55 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal

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    Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal was rapidly implemented by the National Institute of Health in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, in collaboration with more than 50 laboratories distributed nationwide. Methods By applying recent phylodynamic models that allow integration of individual-based travel history, we reconstructed and characterized the spatio-temporal dynamics of SARSCoV-2 introductions and early dissemination in Portugal. Results We detected at least 277 independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions, mostly from European countries (namely the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland), which were consistent with the countries with the highest connectivity with Portugal. Although most introductions were estimated to have occurred during early March 2020, it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 was silently circulating in Portugal throughout February, before the first cases were confirmed. Conclusions Here we conclude that the earlier implementation of measures could have minimized the number of introductions and subsequent virus expansion in Portugal. This study lays the foundation for genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal, and highlights the need for systematic and geographically-representative genomic surveillance.We gratefully acknowledge to Sara Hill and Nuno Faria (University of Oxford) and Joshua Quick and Nick Loman (University of Birmingham) for kindly providing us with the initial sets of Artic Network primers for NGS; Rafael Mamede (MRamirez team, IMM, Lisbon) for developing and sharing a bioinformatics script for sequence curation (https://github.com/rfm-targa/BioinfUtils); Philippe Lemey (KU Leuven) for providing guidance on the implementation of the phylodynamic models; Joshua L. Cherry (National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health) for providing guidance with the subsampling strategies; and all authors, originating and submitting laboratories who have contributed genome data on GISAID (https://www.gisaid.org/) on which part of this research is based. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government. This study is co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (234_596874175) on behalf of the Research 4 COVID-19 call. Some infrastructural resources used in this study come from the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Operational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biological aspects and damage evaluation of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) on cotton plants

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    Estudou-se a biologia comparada de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) em dois substratos naturais e avaliaram-se os danos causados na produção do algodoeiro, verificando-se também o número de estruturas frutíferas danificadas durante o período de atividade das lagartas em diferentes épocas de desenvolvimento da cultura. Os aspectos biológicos foram estudados em laboratório em sala de criação mantida a temperatura de 25±2ºC, com umidade relativa de 60±10% e fotoperiodo de 14 horas. Os substratos naturais utilizados foram folhas de algodoeiro da cultivar IAC-17 e folhas de milho híbrido HMD-7974. O efeito do inseto na produção do algodoeiro e no número de estruturas frutíferas danificadas foi estudado em condições de campo com a cultivar IAC-17. Em função dos dados biológicos obtidos, observou-se que o período larval e o número de instares encontrados foram influenciados pelo alimento fornecido, obtendo-se uma duração para o período larval de 22,67 e 16,02 dias, respectivamente; em algodoeiro e milho. O número de ínstares larvais foi 7 em algodoeiro e 6 em milho. Os machos de S. frugiperda são mais sensíveis à alteração de alimento, observando-se um alongamento na duração pupal quando as lagartas se desenvolvem em folhas de algodoeiro. A capacidade de postura foi afetada pelo substrato alimentar, sendo maior para as fêmeas provenientes de lagartas criadas em folhas de milho. O ciclo total (de ovo até a morte do adulto) foi de 43,36 e 38,14 dias, respectivamente, em algodoeiro e milho, mostrando, assim, um melhor desenvolvimento em milho. Para a avaliação dos danos causados pelas lagartas na produção do algodoeiro, utilizaram­se 4 níveis de infestação artificial aos 75 e 95 dias da germinação das plantas. Os danos foram avaliados através da produção de algodão em caroço, por parcela. As diferenças na produção em plantas infestadas aos 75 e 95 dias da germinação, comparadas com a testemunha, foram estatisticamente significativas para as infestações com 1, 2 e 4 lagartas por planta. Aos 75 dias, devido ao fato de existirem poucos órgãos frutíferos, a redução na produção deu-se devido ao ataque das lagartas aos ponteiros e aos caules, com corte parcial ou total. Na infestação aos 95 dias a produção diminuiu linearmente em relação aos diferentes níveis de infestação; nesta época as lagartas mostraram preferência pelas estruturas frutíferas do algodoeiro. Analisou-se também o número de estruturass frutiferas danificadas pelas lagartas em diferentes épocas de desenvolvimento da cultura. As épocas de infestação não causaram diferenças significativas. No entanto, o número de insetos afetou significativamente os danos provocados nas maçãs, e o dano total de estruturas frutiferas. Foi observado, ainda, que a lagarta de S. frugiperda destruiu, 3,78 estruturas frutíferas durante o seu desenvolvimento.This research deals with the study of the compared biology of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) on two natural diets. The damage in the cotton yield and the number of fruit structures damaged during the larvae activity in different times of the crop development were also evaluated. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions (temperature: 25±2ºC; Relative Humidity: 60&#10%; 14-hour photoperiod). The insect was reared on cotton leaves of the cultivar IAC-17 and leaves of the hybrid corn HMD-7974. The effect of the insect in the cotton yield and in the number of damaged fruit structures was studied on the cultivar IAC-17 in fiel d conditions. The data indicated that the larval period and the number of instars of S. frugiperda were influenced by the diet. The larval period lasted 22.67 days on cotton and 16.02 days on corn. The number of instares was 7 on cotton and 6 on corn. The males of S. frugiperda were more sensitive to food change for the pupal period was delayed when the larvae were reared on cotton leaves. The oviposition was higher in the females reared on cotton leaves. The life cycle (from egg to the adult death) was 43.36 and 38.14 days for insects reared on cotton and corn leaves, respectively. To evaluate the decrease in the cotton yield four levels of artificial infestation were used at 75 and 95 days from plant germination. The damage was evaluated on cotton seeds per plot. The differences in the yield of plants at 75 and 95 days from germination, when compared to the were statistically significant for the infestations of 1, 2 and 4 larvae per plant. At 75 days when the plants presented a low number of fruit organs, the yield decrease was due to the attack of larvae cutting partially of totally the shoots and stems. As to the infestation at 95 days the yield decreased lineally in relation to the different levels of infestation; at this time the larvae showed a preference for the fruit structures of the cotton plants. The number of fruit structures damaged by the larvae on different periods of the crop development was also observed. The periods of infestation did not present significant differences. However the number of insects did affect significantly the damage on the cotton bolls and the total damage of the fruit structures. The larva of S. frugiperda destroyed 3.78 fruit structures during its development

