19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the use of chemometric methods in soil analysis

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    One of the major interests in soil analysis is the evaluation of its chemical, physical and biological parameters, which are indicators of soil quality (the most important is the organic matter). Besides there is a great interest in the study of humic substances and on the assessment of pollutants, such as pesticides and heavy metals, in soils. Chemometrics is a powerful tool to deal with these problems and can help soil researchers to extract much more information from their data. In spite of this, the presence of these kinds of strategies in the literature has obtained projection only recently. The utilization of chemometric methods in soil analysis is evaluated in this article. The applications will be divided in four parts (with emphasis in the first two): (i) descriptive and exploratory methods based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA); (ii) multivariate calibration methods (MLR, PCR and PLS); (iii) methods such as Evolving Factor Analysis and SIMPLISMA; and (iv) artificial intelligence methods, such as Artificial Neural Networks.23454755

    Análise integrada de sistemas de produção de tomateiro com base em indicadores edafobiológicos.

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    A análise integrada de indicadores edafobiológicos ligados ao manejo do solo constitui uma ferramenta importante para estimar níveis de sustentabilidade do agroecossistema, detectando-se pontos críticos para a devida correção de manejo. Essa ferramenta foi empregada na avaliação de sistemas de produção orgânica e convencional de tomate, em cultivo protegido e a campo aberto, no estado de São Paulo. Tomaram-se como referência solos de mata nativa e/ou pastagem natural, dependendo do local de estudo. Em Serra Negra, o solo sob sistema orgânico apresentou maior capacidade de campo e teor de argila dispersa mais baixo, indicativos da estabilidade dos agregados. No sistema convencional observou-se uma elevada condutividade elétrica, evidenciando a alta disponibilidade de sais solúveis. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) permitiu concluir que há maior grau de similaridade entre o solo sob sistema orgânico e aqueles das bases referenciais, com respeito aos indicadores químicos e biológicos. Constatou-se que C org, N total, polissacarídeos, FDA (hidrólise de diacetato de fluoresceína) e atividade enzimática de desidrogenase estão positivamente relacionados com o sistema orgânico, a mata nativa e a pastagem. Em contrapartida, a saturação por bases (V%), pH, teores de Mn, Mg e Ca, bem como a razão de dispersão estão inversamente relacionadas ao manejo orgânico. Já em Araraquara, os resultados da ACP distinguiram as áreas organicamente cultivadas das matas nativas, principalmente, com base nos indicadores biológicos

    Discrimination of management effects on soil parameters by using principal component analysis: a multivariate analysis case study

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    One of the major interests in soil analysis is the integrated evaluation of soil properties, which might be indicators of soil quality. Unsupervised methods of multivariate statistics are powerful tools for this integrated assessment and can help soil researchers to extract much more information from their data. A multivariate study was carried out in three farms from Guaira, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Conventionally managed plots that intensively utilized pesticides and chemical fertilizers were compared with both non-disturbed forest areas and alternatively managed plots. The latter were under ecological farming employing effective microorganisms (EM) integrated with crop residues. Eight soil parameters were determined for each plot. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to verify the similarity among the plots. The multivariate approach of principal component analysis (PCA) allowed us to distinguish the areas as a function of the soil management and determine which are the most important parameters to characterize them. The forest areas presented higher microbial biomass with lower cellulolytics population than at cultivated sites. The alternative plots were characterized by higher microbial biomass and polysaccharide content with lower phosphate solubilizers and cellulolytics microorganisms colony counts than at the conventional areas. The higher observed levels of microbial biomass and polysaccharide content in the alternative areas can be attributed to the effects of the alternative soil amendment. All these effects can be clearer globally visualized with the aid of PCA, through the biplots. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.67217118

    Qualidade do solo em sistemas de produção de hortaliças orgânico e convencional Soil quality in organic and conventional vegetables production systems

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    Sendo o solo um dos principais pilares de sustentabilidade de todo sistema de produção, a análise integrada dos atributos edafobiológicos pode constituir-se em ferramenta importante para avaliar a qualidade do mesmo. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do solo em função das práticas agrícolas adotadas, mediante a análise integrada de atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2006 e 2007 nas microrregiões de Ibiúna e Socorro, no estado de São Paulo, em pequenas propriedades familiares orgânicas e convencionais. Foram avaliados os atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos, mediante coletas de amostras de solos sob cultivo de hortaliças e em solos de mata ou pastagem. O levantamento de dados sobre as práticas agrícolas foi realizado em cada sistema de produção. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de componentes principais (ACP). A ACP identificou maior grau de similaridade entre os solos sob cultivo em Socorro e suas respectivas testemunhas que os solos de Ibiúna, nitidamente separados em função do seu uso (mata ou cultivo) e indicando melhor manejo dos mesmos em Socorro. De maneira geral, concluiu-se que as práticas agrícolas utilizadas na maioria das propriedades orgânicas e convencionais favoreceram a degradação do solo, devida principalmente ao revolvimento intensivo e à ausência de cobertura do solo. Estes fatores provocaram redução dos teores de matéria orgânica do solo, da biomassa microbiana, da emergência de plântulas e da estabilidade de agregados nas áreas de cultivo em relação às áreas testemunhas.<br>The soil is one of the most important sustainability columns of the production system. The integrated analysis of the edaphobiological attributes can be an important tool for soil quality evaluation. We evaluated the soil quality regarding the adopted agriculture practices, using the integrated analysis of physical, chemical and biological attributes. The research was carried out in Ibiúna and Socorro, São Paulo state, Brazil, in organic and conventional production, on small and family farms. Physical, chemical and biochemical parameters were evaluated during 2006 and 2007 in soils under vegetable cultivation, native forest or fallow, taken as reference of natural soil. Agricultural practices data were collected in each production system. The obtained data were submitted to principal component analysis (PCA). There was no pronounced grouping trend according to the production system, organic or conventional, but there was a grouping according to the soil use (forest/fallow land or cultivation). The PCA identified greater degree of similarity between Socorro's cultivation soil and its respective controls compared to Ibiuna's soil, clearly separated according to its use (forest or cropping), indicating better soil management in Socorro. In general, the results allow to conclude that agricultural practices in most of both organic and conventional production systems, caused soil degradation, due to, mainly, intensive soil tillage and no soil mulching, as indicated by the reduction of soil organic matter, microbial biomass, plant emergence and aggregate stability in cultivated areas relative to control ones