15 research outputs found
Результаты эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава с укорачивающей остеотомией по методике t. paavilainen при полном вывихе бедра
The purpose of the study was to analyze the medium- and long-term results of hip arthroplasty using Paavilainen technique in patients with the congenitally dislocated hip. Methods: From 2001 to 2012 180 operations were carried out were using the Paavilainen technique in 140 patients with high dislocation of the hip (Crowe IV). All patients were clinically evaluated using the Harris Hip Score (HHS), VAS and radiography. Statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation coefficients, multiple regression analysis and classification trees analysis. Results: The average Harris score improved from preoperative 41.6 (40,3-43,5) to 79.3 (77,9-82,7) at final follow-up, and the difference was significant. Early complications were 9% (the most frequent were fractures of the proximal femur), later - 16.7% (pseudoarthrosis of the greater trochanter, 13.9%; disclocations-1,1%, aseptic loosening of the components - 1.7%), reoperation performed in 8.3% of cases. Such factors as age and limb length has statistically significant effect on functional outcomes. Established predictive model allows to get the best possible functional outcome in such patients with severe dysplasia. Conclusions: Total Hip arthroplasty using the Paavilainen technique is an effective method of surgical treatment in patients with the congenitally dislocated hip, but it is technically difficult operation with a high incidence of complications in comparison with standard primary total hip replacement.Цель работы - оценка среднесрочных и отдаленных результатов эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава с укорачивающей остеотомией бедра по методике Paavilainen у пациентов с полным вывихом бедра. Материал и методы. За период с 2001 по 2012 год выполнено 180 операций по методике T. Paavilainen у 140 больных с высоким вывихом бедра (Crowe IV). Операция выполнялась одним хирургом и представляла собой эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава, сопровождающееся укорачивающей остеотомией бедра с транспозицией большого вертела на наружную поверхность диафиза и его фиксацией при помощи проволочного серкляжа и винтов. Все пациенты оценивались клинически, рентгенологически, с помощью шкал Харриса и ВАШ до и после операции. Полученные в процессе исследования данные обрабатывались с использованием статистических методов: корреляционного анализа с использованием коэффициентов Пирсона, Gamma, метода регрессии и многофакторного анализа методом классификационных деревьев. Результаты. При анализе среднесрочных и отдаленных результатов средний балл по Харрису вырос в среднем с 41,6 (95% ДИ от 40,3 до 43,5) до 79,3 (95% ДИ от 77,9 до 82,7). Ранние осложнения составили 9%, (наиболее частыми были трещины проксимального отдела бедренной кости), поздние - 16,7% (ложный сустав и замедленная консолидация большого вертела - 13,9%; вывихи - 1,1%; асептическое расшатывание компонентов - 1,7%), повторные оперативные вмешательства выполнены в 8,3% случаях. Выявлено статистически значимое влияние возраста и изменения длины конечности на результаты операции. Построена прогностическая модель, позволяющая определить, в каком возрасте и с какими техническими особенностями необходимо оперировать таких пациентов для получения максимально возможного функционального результата. Выводы. Эндопротезирование тазобедренного с использованием методики Paavilainen является эффективным методом хирургического лечения высокого вывиха бедра, однако сопряжено со значительными техническими трудностями и высокой частотой осложнений в сравнении со стандартным первичным эндопротезированием
Fictive Impurity Models: an Alternative Formulation of the Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Method
"Cluster" extensions of the dynamical mean field method to include longer
range correlations are discussed. It is argued that the clusters arising in
these methods are naturally interpreted not as actual subunits of a physical
lattice but as algorithms for computing coefficients in an orthogonal function
expansion of the momentum dependence of the electronic self-energy. The
difficulties with causality which have been found to plague cluster dynamical
mean field methods are shown to be related to the "ringing" phenomenon familiar
from Fourier analysis. The analogy is used to motivate proposals for simple
filtering methods to circumvent them. The formalism is tested by comparison to
low order perturbative calculations and self consistent solutions
Effect of local Coulomb interactions on the electronic structure and exchange interactions in Mn12 magnetic molecules
We have studied the effect of local Coulomb interactions on the electronic
structure of the molecular magnet Mn12-acetate within the LDA+U approach. The
account of the on-site repulsion results in a finite energy gap and an integer
value of the molecule's magnetic moment, both quantities being in a good
agreement with the experimental results. The resulting magnetic moments and
charge states of non-equivalent manganese ions agree very well with
experiments. The calculated values of the intramolecular exchange parameters
depend on the molecule's spin configuration, differing by 25-30% between the
ferrimagnetic ground state and the completely ferromagnetic configurations. The
values of the ground-state exchange coupling parameters are in reasonable
agreement with the recent data on the magnetization jumps in megagauss magnetic
fields. Simple estimates show that the obtained exchange parameters can be
applied, at least qualitatively, to the description of the spin excitations in
Mn12-acetate.Comment: RevTeX, LaTeX2e, 4 EPS figure
Heisenberg-exchange-free nanoskyrmion mosaic
Contains fulltext :
201641.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access
Reconstruction of classical skyrmions from Anderson towers: quantum Darwinism in action
