21 research outputs found

    A comparative study on q-deformed fermion oscillators

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    In this paper, the algebras, representations, and thermostatistics of four types of fermionic q-oscillator models, called fermionic Newton (FN), Chaichian-Kulish-Ng (CKN), Parthasarathy-Viswanathan-Chaichian (PVC), Viswanathan-Parthasarathy-Jagannathan-Chaichian (VPJC), are discussed. Similarities and differences among the properties of these models are revealed. Particular emphasis is given to the VPJC-oscillators model so that its Fock space representation is analyzed in detail. Possible physical applications of these models are concisely pointed out.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys. (IJTP

    Using a Kalman filter to improve schedulers performance in mobile networks

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    In this work we propose an optimization of schedulers used for resource allocation in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks by implementing a Kalman Filter (KF) to the average data rate instead of computing it with the simple expression from the schedulers (20% the actual rate, 80% the previous rate). In order to verify if the predictions using the KF improves the schedulers performance, we have integrated it into LTE-Sim [1] and performed single-cell simulations with five different schedulers. By changing the number of users in the cell we show that, with the introduction of the filter to compute the data rate, there is an increase of throughput and a reduction of packet loss.85385815. International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conferenc

    Effective Interactions From Q-deformed Quark Fields

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    From the mass term for q-deformed quark fields, we obtain effective contact interactions of the NJL type. The parameters of the model that maps a system of non-interacting deformed fields into quarks interacting via NJL contact terms is discussed. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.884384389Galetti, D., Pimentel, B.M., (1995) An. Acad. Bras. Ci, 67, p. 7Avancini, S.S., Eiras, A., Galetti, D., Pimentel, B.M., Lima, C.L., (1995) J. Phys. A: Math. Gen, 28, p. 4915Galetti, D., Lunardi, J.T., Pimentel, B.M., Lima, C.L., (1997) Physica A, 242, p. 501Ubriaco, M., (1996) Phys. Lett. A, 219, p. 205Tripodi, L., Lima, C.L., (1997) Phys. Lett. B, 412, p. 7Nambu, Y., Jona-Lasinio, G., (1961) Physical Review, 122, p. 345Vogl, U., Weise, W., (1991) Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys, 27, p. 195Timóteo, V.S., Lima, C.L., (1999) Phys. Lett. B, 448, p. 1Timóteo, V.S., Lima, C.L., (2000) Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 15, p. 219Timóteo, V.S., Lima, C.L., nucl-th/050908

    Two-body double pole and three-body bound states: physical and unphysical quark masses

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    International audienceWe solve the Faddeev bound-state equations for three particles with simple two-body nonlocal, separable potentials that yield a scattering length twice as large as a positive effective range, as indicated by some lattice QCD simulations. Neglecting shape parameters, the two-body bound state is a double pole. For bosons we obtain a correlation between three- and two-body energies. For nucleons, this correlation depends additionally on the ratio of effective ranges in the two two-body SS-wave channels. When this ratio takes the value suggested by lattice QCD, our three-body energy agrees well with a direct lattice determination. When this ratio takes the experimental value, we find a three-body bound state with energy close to that of the physical triton. We suggest that results could be improved systematically with distorted-wave perturbation theory around a separable potential whose form factor is an inverse square root of momentum squared

