60 research outputs found

    Identification and characterization of Coronaviridae genomes from Vietnamese bats and rats based on conserved protein domains.

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    The Coronaviridae family of viruses encompasses a group of pathogens with a zoonotic potential as observed from previous outbreaks of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Accordingly, it seems important to identify and document the coronaviruses in animal reservoirs, many of which are uncharacterized and potentially missed by more standard diagnostic assays. A combination of sensitive deep sequencing technology and computational algorithms is essential for virus surveillance, especially for characterizing novel- or distantly related virus strains. Here, we explore the use of profile Hidden Markov Model-defined Pfam protein domains (Pfam domains) encoded by new sequences as a Coronaviridae sequence classification tool. The encoded domains are used first in a triage to identify potential Coronaviridae sequences and then processed using a Random Forest method to classify the sequences to the Coronaviridae genus level. The application of this algorithm on Coronaviridae genomes assembled from agnostic deep sequencing data from surveillance of bats and rats in Dong Thap province (Vietnam) identified thirty-four Alphacoronavirus and eleven Betacoronavirus genomes. This collection of bat and rat coronaviruses genomes provided essential information on the local diversity of coronaviruses and substantially expanded the number of coronavirus full genomes available from bat and rats and may facilitate further molecular studies on this group of viruses

    Designing LQR controllers for an active anti-roll bar system with a flexible frame model of a single unit heavy vehicle

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    Rollover accidents of heavy vehicles often cause serious consequences both in terms of vehicle and environmental damage as well the loss or injury of drivers, passengers and ordinary civilians. Currently, the active anti-roll bar system is considered as the most effective solution in enhancing vehicle roll stability. In this paper, we firstly investigated the role of a flexible frame of a single unit heavy vehicle in the rollover process. This approach is an important step forward in the research of the active anti-roll bar system. Then, the LQR control method is applied in designing controllers for the active anti-roll bar control system with this frame model. The active torque of the anti-roll bar system is considered as the control signal. The simulation results in the frequency and time domains with a double lane change maneuver show that the vehicle's roll stability is improved by over 30 % compared to a vehicle using a passive anti-roll bar system. © 2021 Budapest University of Technology and Economics. All rights reserved

    Asymmetric lattice Boltzmann model for shallow water flows

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    We consider a Galilean transformation of the lattice Boltzmann model for shallow water flows. In this new reference frame, the velocity lattice is asymmetrical but it is possible to simulate flows with Froude number larger than 1 and to model the transition from a torrential to a fluvial regime

    Đóng góp của rừng ngập mặn trong việc hỗ trợ giảm phát thải và ô nhiễm từ hoạt động cảng biển

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    Tài liệu này cung cấp bằng chứng khoa học về vai trò của rừng ngập mặn trong việc hấp thụ khí nhà kính và cải thiện chất lượng nước thông qua việc phân tích dữ liệu quan trắc môi trường nước sông Sài Gòn (Tp. HCM), phát thải khí nhà kính từ cảng biển Tp. HCM và sự hấp thụ khí nhà kính của Rừng ngập mặn Cần Giờ. Tài liệu lần đầu tiên trình bày kết quả so sánh chỉ số chất lượng nước giai đoạn 2010-2020 tại các điểm quan trắc ở các khu vực khác nhau bao gồm đô thị, cảng biển, rừng ngập mặn và bờ biển mở. Mối tương quan giữa lượng phát thải carbon từ các cảng biển và lượng carbon rừng ngập mặn ở Tp. HCM hấp thụ cũng đã lần đầu tiên được phân tích. Kết quả nghiên cứu khẳng định rằng rừng ngập mặn có thể hỗ trợ ngành hàng hải giảm phát thải khí nhà kính và bảo vệ môi trường. Tài liệu có thể giúp hỗ trợ các nhà hoạch định chính sách xác định các đối tượng cần chi trả dịch vụ môi trường do rừng ngập mặn cung cấp, góp phần thực hiện hiệu quả chính sách chi trả dịch vụ môi trường rừng. Tài liệu cũng chỉ ra sự cần thiết phải có các nghiên cứu cụ thể hơn nữa, trên những khu vực rừng ngập mặn khác, từ đó xây dựng cơ sở dữ liệu hoàn chỉnh về các dịch vụ hệ sinh thái do rừng ngập mặn cung cấp ở Việt Nam

    The role of mangroves in supporting ports and the shipping industry to reduce emissions and water pollution

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    This report provides scientific evidence on the role of mangroves in absorbing greenhouse gases and improving water quality through analysis of monitoring data relating to the water environment in Saigon River (Ho Chi Minh City), greenhouse gas emissions from Ho Chi Minh City seaports, and greenhouse gas sequestration in Can Gio mangrove forest (Ho Chi Minh City). This document presents, for the first time, comparative results of water quality indices for 2010–2020, at monitoring points in different areas including metropolitan, seaport, mangrove forest and open coast. A correlation between carbon emissions from seaports, and the amount of carbon absorbed by mangroves in Ho Chi Minh City, was also analysed for the first time. Our findings confirmed that mangroves can support the maritime industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. These findings can assist policymakers to identify those who can financially contribute towards the environmental services that mangroves provide, enabling the effective implementation of policy around payment for forest environmental services. We also highlight the need to have further specific studies, in other areas of the country, in order to build a complete database of the ecosystem services provided by mangroves in Vietnam

    Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) policy learning tool: A case study from Vietnam

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