve kan gazı cihazı bulunmaktadır. Proje kapsamında temin edilen yeni nesil analiz cihazlar ile sağlanan analiz gücü, akademisyen ve öğrenciler üzerine yapılan anketler ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Proje kapsamında, hemogram, biyokimya, idrar analiz, hormon analiz ve bağışıklık testi, endoskop forseps seti, diagnostik USG sistemi ve mikroskop görüntüleme sistemi temin edilmiştir. Yeni analiz ve teşhis yöntemlerinin etkisi iki farklı anket ile ölçülmüştür. Ankete, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi bünyesinde çalışan ve öğrenim gören; 24 hekim ve 76 intörn öğrenci katılmıştır. Birinci anket, analiz çeşitliliğinin hekim memnuniyeti üzerine etkisi şeklinde olmuştur. İkinci anket, analiz çeşitliliğinin intörn öğrencilerin hastalık-tanı-teşhis ve tedavi ilişkisini öğrenme süreçlerine etkisi olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Klinik laboratuvar analiz çeşitliliği genel olarak öğrencileri memnun ettiği görülmüştür. Kliniklere proje kapsamında temin edilen teşhis ve tedavi cihazlarına öğrencilerin ulaşamaması, öğrencilerde memnuniyetsizlik oluşturmuştur. Yeni cihazlar hekimlerin memnuniyetini artırırken, temin edilemeyen cihazlar için olumsuz geri dönüş alınmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Hayvan hastanesi, klinik laboratuvar, müşteri memnuniyeti, öğrenci eğitimiIt is very important to carry out laboratory analyzes in the clinical laboratories of animal hospitals providing health services, in order to diagnose diseases, differential diagnosis, determine the severity, monitor the treatment, and reveal an asymptomatic disease. In particular, clinical laboratories established within hospitals consist of equipment and departments that can perform the special tests required for the definitive diagnosis of diseases. For this reason, this project has been planned to complete the equipment to be used for diagnosis and analyzes in the Clinical Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Research and Practice Hospital. Laboratories produce commonly used test results and their final output depends on the accuracy of testing and reporting. The test results of the samples sent to the laboratories must be error-free and reliable. Incorrect or incomplete results; unnecessary treatment, treatment complications, failure to provide appropriate treatment, delay in correct diagnosis and additional and unnecessary diagnostic tests. In this respect, basic analysis methods should be done accurately and completely. In order to make a correct diagnosis, the test parameters need to be increased. In the Clinical Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Research and Practice Hospital, there are hemogram and blood gas analyzer as analysis devices. The necessity of performing different tests according to the need is increasing day by day. As a result, with this project, the number of devices in the Clinical Laboratory will be increased and different test parameters will be evaluated and the correct diagnosis and treatment method for diseases will be revealed. In addition, its contribution to customer satisfaction and student educatio

    Investigation of the toxic effect of a herbicide florasulam on ram testis cells and epididymal spermatozoa in vitro