    Simulation Based Assessment Of Energy Consumption Optimization In 3g Mobiles

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    The energy consumption in mobile devices had gained more attention from infra-structure carriers and mobile manufacturers with the growth and expansion of third generation networks. The air interface resource allocation is the main factor of the energy consumption increase when the mobile is transmitting in background at anytime. When the air interface timeouts are reduced, there is a reduction in energy consumption. The aim of this work is, by simulating the mobile behavior, to identify the best timeout values to bet set according to specific carrier or user traffic profile and to obtain the best gain in energy consumption reduction. ©2011 IEEE.IEEE Wuhan Section,Hunan University,Wuhan University,Engineering Information Institute,Chongqing VIP Information Co., LtdLee Patrick, P.C., Bu, T., Woo, T., On the detection of signaling DoS attacks on 3G wireless networks (2007) 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer CommunicationsFabio, R., Unwanted traffic in 3G networks (2006) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 36 (2). , AprilPerälä, P.H.J., Barbuzzi, A., Kostas, P., Theory and practice of RRC state transitions in UMTS networks (2009) 5TH IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop, , JulyHenry, H., Jonne, S., Pasi, E., Energy consumption of always-on applications in WCDMA networks (2007) Proceedings of the 65th Semi-annual IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, , (Dublin, Ireland). AprilLee, C.-C., Yeh, J.-H., Chen, J.-C., Comparative analysis of energy-saving techniques in 3GPP and 3GPP2 systems (2009) IEEE Trans Veh Tech, 58, pp. 432-448Lee, C.-C., Yeh, J.-H., Chen, J.-C., Impact of inactivity timer on energy consumption in WCDMA and cdma2000 (2004) Proc. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, , IEEEPeng, M., Wang, W., An adaptive energy saving mechanism in the wireless packet access network (2008) Proceedings of the IEEE WCNC 2008 - Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, pp. 1536-1540. , Las Vegas, USA, AprChen, J.-C., Tao, Z., (2004) IP-based Next-generation Wireless Networks. System, Architectures and Protocols, , Wiley-InterscienceDo Prado, D.S., (1999) Usando o ARENA Em Simulação, , Série Pesquisa Operacional - Belo Horizonte: Editora de Desenvolvimento GerencialKelton, W.D., Sadowski, R.P., Sadowski, D.A., (2001) Simulation with ARENA, , McGraw-Hill Higher EducationJain, R., (1991) The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, , WileyAndres, A., Yla-Jääski, A., VoIP call signaling performance and always-on battery consumption in HSDPA, WCDMA and WiFi (2007) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2007), pp. 2964-2967. , Shanghai, China. 21-23 SeptemberUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Radio Resource Control (RRC) Protocol Specification, , ETSI 3GPP TS 25.331. Version 9.1.0, Release

    Renormalization Of The Brazilian Chiral Nucleon-nucleon Potential

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)In this work we present a renormalization of the Brazilian nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential using a subtractive method. We show that the exchange of correlated two pion is important for isovector channels, mainly in tensor and central potentials. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.1520327329 CNPq,CAPES,CLAF,FAPESP,FAPERJFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Da Rocha, C.A., Robilotta, M.R., (1994) Phys. Rev., C49, p. 1818Higa, R., Robilotta, M.R., (2003) Phys. Rev., C68, p. 024004Higa, R., Robilotta, M.R., Da Rocha, C.A., (2004) Phys. Rev., C69, p. 034009Epelbaum, E., Gloeckle, W., Meissner, U.-G., (2000) Nucl. Phys., A671Epelbaum, E., Gloeckle, W., Meissner, U.-G., (2005) Nucl. Phys., A747, p. 362Frederico, T., Timóteo, V.S., Tomio, L., (1999) Nucl. Phys., A653, p. 209Timóteo, V.S., Frederico, T., Delfino, A., Tomio, L., (2005) Phys. Lett. B, 621, p. 109Timóteo, V.S., Frederico, T., Delfino, A., Tomio, L., (2007) Nucl. Phys., A790, p. 40

    Renormalization Tools For The Nn Interaction

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    In this work we apply the similarity renormalization group (SRG) approach to evolve an effective nucleonnucleon (NN) potential in leading-order (LO) chiral effective field theory (ChEFT). We present the results obtained for a NN potential in the 1S 0 channel derived within the framework of the subtracted kernel method (SKM). © 2010 World Scientific Publishing Company.198-1016791683Glazek, S.D., Wilson, K.G., (1993) Phys. Rev. D, 48, p. 5863Glazek, S.D., Wilson, K.G., (1994) Phys. Rev. D, 49, p. 4214Wegner, F., (1994) Ann. Phys., 3, p. 77Bogner, S.K., Furnstahl, R.J., Perry, R.J., (2007) Phys. Rev. C, 75, p. 061001Jurgenson, E.D., (2008) Phys.Rev. C, 78, p. 014003Frederico, T., Tiḿoteo, V.S., Tomio, L., (1999) Nucl. Phys. A, 653, p. 209Tiḿoteo, V.S., (2005) Phys.Lett. B, 621, p. 109Tiḿoteo, V.S., (2007) Nucl.Phys. A, 790, pp. 406

