544 research outputs found

    Experimental test of the probability density function of true value of Poisson distribution parameter by single observation of number of events

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    The empirical probability density function for the conditional distribution of the true value of Poisson distribution parameter on one measurement is constructed by computer experiment. The analysis of the obtained distributions confirms that these distributions are gamma-distributions.Comment: presented in the IX International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT'03), KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, December 1-5, 200

    Estimation and minimization of the influence of various supporting devices on the integral aerodynamic characteristics of the models of axisymmetric bodies and isolated helicopter fuselages in a low-speed wind tunnel

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    Estimation and minimization of influence of supporting devices on the aerodynamic characteristics of various bodies during the wind tunnel tests has always attracted considerable attention. The three-dimensional interference of a model and supports is quite complex. It depends on the type of the supporting devices, the character of the flow around the bodies, the angle of attack and the yaw angle. The influence of the suspension system causes the emergence of the systematic measurement errors. Corrections for this influence are especially important for well-streamlined wind-tunnel models (axisymmetric bodies, isolated fuselages of airplanes and modern helicopters.) Systematic experimental investigations were carried out in the wind tunnel of KNRTU-KAI in order to determine the influence of various supporting devices on the aerodynamic characteristics of axisymmetric bodies with different aspect ratios and helicopter fuselage models. The supports drag was minimized with the help of a single-panel suspension system, which was designed at the Aerodynamics department of MAI. This approach allowed to identify the influence of various suspension devices (bottom struts and side support stings) on the integral aerodynamic characteristics of various models. It also helped to estimate the nature (cause) and magnitude of the required corrections

    Mathematical modeling of burning surface in parallel flow of oxidant

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    Generalized model of holographic recording in photopolymer materials

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    The generalized diffusion model of holographic recording in photopolymer materials has been offered. The theoretical description of hologram formation process is based on the concept of free volume redistribution and using the generalized diffusion equation. Free volume is produced in photopolymer medium due to the polymer shrinkage effect. The developed theory allows to take into account influence of inhomogeneous monomer distribution during recording process and shrinkage rate on a kinetics of a hologram formation. The principal influence of the diffusion/polymerization rates ratio on the hologram properties has been shown. The offered model allows also to describe relief formation process on the surface of a recording layer


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    Ultrafine powders of cadmium oxide were obtained from the plasma-solution system. The powders obtained were examined with SEM, XRF, and TGA251-25


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    Aim: To carry out comparative molecular genetic analysis of highly pathogenic atypical Vibrio cholerae strains biovar El Tor, isolated in the territory of RF, in order to determine micro-evolutionary alterations of cholera agent in the modern period. Materials and methods: 38 clinical strains have been examined by means of polymerase chain reaction, sequencing and MLVA-analysis. The selected strains were isolated at different periods of time during cholera epidemic complications and differed between each other in virulence. Results: It is demonstrated that new variants have emerged in the course of short-term microevolution. Their genome structure and function differ from those of all previously known strains. The genome alterations have been caused by point mutations in ctxB и tcpA genes associated with virulence and located in CTXφ prophage and pathogenicity island VPI-1 respectively, as well as by the extended deletion in pandemicity island VSP-II. Presented is the dynamics of genome structure and function alterations in modern strains. Conclusion: The discovered genomic alterations in the new variants of the agent evolved in the process of microevolution are indicative of their epidemic potential enhancement and probability of virulence potentiation.Цель исследования: провести сравнительный молекулярно-генетический анализ высокопатогенных атипичных штаммов Vibrio cholerae биовара Эль-Тор, выделенных на территории Российской Федерации, для выявления микроэволюционных изменений возбудителя холеры в современный период. Материалы и методы: исследовали 38 клинических штаммов методами полимеразной цепной реакции, секвенирования и MLVA-анализа. Выбранные штаммы были выделены в разные временные периоды эпидемических осложнений по холере и различались между собой уровнем вирулентности. Рeзультаты: показано, что в ходе непродолжительной микроэволюции возникли новые варианты, структура и функция генома которых отличается от всех известных ранее штаммов. Изменения генома были обусловлены точковыми мутациями в генах ctxB и tcpA, связанных с вирулентностью и входящих в состав профага CTXφ и острова патогенности VPI-1, соответственно, а также протяженной делецией острова пандемичности VSP-II. Представлена динамика изменений структуры и функции генома современных штаммов. Выводы: установленные геномные изменения у новых вариантов возбудителя, возникшие в процессе микроэволюции, указывают на возможность усиления их вирулентности и повышение эпидемического потенциала

