9,315 research outputs found

    Thermal equilibrium of two quantum Brownian particles

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    The influence of the environment in the thermal equilibrium properties of a bipartite continuous variable quantum system is studied. The problem is treated within a system-plus-reservoir approach. The considered model reproduces the conventional Brownian motion when the two particles are far apart and induces an effective interaction between them, depending on the choice of the spectral function of the bath. The coupling between the system and the environment guarantees the translational invariance of the system in the absence of an external potential. The entanglement between the particles is measured by the logarithmic negativity, which is shown to monotonically decrease with the increase of the temperature. A range of finite temperatures is found in which entanglement is still induced by the reservoir.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Plasma Processing of Large Curved Surfaces for SRF Cavity Modification

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    Plasma based surface modification of niobium is a promising alternative to wet etching of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. The development of the technology based on Cl2/Ar plasma etching has to address several crucial parameters which influence the etching rate and surface roughness, and eventually, determine cavity performance. This includes dependence of the process on the frequency of the RF generator, gas pressure, power level, the driven (inner) electrode configuration, and the chlorine concentration in the gas mixture during plasma processing. To demonstrate surface layer removal in the asymmetric non-planar geometry, we are using a simple cylindrical cavity with 8 ports symmetrically distributed over the cylinder. The ports are used for diagnosing the plasma parameters and as holders for the samples to be etched. The etching rate is highly correlated with the shape of the inner electrode, radio-frequency (RF) circuit elements, chlorine concentration in the Cl2/Ar gas mixtures, residence time of reactive species and temperature of the cavity. Using cylindrical electrodes with variable radius, large-surface ring-shaped samples and d.c. bias implementation in the external circuit we have demonstrated substantial average etching rates and outlined the possibility to optimize plasma properties with respect to maximum surface processing effect

    Optimal irreversible stimulated emission

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    We studied the dynamics of an initially inverted atom in a semi-infinite waveguide, in the presence of a single propagating photon. We show that atomic relaxation is enhanced by a factor of 2, leading to maximal bunching in the output field. This optimal irreversible stimulated emission is a novel phenomenon that can be observed with state-of-the-art solid-state atoms and waveguides. When the atom interacts with two one-dimensional electromagnetic environments, the preferential emission in the stimulated field can be exploited to efficiently amplify a classical or a quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Projeto de sistema de informação para o laboratório de microbiologia agrícola e ambiental da Embrapa Clima Temperado.

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    Avaliação dos impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos do sistema de produção de leite a pasto na Fazenda Escola de Cachoeiras de Macacu.

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    Resumo: A Fazenda Escola de Cachoeiras de Macacu da Universidade Federal Fluminense está implantando um sistema de produção de leite a pasto. Entretanto, qualquer sistema de produção animal é capaz de trazer impactos ambientais importantes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos da implantação dessa tecnologia, utilizando-se o Sistema Ambitec-Agro, desenvolvido pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente. O índice geral de impacto da atividade foi de 0,99 (em escala ±15), observando-se impactos socioeconômicos positivos, mas potencial para ocorrência de impactos ambientais negativos. Sugere-se a adoção de técnicas alternativas de manejo para a mitigação desses impactos

    Norms as Emergent Properties of Adaptive Learning: The Case of Economic Routines

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    Strategic interaction among autonomous decision-makers is usually modelled in economics in game-theoretic terms or within the framework of General Equilibrium. Game-theoretic and General Equilibrium models deal almost exclusively with the existence of equilibria and do not analyse the processes which might lead to them. Even when existence proofs can be given, two questions are still open. The first concerns the possibility of multiple equilibria, which game theory has shown to be the case even in very simple models and which makes the outcome of interaction unpredictable. The second relates to the computability and complexity of the decision procedures which agents should adopt and questions the possibility of reaching an equilibrium by means of an algorithmically implementable strategy. Some theorems have recently proved that in many economically relevant problems equilibria are not computable. A different approach to the problem of strategic interaction is a "constructivist" one. Such a perspective, instead of being based upon an axiomatic view of human behaviour grounded on the principle of optimisation, focuses on algorithmically implementable "satisfycing" decision procedures. Once the axiomatic approach has been abandoned, decision procedures cannot be deduced from rationality assumptions, but must be the evolving outcome of a process of learning and adaptation to the particular environment in which the decision must be made. This paper considers one of the most recently proposed adaptive learning models: Genetic Programming and applies it to one the mostly studied and still controversial economic interaction environment, that of oligopolistic markets. Genetic Programming evolves decision procedures, represented by elements in the space of functions, balancing the exploitation of knowledge previously obtained with the search of more productive procedures. The results obtained are consistent with the evidence from the observation of the behaviour of real economic agents

    A Fabry-Perot interferometer with quantum mirrors: nonlinear light transport and rectification

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    Optical transport represents a natural route towards fast communications, and it is currently used in large scale data transfer. The progressive miniaturization of devices for information processing calls for the microscopic tailoring of light transport and confinement at length scales appropriate for the upcoming technologies. With this goal in mind, we present a theoretical analysis of a one-dimensional Fabry-Perot interferometer built with two highly saturable nonlinear mirrors: a pair of two-level systems. Our approach captures non-linear and non-reciprocal effects of light transport that were not reported previously. Remarkably, we show that such an elementary device can operate as a microscopic integrated optical rectifier

    Universal optimal broadband photon cloning and entanglement creation in one dimensional atoms

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    We study an initially inverted three-level atom in the lambda configuration embedded in a waveguide, interacting with a propagating single-photon pulse. Depending on the temporal shape of the pulse, the system behaves either as an optimal universal cloning machine, or as a highly efficient deterministic source of maximally entangled photon pairs. This quantum transistor operates over a wide range of frequencies, and can be implemented with today's solid-state technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure