34 research outputs found

    Chemical freeze-out of light nuclei in high energy nuclear collisions and resolution of the hyper-Triton chemical freeze-out puzzle

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    Indexación ScopusWe present a summary of the recent results obtained with the novel hadron resonance gas model with the multicomponent hard-core repulsion which is extended to describe the mixtures of hadrons and light (anti-, hyper-)nuclei. A very accurate description is obtained for the hadronic and the light nuclei data measured by STAR at the collision energy The most striking result discussed here is that for the most probable chemical freeze-out scenario for the STAR energy the found parameters allow us to reproduce the values of the experimental ratios S 3 and without fitting. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.https://iopscience-iop-org.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1690/1/01212

    Estimation, Interpretation and Prognostic Value of Height-and-Mass Indices in Overweight and Obese Children in Early Stages of Disease

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    In this paper we have analyzed such height-and-mass indexes as body mass index, fat body mass and lean body mass taking into account age of overweight and obese children; results of their study are presented, the importance of their calculation and prognostic significance has been proved

    Evaluation of the breeding and genetic potential of strawberry varieties and hybrids based on economically valuable traits

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    The study of the inherited features of the genotype and the directions of variability of breeding-valuable traits of strawberry varieties and hybrid forms is an integral part of most researches in the field of this crop breeding. The purpose of this work was to determine the most promising strawberry varieties and hybrid selections by a complex of economically significant characteristics based on the assessment of their selection and genetic potential. In the period 2018–2020, 7 varieties and 17 inter-variety hybrids of strawberry were studied. Using methods of multivariate mathematical statistics, including calculation of factor contributions, estimation of principal components, and cluster analysis of the hierarchical algorithm using the Ward method, the variability of strawberry genotypes in terms of crop structure and quality was estimated. It is shown that variety genotype makes a decisive contribution to the variability of the studied forms. The model of the ideal variety was used as a comparative criterion for promising varieties and hybrid selections. As a result of clustering and combining the studied forms in the intervals of Euclidean distances, a high assessment was made for the selection and genetic potential of strawberry varieties Onda, Belrubi, Florence and Nelli, as well as hybrid forms with their participation

    Neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoids) of the stomach and intestines - early diagnosis and minimally invasive endoscopic procedures

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    Background. Neuroendocrine tumors of the stomach and intestines are rare diseases. Increasing incidence and complexity of diagnosis of these diseases cause acuteness of the problem. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of morphological examination of endoscopic biopsy material for diagnostics of neuroendocrine tumors and for evaluation of completeness of minimally invasive endoscopic surgical interventions (endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection) at neuroendocrine tumors. Methods. On the basis of Medical center "Oberig" in 2009 - 2013 in eight cases neuroendocrine tumors were diagnosed: 2 (25 %) in the stomach, 2 (25%) – in the duodenum, 2 (25%) - in the small intestine, 1 (12.5 %) - in the ascending colon, 1 (12.5%) - in the rectum. Neuroendocrine tumors of stomach and ileum were removed by endoscopic mucosal resection, duodenal bulb and rectum neuroendocrine tumors – by endoscopic submucosal dissection, papillary duodenum, colon and jejunum neuroendocrine tumors – by surgical resection. Results. It was shown, that morphological evaluation of endoscopic mucosal biopsies is effective way to diagnose the neuroendocrine tumors. Conclusion. Endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection allows to get advanced material for morphological diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors and an adequate method of their removing Citation: Kuryk OG, Yakovenko VO, Bazdyrev VV, Bodnar LV. [Neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoids) of the stomach and intestines - early diagnosis and minimally invasive endoscopic procedures]. Morphologia. 2014;8(1):58-64. Ukrainian

    Problems of logistics management of a modern enterprise in the framework of increasing competitiveness

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    Стаття зосереджена на проблемах управління логістичними процесами в умовах зростаючої конкуренції. Узагальнено перелік сфер діяльності підприємства, де можна виявити резерви за рахунок скорочення логістичних витрат. Проведено дослідження «вузьких місць» у взаємодії логістичних компаній з клієнтами та запропоновані варіанти їх усунення.The article is concentrated on the problems of logistics processes management in the conditions of growing competition. The list of the enterprise activity spheres where it is possible to reveal reserves via reduction of logistic expenses is summarized. There is the study of "bottlenecks" in the interaction of logistics companies with customers and proposed options for their elimination


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    Излагаются особенности и основные этапы создания технологии сжатия изображений с контролируемой погрешностью. Технология строится на базе организации двумерного плавающего полиадического кодирования трансформант двумерного дискретного преобразования Уолша. Разрабатываются следующие методологические принципы: компактное представление видеоданных, с контролируемой погрешностью; формирования параметров процесса обработки, обеспечивающих увеличение степени сжатия изображений при сохранении заданного уровня достоверности. Сжатие изображений достигается за счет устранения комбинаторной и психовизуальной избыточности в трансформантах двумерного преобразования Уолша. Проводится оценка степени сжатия видеоданных в зависимости от класса обрабатываемых изображений.Висловлюються особливості і основні етапи створення технології стиснення зображень з контрольованою погрішністю. Технологія будується на базі організації двовимірного плаваючого поліадичного кодування трансформант двовимірного дискретного перетворення Уолша. Розробляються наступні методологічні принципи: компактне представлення відеоданих, з контрольованою погрішністю; формування параметрів процесу обробки, що забезпечують збільшення ступеня стиснення зображень при збереженні заданого рівня достовірності. Стиснення зображень досягається за рахунок скорочення комбінаторної і психовізуальної надмірності в трансформантах двовимірного перетворення Уолша. Проводиться оцінка ступеня стиснення відеоданих залежно від класу оброблюваних зображень.Features and basic stages of creation of technology of compression of images are expounded with the controlled error. Technology is built on the base of organization of the two measurings floating polyadical encoding of transforms of two measurings discrete transformation of Walsh. The followings methodological principles are developed: compact presentation of videoinformation, with the controlled error; formings of parameters of process of treatment, providing the increase of degree of compression of images at the maintainance of the set level of authenticity. The compression of images is arrived at due to the removal of combinatory and visual surplus in the transforms of two measurings transformation of Walsh. The estimation of degree of compression of videoinformation is conducted depending on the class of the processed images


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    Medical care quality assessment for patients with vertebro-spinal-cord injury at different stages in St.-Petersburg during year was performed. The first aid in the most cases (74,8%) was rendered by emergency service. A vertebro-spinal-cord injuries were not diagnosed by a staff of line and special medical aid brigades in 31,6-51,9%. The causes of incorrect diagnostics at hospital stage: insufficient and delayed patient examination, underestimation of injury severity in consequence of delayed use of neuro-imaging methods. Surgical operations for vertebro-spinal-cord injuries were performed in 59 (8%) cases. 43 (73%) patients needed in vertebral fixation.Проведена оценка качества медицинской помощи на различных ее этапах пациентам с сочетанной позвоночно-спинномозговой травмой в Санкт-Петербурге за год. Большинству пострадавших (74,8%) первая помощь была оказана службой скорой медицинской помощи. На догоспитальном этапе персоналом линейных и специализированных бригад позвоночно-спинномозговая травма не была диагностирована в 31,6-51,9% наблюдений. Причины дефектов диагностики на госпитальном этапе - недостаточное и несвоевременное обследование пациентов, недооценка тяжести травмы позвоночника и спинного мозга, что обусловлено поздним применением нейровизуализационных методов. Операции по поводу позвоночно-спинномозговой травмы проведены в 59 (8%) наблюдениях, из которых в 43 (73%) потребовалась фиксация позвоночника