    AVALIAÇÃO DE DANOS Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) NO ALGODOEIRO CULTIVAR IAC-17 EVALUATION OF Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. SMITH, 1797) (LEPIDOPTERA, NOCTUIDAE) DAMAGES IN THE COTTON PLANT IAC-17 CULTIVAR

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    <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } --> <p class="western" align="justify">Com a finalidade de avaliar os danos causados por <em>Spodoptera</em> <em>frugiperda</em> (J. E. Smith, 1797) na produção do algodoeiro, foi conduzido o presente trabalho. Foram utilizados quatro níveis de infestação artificial aos 75 e 95 dias da germinação das plantas. As avaliações foram feitas através da produção de algodão em caroço, por parcela. As diferenças na produção em plantas infestadas aos 75 e 95 dias da germinação, comparadas com a testemunha, foram estatisticamente significativas para as infestações com 1, 2 e 4 lagartas por planta. Aos 75 dias, devido ao fato de existirem poucos órgãos frutíferos, a redução na produção deu-se devido ao ataque das lagartas aos ponteiros e aos caules, com corte parcial ou total. Na infestação aos 95 dias a produção diminuiu linearmente em relação aos diferentes níveis de infestação; nesta época as lagartas mostraram preferência pelas estruturas frutíferas do algodoeiro.</p> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } --> <p class="western" align="justify">This work was conducted with the purpose of evaluate the damages provoked by Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) in cotton-plant yield. To evaluate the decrease in the cotton yield four levels of artificial infestation were used at 75 and 95 days from plant germination. The damage was evaluated on cotton seeds per plot. The differences in the yield of infested plants at 75 and 95 days from germination, when compared to the check, were statistically significant for the infestations of 1, 2 and 4 larvae per plant. At 75 days when the plants presented a low number of fruit organs, the yield decrease was due to the attack of larvae cutting partially or totally the shoots and stems. As to the infestation at 95 days the yield decreased linearly in relation to the different levels of infestation; at this time the larvae showed a preference for the fruit structures of the cotton plants.</p&gt


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    <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } --> <p class="western" align="justify">Estudou-se os danos causados pelas lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) com relação ao número de estruturas frutíferas danificadas em diferentes épocas de desenvolvimento da cultura do algodoeiro, na cultivar "IAC—17". As épocas de infestação não causaram diferenças significativas. No entanto, o número de insetos afetou significativamente os danos provocados nas maçãs e o dano total de estruturas frutíferas. Foi observado que uma lagarta de S. frugiperda destruiu durante o seu desenvolvimento, 3,8 estruturas frutíferas.</p><!-- @page { margin: 2cm } --> <p class="western" align="justify">The damage caused by the larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) in relation to the number of fruit structures damaged by the larvae at different periods during the development of the cotton plant cultivar IAC-17, has been studied. The periods of infestation did not present significant differences. However, the number of insects affect significantly the damage to the cotton bolls and the total damage to the fruit structures. The larva of S. frugiperda destroyed 3.8 fruit structures during its development.</p&gt