9,043 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength study of the starburst galaxy NGC7714. I: Ultraviolet-Optical spectroscopy

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    We have studied the physical conditions in the central 300 pc of the proto-typical starburst galaxy NGC 7714. Our analysis is based on ultraviolet spectroscopy with the HST+GHRS and ground-based optical observations.The data are interpreted using evolutionary models optimized for young starburst regions. The massive stellar population is derived in a self-consistent way using the continuum and stellar absorption lines in the ultraviolet and the nebular emission line optical spectrum. The central starburst has an age of about 4.5 Myr, with little evidence for an age spread. Wolf-Rayet features at the ultraviolet indicates a stellar population of \sim 2000 Wolf-Rayet stars. The overall properties of the newly formed stars are quite similar to those derived, e.g., in 30 Doradus. A standard Salpeter IMF is consistent with all observational constraints. We find evidence for spatial structure within the central 300 pc sampled. Therefore it is unlikely that the nucleus of NGC 7714 hosts a single star cluster exceeding the properties of other known clusters. Contrary to previous suggestions, we find no evidence for a nuclear supernova rate that would significantly exceed the total disk-integrated rate. About one supernova event per century is predicted.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures in a tar file. Accepted for publication in ApJ, 1999, March, issue 51

    AVOCADO: A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins

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    Dwarf galaxies are by far the most abundant of all galaxy types, yet their properties are still poorly understood -especially due to the observational challenge that their intrinsic faintness represents. AVOCADO aims at establishing firm conclusions on their formation and evolution by constructing a homogeneous, multiwavelength dataset for a statistically significant sample of several thousand nearby dwarfs (-18 < Mi < -14). Using public data and Virtual Observatory tools, we have built GALEX+SDSS+2MASS spectral energy distributions that are fitted by a library of single stellar population models. Star formation rates, stellar masses, ages and metallicities are further complemented with structural parameters that can be used to classify them morphologically. This unique dataset, coupled with a detailed characterization of each dwar's environment, allows for a fully comprehensive investigation of their origins and to track the (potential) evolutionary paths between the different dwarf types.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 277, "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies on the Land of our Ancestors", Carignan, Freeman, and Combes, ed

    LINER/H II "Transition" Nuclei and the Nature of NGC 4569

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    Motivated by the discovery of young, massive stars in the nuclei of some LINER/H II ``transition'' nuclei such as NGC 4569, we have computed photoionization models to determine whether some of these objects may be powered solely by young star clusters rather than by accretion-powered active nuclei. The models were calculated with the photoionization code CLOUDY, using evolving starburst continua generated by the the STARBURST99 code of Leitherer et al. (1999). We find that the models are able to reproduce the emission-line spectra of transition nuclei, but only for instantaneous bursts of solar or higher metallicity, and only for ages of ~3-5 Myr, the period when the extreme-ultraviolet continuum is dominated by emission from Wolf-Rayet stars. For clusters younger than 3 Myr or older than 6 Myr, and for models with a constant star-formation rate, the softer ionizing continuum results in an emission spectrum more typical of H II regions. This model predicts that Wolf-Rayet emission features should appear in the spectra of transition nuclei. While such features have not generally been detected to date, they could be revealed in observations having higher spatial resolution. Demographic arguments suggest that this starburst model may not apply to the majority of transition nuclei, particularly those in early-type host galaxies, but it could account for some members of the transition class in hosts of type Sa and later. The starburst models during the Wolf-Rayet-dominated phase can also reproduce the narrow-line spectra of some LINERs, but only under conditions of above-solar metallicity and only if high-density gas is present (n_e >~ 10^5 cm^{-3}). This scenario could be applicable to some ``Type 2'' LINERs which do not show any clear signs of nonstellar activity.Comment: To appear in PASP. 22 pages, includes 9 figures, uses AASTeX v5.

    The Nature of LINERs

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    We present JJ-band (1.151.35μ1.15-1.35 \mum) spectroscopy of a sample of nine galaxies showing some degree of LINER activity (classical LINERs, weak-[O {\sc i}] LINERs and transition objects), together with HH-band spectroscopy for some of them. A careful subtraction of the stellar continuum allows us to obtain reliable [Fe {\sc ii}]1.2567μ1.2567 \mum/Paβ\beta line ratios. We conclude that different types of LINERs (i.e., photoionized by a stellar continuum or by an AGN) cannot be easily distinguished based solely on the [Fe {\sc ii}]1.2567μ1.2567 \mum/Paβ\beta line ratio. The emission line properties of many LINERs can be explained in terms of an aging starburst. The optical line ratios of these LINERs are reproduced by a model with a metal-rich H {\sc ii} region component photoionized with a single stellar temperature T=38,000T_* = 38,000 K, plus a supernova remnant (SNR) component. The [Fe {\sc ii}] line is predominantly excited by shocks produced by SNRs in starbursts and starburst-dominated LINERs, while Paβ\beta tracks H {\sc ii} regions ionized by massive young stars. The contribution from SNRs to the overall emission line spectrum is constrained by the [Fe {\sc ii}]1.2567μ1.2567 \mum/Paβ\beta line ratio. Although our models for aging starbursts are constrained only by these infrared lines, they consistently explain the optical spectra of the galaxies also. The LINER-starburst connection is tested by predicting the time dependence of the ratio of the ionizing luminosity (LionL_{\rm ion}) to the supernova rate (SNr), LionL_{\rm ion}/(SNr). We predict the relative number of starbursts to starburst-dominated LINERs (aging starbursts) and show that it is in approximate agreement with survey findings for nearby galaxies.Comment: Accepted in ApJ (19 pages, 8 figures, uses emulateapj.sty

    Rationale of the association between Mediterranean diet and the risk of frailty in older adults and systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Frailty is a geriatric syndrome whose frequency is increasing in parallel with population aging and is of great interest due to its dire consequences: increased disability, hospitalizations, falls and fractures, institutionalization, and mortality. Frailty is multifactorial but nutritional factors, which are modifiable, play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Epidemiologic evidence supports that high-quality dietary patterns can prevent, delay or even reverse the occurrence of frailty. In order to add new knowledge bridging the gap as the main purpose of the present article we performed a comprehensive review of the rationale behind the association of MedDiet with frailty and a systematic review and meta-analysis updating the latest ones published in 2018 specifically examining the relationship of Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and incident frailty. Adding the updated information, our results confirmed a robust association of a higher adherence to MedDiet with reduced incident frailty. Key components of the MedDiet, i.e., abundant consumption of vegetables and fruit as well as the use of olive oil as the main source of fat, all of which have been associated with a lower incidence of frailty, may help explain the observed benefit. Future well-designed and sufficiently large intervention studies are needed to confirm the encouraging findings of the current observational evidence. Meanwhile, based on the existing evidence, the promotion of MedDiet, a high-quality dietary pattern, adapted to the conditions and traditions of each region, and considering lifelong and person-tailored strategies, is an open opportunity to reduced incident frailty. This could also help counteract the worrying trend towards the spread of unhealthy eating and lifestyle models such as those of Western diets that greatly contribute to the genesis of chronic non-communicable diseases and disability

    The Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) of the AMS experiment

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    The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment to be installed on the International Space Station (ISS) will be equipped with a proximity focusing Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector for measuring the electric charge and velocity of the charged cosmic particles. A RICH prototype consisting of 96 photomultiplier units, including a piece of the conical reflector, was built and its performance evaluated with ion beam data. Preliminary results of the in-beam tests performed with ion fragments resulting from collisions of a 158 GeV/c/nuc primary beam of Indium ions (CERN SPS) on a Pb target are reported. The collected data included tests to the final front-end electronics and to different aerogel radiators. Cherenkov rings for a large range of charged nuclei and with reflected photons were observed. The data analysis confirms the design goals. Charge separation up to Fe and velocity resolution of the order of 0.1% for singly charged particles are obtained.Comment: 29th International Conference on Cosmic Rays (Pune, India

    Synthetic spectra of H Balmer and HeI absorption lines. II: Evolutionary synthesis models for starburst and post-starburst galaxies

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    We present evolutionary stellar population synthesis models to predict the spectrum of a single-metallicity stellar population, with a spectral sampling of 0.3 A in five spectral regions between 3700 and 5000 A. The models, which are optimized for galaxies with active star formation, synthesize the profiles of the hydrogen Balmer series (Hb, Hg, Hd, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12 and H13) and the neutral helium absorption lines (HeI 4922, HeI 4471, HeI 4388, HeI 4144, HeI 4121, HeI 4026, HeI 4009 and HeI 3819) for a burst with an age ranging from 1 to 1000 Myr, and different assumptions about the stellar initial mass function. Continuous star formation models lasting for 1 Gyr are also presented. The input stellar library includes NLTE absorption profiles for stars hotter than 25000 K and LTE profiles for lower temperatures. The temperature and gravity coverage is 4000 K <Teff< 50000 K and 0.0< log g$< 5.0, respectively. The models can be used to date starburst and post-starburst galaxies until 1 Gyr. They have been tested on data for clusters in the LMC, the super-star cluster B in the starburst galaxy NGC 1569, the nucleus of the dwarf elliptical NGC 205 and a luminous "E+A" galaxy. The full data set is available for retrieval at http://www.iaa.es/ae/e2.html and at http://www.stsci.edu/science/starburst/, or on request from the authors at [email protected]: To be published in ApJS. 48 pages and 20 figure

    The AMS-RICH velocity and charge reconstruction

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    The AMS detector, to be installed on the International Space Station, includes a Ring Imaging Cerenkov detector with two different radiators, silica aerogel (n=1.05) and sodium fluoride (n=1.334). This detector is designed to provide very precise measurements of velocity and electric charge in a wide range of cosmic nuclei energies and atomic numbers. The detector geometry, in particular the presence of a reflector for acceptance purposes, leads to complex Cerenkov patterns detected in a pixelized photomultiplier matrix. The results of different reconstruction methods applied to test beam data as well as to simulated samples are presented. To ensure nominal performances throughout the flight, several detector parameters have to be carefully monitored. The algorithms developed to fulfill these requirements are presented. The velocity and charge measurements provided by the RICH detector endow the AMS spectrometer with precise particle identification capabilities in a wide energy range. The expected performances on light isotope separation are discussed.Comment: Contribution to the ICRC07, Merida, Mexico (2007); Presenter: F. Bara

    Actividades farmacológicas de la fosfolipasa A2 Ba SpII RP4 del veneno de Bothrops alternatus

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar actividades farmaco­lógicas (citotóxica, bactericida, agregante plaquetaria) y factores que afectan la actividad/ estabilidad de la fosfolipasa A2 (PLA2) aislada del veneno de Bothrops alternatus. Se utiliza­ron mioblastos/miotúbulos murinos (C2C12) y cepas bacterianas de Staphylococcus aureus (cepa ATCC 25923) y Escherichia coli (cepa ATCC 25922) para valorar respectivamente su acción miotóxica (in vitro) y bactericida, como así también líneas celulares epiteliales ma­marias normales (NMuMG) y tumorales (LM3) para detectar su posible aplicación en terapia oncológica. Con el fin de evaluar la acción inhibitoria de la PLA2 aislada sobre la agregación plaquetaria se empleó plasma rico en plaquetas y trombina como inductor fisiológico. Por último, se registraron los cambios en la actividad y estabilidad de la PLA2 a diferentes tem­peraturas (4-90ºC) mediante ensayo cinético, en tanto que, por hemólisis radial indirecta se hizo lo mismo para evaluar efecto del pH (2,5-10). La PLA2 mostró una acción inhibitoria so­bre la agregación plaquetaria dosis-dependiente. Presentó una alta estabilidad estructural al ser sometida a condiciones extremas de pH y temperatura durante varias horas, conservando la actividad catalítica prácticamente invariable. En cambio, cuando PLA2 fue evaluada sobre las diferentes líneas celulares, no produjo citotoxicidad (aún a dosis elevadas) ni efecto bac­tericida sobre las cepas utilizadas. Estos hallazgos amplían la caracterización de la enzima, una de las más abundantes del paquete proteico del veneno total de B. alternatus del nordeste argentino. A la vez, la inocuidad y estabilidad detectadas, permiten proponer a esta enzima como un inmunógeno alternativo en la producción de sueros antiofídicos.