The development of the quantum skyrmion concept is aimed at expanding the scope of the fundamental research and practical applications for classical topologically-protected magnetic textures, and potentially paves the way for creating new quantum technologies. Undoubtedly, this calls for establishing a connection between a classical skyrmion and its quantum counterpart: a skyrmion wave function is an intrinsically more complex object than a non-collinear configuration of classical spins representing the classical skyrmion. Up to date, such a quantum-classical relation was only established on the level of different physical observables, but not for classical and quantum states per se. In this work, we show that the classical skyrmion spin order can be reconstructed using only the low-energy part of the spectrum of the corresponding quantum spin Hamiltonian. This can be done by means of a flexible symmetry-free numerical realization of Anderson's idea of the towers of states (TOS) that allows one to study known, as well as unknown, classical spin configurations with a proper choice of the loss function. We show that the existence of the TOS in the spectrum of the quantum systems does not guarantee a priori that the classical skyrmion magnetization profile can be obtained as an outcome of the actual measurement. This procedure should be complemented by a proper decoherence mechanism due to the interaction with the environment. The later selects a specific combination of the TOS eigenfunctions before the measurement and, thus, ensures the transition from a highly-entangled quantum skyrmionic state to a classical non-collinear magnetic order that is measured in real experiments. The results obtained in the context of skyrmions allow us to take a fresh look at the problem of quantum antiferromagnetism
The authors performed the comparative analysis of radiographs of two groups of patients with severe dysplastic coxarthrosis who underwent total hip replacement with osteotomy of T. Paavilainen and without it. The study revealed significant differences in the results: the degree of leg lengthening and the degree of displacement of the greater trochanter with the restoration of the anatomical center of rotation using osteotomy on T Paavilainen significantly greater than with a standard prosthesis. The average limb lengthening without osteotomy was 29.1 mm, 95% confidence interval (from 24.5 to 33.6), and using osteotomy - 45.7 mm (from 41.8 to 49.6) (p 0.0001). The average displacement of the greater trochanter without osteotomy was 27.2 mm, 95% confidence interval (from 22.8 to 31.6), and with osteotomy - 61.4 mm (from 54.4 to 68.4) (p 0, 0001).Проведён сравнительный анализ рентгенограмм двух групп больных, которым выполнено тотальное эндопротезирование ТБС при диспластическом коксартрозе с остеотомией по Т. Paavilainen и без нее. У всех пациентов диагностирована тяжёлая степень дисплазии (II-III ст. по Crowe). В результате исследования выявлены значительные различия в результатах: степень удлинения конечности и степень смещения большого вертела при восстановлении анатомического центра ротации с использованием остеотомии по Т. Paavilainen значительно больше, чем при стандартном протезировании. Средняя величина удлинения конечности без остеотомии составила 29,1 мм, 95% доверительный интервал (от 24,5 до 33,6), а с остеотомией - 45,7 мм (от 41,8 до 49,6) (р0,0001). Средняя величина перемещения большого вертела без остеотомии составила 27,2 мм, 95% доверительный интервал (от 22,8 до 31,6), а с остеотомией - 61,4 мм (от 54,4 до 68,4) (р0,0001)
Nature of insulating state in NaV2O5 above charge-ordering transition: A cluster dynamical mean-field study
The nature of insulating state driven by electronic correlations in the
quarter-filled ladder compound NaVO is investigated within
a cluster dynamical mean-field approach. An extended Hubbard model with
first-principle tight-binding parameters have been used. It is shown that the
insulating state in the charge-disordered phase of this compound is formed due
to the transfer of spectral density and dynamical charge fluctuations where for
the latter, the role of inter-site Coulomb interaction is found to be of
crucial importance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Promising results of total hip allowed to perform a hip replacement in younger and active patients. However, the results of arthroplasty in young populations are still not comparable with outcomes in patients of older age groups. The advent of new materials and further improvement of production technology is increasing interest in the use of alternative bearing surfaces, but to assess the effectiveness of each new implants needed long-term clinical studies. Use of any bearing surface has its own potential advantages and disadvantages that must be assessed in each case.Многообещающие результаты тотального эндоиротезирования позволили выполнять замену тазобедренного сустава у все более молодых и активных пациентов. Однако результаты эндоиротезирования в молодой популяции по-прежнему остаются не сопоставимыми с исходами у пациентов старших возрастных групп. В связи с появлением новых материалов и дальнейшим совершенствованием технологий производства возрастает интерес к использованию альтернативных пар трения, но для оценки эффективности каждого нового искусственного сочленения необходимы долгосрочные клинические исследования. Использование любой пары трения имеет свои потенциальные преимущества и недостатки, которые необходимо оценивать в каждом конкретном случае
Strongly canted antiferromagnetic ground state in Cu3 OH 2F4
An unique crystal structure of copper hydroxyl-fluorite, Cu3(OH)2F4, hosts the trimerized chains of both edge-sharing and corner-sharing CuO2F2 plaquettes. The results of the comprehensive study of this compound, including new synthetic route, measurements of specific heat, ac- and dc-susceptibility, pulsed field magnetization, electron spin resonance, muon spin rotation and relaxation and first principles calculations are presented. The data evidence magnetic phase transition at TC = 12.5 K into canted antiferromagnetic state which is due to antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) exchange interaction. No alteration of DM component stemming from the intrinsic features of the crystal lattice in Cu3(OH)2F4 results in unusually large spontaneous magnetization. At T < TC, the remanence MR constitutes significant portion of saturation magnetization MS which defines the canting angle φ = 4°. © 2018 Elsevier B.V