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    2021/107Florasulam herbisit etkisine sahip bir zirai ilacıdır ve yeni nesil bir ilaç bileşeni olarak kullanımı yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, florasulamın koç testis hücreleri ve spermatozoa üzerindeki in vitro etkisini araştırmaktır. Spermalar yerel bir mezbahadan elde edilen koç testislerinden sağlanacak. Farklı florasulan dozlarına (0-1000 µg), farklı inkübasyon sürelerinde (0, 2, 4, ve 6 saat) 37 °C su banyosunda maruz bırakılan spermatozoa, motilitesi, canlılık, akrozom bütünlüğü, mitokondrial memran potansiyeli ve apaptozis yönünden değerlendirilecek. Koç testis hücreleri yine yerel bir mezbahadan elde edilen sığır testislerinden izole edilecek. 1.0x104 hücre/kuyucuk ve 1.5x106 hücre/kuyucuk, 96 ve 12 bölmeli hücre kültür plaklarında 24 saat inkübe edilecektir. Daha sonra farklı konsantrasyonlarda (0 - 1000 μg / ml) florasulam 48 saat süreyle hücrelere uygulanacak. Sitotoksisite, ticari WST-1 kiti kullanılarak kolorimetrik bir yöntemle ölçülürken, hormon seviyeleri elektrokemilüminesans immünoassay ile ölçüleçek.Florasulam has a herbicide effect and used in agriculture to control. Its use is becoming widespread as a new generation pesticide ingredient. The point of this study is to investigate the in vitro effect of florasulam on ram testicular cells and spermatozoa. The sperm will be collected from the ram testes obtained from a local slaughterhouse. Motility, viability, acrosome integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) exposed to florasulan doses between (0--1000 µg), were evaluated at different incubation time (0, 2, 4, and 6 h) in 37 ℃ in water bath. The cells will be isolated from the bovine testes obtained from a local slaughterhouse. 1.0x104cell/well and 1.5x106 cell/well will be seeded in 96-well and 12-well culture and will be incubated for 24 h for attachment. After that, florasulam treatment at different concentrations (0 -- 1000 μg/ml) was applied to cells for 48 h. Cytotoxicity was measured with a colorimetric method using commercial WST-1 kit and hormone levels were measured by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay

    Dimethyl Ether Synthesis over Novel Silicotungstic Acid Incorporated Nanostructured Catalysts

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    Dimethyl ether (DME), which is an excellent green diesel-fuel alternate with excellent clean burning properties, is synthesized by dehydration of methanol over novel solid acid catalysts, which are synthesized following a direct hydrothermal route and using silicotungstic acid (STA) as the active compound. These mesoporous silicate structured catalysts have surface area values of 108-393 m(2)/g, depending upon their W/Si ratio. These catalysts showed very high methanol dehydration activity and also very high DME selectivity values, approaching 100%. The STA-SiO2 mesoporous nanocomposite catalyst having a W/Si atomic ratio of 0.33 showed the highest activity, with a DME selectivity over 99% and a methanol conversion over 60%, at 250 degrees C and at a space time of 0.27 s.g.cm(-3). Effects of W/Si atomic ratio, calcination temperature and the synthesis procedure on the catalytic performance of these novel mesoporous catalytic materials were investigated

    Microwave-assisted ammonia decomposition reaction over iron incorporated mesoporous carbon catalysts

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    Microwave-assisted ammonia decomposition reaction was investigated to produce COx free hydrogen, for fuel cell applications. Iron incorporated mesoporous carbon catalysts were prepared at different metal loadings, following an impregnation procedure. Mesoporous carbon acted as the catalyst support, as well as the microwave receptor. Complete conversion of ammonia was achieved at 450 degrees C over the catalyst having 7.7 wt% Fe, when the reaction was carried out in the microwave reactor system, using pure ammonia (GHSV of 36000 ml/h gut). However, in the case of using the conventionally heated reactor, complete conversion of ammonia was achieved only at 600 degrees C. Iron oxides, namely maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) simultaneously appeared in the structure of the synthesized catalysts, after their calcination at 450 degrees C, under pure N-2 flow. Iron oxides present in the calcined catalytic materials then were reduced to metallic iron at 500 degrees C. Formation of iron carbide crystals was observed in the structure of spent catalysts that were used in microwave reactor system, while metallic iron crystals were still present in the catalysts that were tested in conventionally heated system

    Hydrogen production over molybdenum loaded mesoporous carbon catalysts in microwave heated reactor system

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    Ammonia decomposition reaction to produce COx free hydrogen over molybdenum incorporated mesoporous carbon based catalysts was studied in a microwave heated reactor system. Mesoporous carbon is acting as the catalyst support as well as the microwave receptor in the reaction medium. While the highest conversion value was 49% in conventionally heated reaction system at 600 degrees C, total conversion value was achieved over the same catalyst at 400 degrees C in microwave heated system with a GHSV of 36,000 ml/hg(cat). Transfer of microwave energy directly to the active particles, volumetric heating and hot spot formation are the main reasons of this great enhancement. While molybdenum nitride was observed under conventional heating, molybdenum carbide was formed in case of microwave application which could be another improving effect on catalytic activity of molybdenum incorporated mesoporous catalysts

