1,601 research outputs found

    Leo Semyonovittch Vygotsky

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    Monodromy conjecture for log generic polynomials

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    A log generic hypersurface in P n with respect to a birational modification of P n is by definition the image of a generic element of a high power of an ample linear series on the modification. A log very-generic hypersurface is defined similarly but restricting to line bundles satisfying a non-resonance condition. Fixing a log resolution of a product f = f1 . . . fp of polynomials, we show that the monodromy conjecture, relating the motivic zeta function with the complex monodromy, holds for the tuple (f1, . . . , fp, g) and for the product fg, if g is log generic. We also show that the stronger version of the monodromy conjecture, relating the motivic zeta function with the Bernstein-Sato ideal, holds for the tuple (f1, . . . , fp, g) and for the product fg, if g is log very-generic. Even the case f = 1 is intricate, the proof depending on nontrivial properties of Bernstein-Sato ideals, and it singles out the class of log (very-) generic hypersurfaces as an interesting class of singularities on its own

    Decentralisatie: maatwerk of uniformiteit? Het Wmo-beleid van Nederlandse gemeenten

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    A main motive for policy decentralization is the belief that municipalities are better able to customize public policy to local circumstances, and to realize made-to-measure service provision. In this respect, the introduction of the Social Support Act (Wmo) is an interesting example. With the lack of ‘vertical’ accountability obligations to the national government, the Wmo is governmentally innovative. Whether the decentralization results in customized forms of social support is a fascinating one because a detailed reading of the Wmo and its implementation displays possible incentives as well as barriers to made-to-measure service provision. The empirical exploration in this article uses data from the 2007-2009 evaluation of the Wmo conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP). The evaluation shows that municipalities involve diverse stakeholders in formulating Wmo policy, and that their involvement seems to lead to customized service provision. At the same time, municipalities follow nationwide models, and information provided by the central government seems to have a major impact on local social care policy. The article concludes with an outlook on future directions in local debates on social care and the recommendation to give time for major decentralization trajectories such as the Wmo

    Het genetisch wetenschapsmodel van K. Bayertz

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    Vygotsky and Piaget. A collective monologue

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    Similarities between the theories of G.H. Mead and L.S. Vygotsky: An explanation?

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    Onderwijsontwikkelingen in de USSR

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    Early periods in the work of L.S. Vygotskij: The influence of Spinoza

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    Pierre Janet's relevance for a socio-cultural approach

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