    Клинико-морфологическая диагностика кожных проявлений реакции «трансплантат против хозяина»

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    The graft-versus-host disease is a life-threatening complication of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, which demands fast and reliable diagnostics. Goal. To study clinical features of the graft-versus-host disease as well as differential and diagnostic value of histological and immunohistochemical signs in skin biopsy samples in case of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Materials and methods. The authors made a comparative assessment of clinical data available for patients suffering from acute GvHD (50 patients) and toxic dermatitis (10 patients). Skin biopsy samples taken from patients from both groups underwent postmortem and immunohistochemistry examinations: the drugs were stained with hematoxylin and eosin as well as by using anti-CD3, CD20, CD4, CD8, FOXP3, CD56, CD1a and CD 68 antibodies. Results. Based on the results of clinical data assessments, no significant differences in the groups were revealed. The morphological examination revealed that the number of eosinophils, CD8+, CD1a+, CD3+ and FOXP3+ cells and share of FOXP3+ cells among Т lymphocytes was higher in the group with toxic dermatitis. Conclusion. An integrated assessment of clinical data and morphological examination results accompanied by the analysis of the population composition of the infiltrate is needed to diagnose the acute GvHD.Кожная реакция «трансплантат против хозяина» является опасным осложнением аллогенной трансплантации костного мозга, требующим быстрой и точной диагностики. Цель. Изучить клинические особенности течения кожной формы реакции «трансплантат против хозяина» и дифференциально-диагностическое значение гистологических и иммуногистохимических признаков в биоптатах кожи при РТПХ. Материал и методы. Проведена сравнительная оценка клинических данных больных острой РТПХ (50 пациентов) и токсикодермией (10 пациентов). Исследованы патоморфологические и иммуногистохимические особенности в биоптатах кожи пациентов обеих групп: препараты окрашены гематоксилином и эозином, а также с помощью антител к CD3, CD20, CD4, CD8, FOXP3, CD56, CD1a, CD68. Результаты. При оценке клинических данных значимых различий в группах выявлено не было. При морфологическом исследовании установлено, что количество эозинофилов, CD8+ , CD1a+, CD3+, FOXP3+ клеток, доля FOXP3+ клеток среди Т-лимфоцитов оказалось достоверно больше в группе токсикодермии. Заключение. Для диагностики острой РТПХ необходима комплексная оценка клинических данных и результатов морфологического исследования с анализом популяционного состава инфильтрата

    Effects of plasma heating on the magnitude and distribution of plasma flows in the helical divertor of the Uragan-3M torsatron

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    Recently, a strong up-down asymmetry in the poloidal distributions of diverted plasma flows has been observed in the l = 3/m = 9 Uragan-3M torsatron, in many features similar to what have been observed in the l = 2 Heliotron E heliotron/torsatron. With this asymmetry, the predominant outflow of the diverted plasma is directed with the ion toroidal drift. On this basis, the asymmetry can be related to the space non-uniformity of the charged particle loss. In the work reported, the magnitude of divertor flow in U-3M and the vertical asymmetry in its distribution are studied as functions of the heating parameter P/, P being the power absorbed in the plasma, and are juxtaposed with corresponding P-related changes in the density and fast ion content in the plasma. As P/ increases, an increase of fast ion content and of particle loss, on the one hand, and an increase of divertor flow magnitude and of vertical asymmetry of the flow, on the other hand, are observed. A mutual accordance between these processes validates the hypothesis on a dominating role of fast particle loss in formation of vertical asymmetry of divertor flows in helical devices