30 research outputs found

    Comparison of superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4 and copper oxides

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    To compare the superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems with the antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the copper oxides and with the ferromagnetic fluctuations in Sr_2RuO_4 a t-J-I model is proposed. The antiferromagnetic coupling J results in the superconducting state of d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry and the ferromagnetic coupling constant I results in the spin-triplet p-type state. The difference in the gap anisotropies provides the large difference in T_c values, for the typical values of the coupling constants: T_c of order of 1K for the ruthenate and T_c of order of 100K for the cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, RevTEX, 3 figs. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Research of the state of internal surfaces of a supercritical water loop after a session of irradiation

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    Made of austenitic steel at the NSC KIPT, the supercritical water convection loop Loop-1a was running for more than 500 hours in the first experimental session (in 2011). The materials tested in the loop were placed into a stream of water (more than 50 g/s) at a temperature of 350…400°C, a pressure of 23… 25 MPa, and were irradiated by an electron beam with an energy of 10 MeV. Sediments that emerged on the inner surface of the loop were examined. The sediment mainly consisted of compounds of calcium and iron mixed with other elements. There is a possibility to increase corrosion induced by radiation due to dislocation damage, hydrogenation of metal and under the impact of active oxygen.Виготовлена з аустенітної стали в ННЦ ХФТІ надкритична водяна конвекційна петля Loop-1a в першому експериментальному сеансі (2011 рік) пропрацювала понад 500 год. Випробовувані у петлі матеріали перебували в потоці води (понад 50 г/с) при температурі 350…400°C, тиску 23…25 МПа і опромінювалися електронним пучком енергією 10 МеВ. Досліджували відкладення на внутрішній поверхні петлі, які складаються в основному із сполук кальцію і заліза з домішкою інших елементів. Можливе посилення корозії під дією випромінювання за рахунок дислокаційних ушкоджень, насичення воднем і активного кисню.Изготовленная из аустенитной стали в ННЦ ХФТИ сверхкритическая водяная конвекционная петля Loop-1a в первом экспериментальном сеансе (2011 год) проработала более 500 ч. Испытываемые в петле материалы находились в потоке воды (более 50 г/с) при температуре 350…400°C, давлении 23… 25 МПа и облучались электронным пучком энергией 10 МэВ. Исследовали отложения на внутренней поверхности петли, которые состоят в основном из соединений кальция и железа с примесью других элементов. Возможно усиление коррозии под действием излучения за счет дислокационных повреждений, наводорoживания и активного кислорода

    Factors Influencing the Success Of Autism Spectrum Disorders Overcoming

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    No more than 10—20% of children with autism, as becoming adults can adapt to a relatively independent life. Despite many publications dedicated to autism, relatively little work has examined the output characteristics and pathomorphosis of psychic and cognitive disorders in people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Only few longitudinal studies allow us to represent what happens in later life with people who have ASD. For conducting effective correctional interventions overcomingwith children with ASD there is need to identify predictors of successful overcome of disorders. The basis for the study, conducted by a team of psychologists and neuroscientists, was the assumption that the information about the features of violations of basic neurobiological mechanisms in people with autism spectrum disorders should determine the tactics of assistance. Genetic, neurophysiological and psychological factors, causing more successful overcoming of these disorders in children are revealed