    Investigation of the effects of storage period for frozen bull semen on in vitro embryo production [Dondurulmuş boğa sperması muhafaza süresinin in vitro embriyo üretimi üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi]

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    The aim of this study was to investigate some spermatological parameters of frozen Brown Swiss bull semen 32 years ago by flow cytometry and to determine how storage time in liquid nitrogen affects in vitro embryo production ratios. For this purpose, early necrotic, necrotic, viable and apoptotic spermatozoa concentrations were analyzed using the Flow Cytometry and then the in vitro fertilization abilities of these sperms were investigated. AnnexinV/PI-FITC® was used to determine the apoptotic changes with flow cytometric analysis. Oocytes were obtained from slaughtered cows in a local abattoir. Brown Swiss semen, frozen in the last two years, were used for the control group. Early necrotic spermatozoa levels in semen frozen 32 years ago were lower but necrotic spermatozoa levels were higher than in the control group, but the opposite result was encountered in the control group (P<0.01) according to flow cytometry findings. The cleavage ratio in vintage spermatozoa was found to be lower than in the control group (P<0.0z), the blastocyst ratio was also lower than in the control group (P<0.01). As a result, it was observed that some spermatological parameters can be changed negatively and it can be said that a long storage period may lower the fertility capabilities of Brown Swiss bull semen. © 2019, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi. All rights reserved

    Methanol dehydration reaction to produce clean diesel alternative dimethylether over mesoporous aluminosilicate-based catalysts

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    Due to its good burning characteristics and high cetane number, dimethylether (DME) is considered as a highly attractive and clean alternative to diesel fuel. This ether can be produced by methanol dehydration reaction over solid acid catalysts. In the present study, activities of mesoporous aluminosilicate catalysts prepared by the hydrothermal synthesis route and containing Al/Si atomic ratios ranging between 0.03 and 0.18 were tested in methanol dehydration. The optimum Al/Si ratio was 0.09 for DME synthesis. Activity of silicotungstic acid (STA) impregnated aluminosilicate was also tested. This STA impregnated catalyst showed very high DME yield values at temperatures as low as 250 degrees C. DME selectivity approached unity for all the aluminosilicate catalysts over 300 degrees C

    Dimethyl ether, diethyl ether & ethylene from alcohols over tungstophosphoric acid based mesoporous catalysts

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    Tungstophosphoric acid (TPA) incorporated silicate structured new mesoporous catalysts were synthesized following one-pot hydrothermal and impregnation procedures. Surface area of TPA@MCM-41, which was prepared by impregnating TPA into MCM-41, was two orders of magnitude higher than the surface area of pure TPA and this catalyst showed very high activity in dehydration reactions of both ethanol and methanol. Ethanol fractional conversion values reaching to 1.0 was obtained at 300 degrees C at a space time of 0.27 s.g/cm(3), over TPA@MCM-41. Diethyl ether selectivity showed a decreasing trend by increasing temperature from 180 to 400 degrees C in ethanol dehydration reaction. Ethylene yield values approaching to 100% were obtained at temperatures over 250 degrees C. DME yield passed through a maximum at about 200 degrees C with this catalyst, over which coke formation caused catalyst deactivation. One-pot hydrothermal synthesis procedure was very successful to synthesize a catalyst (TRC-W40) which did not lose any activity after repeated washing steps. This catalyst gave highly stable catalytic performance in dehydration of both ethanol and methanol. Well dispersed WOx clusters were formed within the mesoporous silicate matrix of this material. This catalyst showed very good activity in dehydration reactions of alcohols, giving 100% conversion in ethanol dehydration at 400 degrees C and 100% DME selectivity in methanol dehydration at temperatures less than 300 degrees C