8 research outputs found

    Small HSPs molecular weights as new indication to the hypothesis of segregated status of thermophilic relict Gmelinoides fasciatus among baikal and palearctic amphipods

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    Among the great diverse of Baikal fauna of amphipods (more than 350 species and subspecies) Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing 1899) takes the special place. It is characterized by a high morphological variability and wide thermal-adaptive possibilities. By common opinion G. fasciatus is a thermophilic relict segregated from other Baikal temperature sensitive amphipods' fauna. In present study we tested hypothesis of segregated status of G. fasciatus among some Baikal and some Palearctic amphipods using of heat-shock proteins’ (HSP) molecular weight as comparative biomarkers. We used heat-shock proteins (HSP) from two families: HSP70 and small HSP (sHSP) immunochemically related to α-crystalline. 15 species of Baikal amphipods from different genera and families and 2 Palearctic species from genus Gammarus were tested. It was shown, that molecular weights of HSP70 were the same in all investigated species and corresponds close to 70 kD. In the contrast, the molecular weights of sHSP in G. fasciatus was 37 kD and differed from all other species, in which molecular weights of sHSP were 35 kD. In sum, this study showed that sHSPs molecular weights may relate to evolutional differences between the close related species. Additionally, obtained data can be taken as new indication of segregated status of thermophilic relict G. fasciatus which linked with its phylogenetic history in Lake Baikal

    До 60-річчя від дня народження професора А.В. Єни

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    60-th anniversary of professor A.V. Yen

    Пам’яті Михайла Загульського

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    The Mikhaylo Zahul’sky long memor

    Empirical therapy for vulvovaginitis in reproductive-aged women in routine clinical practice

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    Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of empirical therapy with tergynan in reproductive-aged women in routine clinical practice. Subjects and methods. The TERRA multicenter post-registration observational study enrolled 430 reproductive-aged patients diagnosed with acute vulvovaginitis. Based on their complaints, clinical symptoms, and objective examination, the patients received empirical therapy with the combination antimicrobial drug Tergynan as a single vaginal tablet once daily for 10 days. Gynecological examination, pH-metry, and bacterioscopic and bacteriological examinations of discharge (Femoflor-16) were performed, and the time course of changes in clinical symptoms evaluated. Results. There was less vaginal discharge, a complete disappearance of unpleasant odor, and a feeling of vaginal itching and burning (74.5 and 67.1%, respectively). There were increases in the detection rate of Lactobacillus spp. by 2 times with a dissemination level of 106-107 CFU/ml, in the suppression of obligate anaerobic representatives (associations of Gardnerella vaginalis + Prevotella bivia + Porphyromonas spp., as well as Eubacterium spp.) by 5 times, facultative anaerobic bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and Streptococcus spp.) by 3 times, and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida by 2 times. Conclusion. This investigation demonstrated the high clinical (96.5%) and microbiological (97.3%) efficiency of empirical therapy with tergynan in 430 reproductive-aged women with acute nonspecific vulvovaginitis. © 2020, Bionika Media Ltd. All rights reserved