    The Infrared Limit Of The Srg Evolution And Levinson's Theorem

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    On a finite momentum grid with N integration points p n and weights wn (n = 1, ..., N) the Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) with a given generator G unitarily evolves an initial interaction with a cutoff λ on energy differences, steadily driving the starting Hamiltonian in momentum space Hn,m0=pn2δn,m+Vn,m to a diagonal form in the infrared limit (λ→0), Hn,mG,λ→0=Eπ(n)δn,m, where π(n) is a permutation of the eigenvalues E n which depends on G. Levinson's theorem establishes a relation between phase-shifts δ(p n) and the number of bound-states, n B, and reads δ(p1) - δ(p N) = n Bπ. We show that unitarily equivalent Hamiltonians on the grid generate reaction matrices which are compatible with Levinson's theorem but are phase-inequivalent along the SRG trajectory. An isospectral definition of the phase-shift in terms of an energy-shift is possible but requires in addition a proper ordering of states on a momentum grid such as to fulfill Levinson's theorem. We show how the SRG with different generators G induces different isospectral flows in the presence of bound-states, leading to distinct orderings in the infrared limit. While the Wilson generator induces an ascending ordering incompatible with Levinson's theorem, the Wegner generator provides a much better ordering, although not the optimal one. We illustrate the discussion with the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction in the S01 and S13 channels. © 2014

    Implicit Versus Explicit Renormalization Of The Nn Force: An S-wave Toy Model

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    We use an S-wave toy model for the two-nucleon system to show that the implicit renormalization of a contact theory matches the explicit renormalization through a flow equation which integrates out the high momentum components. By fitting the low-momentum interaction with a new contact theory, we show that the running of the contact strengths in both original and fitted contact theories match over a wide cutoff range. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Wien.5508/10/15989992Epelbaum, E., Glöckle, W., Meissner, U.-G., Nuclear forces from chiral Lagrangians using the method of unitary transformation. 1. Formalism (1998) Nucl. Phys. Nucl. A, 637, pp. 107-134Epelbaum, E., Glöckle, W., Meissner, U.-G., Low momentum effective theory for nucleons (1998) Phys. Lett. B, 439, pp. 1-5Epelbaum, E., Glöckle, W., Meissner, U.-G., Nuclear forces from chiral Lagrangians using the method of unitary transformation. 1. The two nucleon system (2000) Nucl. Phys. Nucl. A, 671, pp. 295-331Bogner, S.K., Furnstahl, R.J., Schwenk, A., From low-momentum interactions to nuclear structure (2010) Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 65, pp. 94-147Timóteo, V.S., Szpigel, S., Ruiz Arriola, E., Symmetries of the similarity renormalization group for nuclear forces (2012) Phys. Rev. C, 86, p. 034002Szpigel, S., Timóteo, V.S., de Durães, F.O., Similarity renormalization group evolution of chiral effective nucleon-nucleon potentials in the subtracted kernel method approach (2012) Ann. Phys., 326, pp. 364-405Anderson, E., Bogner, S.K., Furnstahl, R.J., Jurgenson, E.D., Perry, R.J., Schwenk, A., Block-diagonalization using similarity renormalization group flow equations (2008) Phys. Rev. C, 77, p. 037001Ruiz Arriola, E., Szpigel, S., Timóteo, V.S., Implicit vs Explicit Renormalization and Effective Interactions (2014) Phys. Lett. B, 728, pp. 596-60

    Renormalizing N3lo Nucleon-nucleon Interactions With Multiple Subtractions And Infinite Cutoff: The 3f4 -3h4 And The 3g5- 3i5 Coupled Channels

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    We apply five subtractions to the scattering equation to renormalize the nucleon-nucleon interaction in coupled channels. We take as an example the coupled channels with total angular momentum J = (4, 5) for the interactions N3LO-EM and N3LO-EGM. The waves with L = J - 1 and the mixing angles are rather independent of the renormalization scale while the waves with L = J + 1 show a slower convergence as the renormalization scale increases, but become scale invariant at μ ~ 1 fm-1. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Wien.5508/10/1510491050Entem, D.R., Machleidt, R., Accurate charge dependent nucleon-nucleon potential at fourth order in chiral perturbation theory (2003) Phys. Rev. C, 68, p. 041001Epelbaum, E., Glc̈ockle, W., Meissner, U.-G., The two-nucleon system at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (2005) Nucl. Phys., 747, pp. 362-424Timóteo, V.S., Frederico, T., Delfino, A., Tomio, L., Nucleon-nucleon scattering within a multiple subtractive renormalization approach (2011) Phys. Rev. C, 83, p. 064005Szpigel, S., Timóteo, V.S., Power counting and renormalization group invariance in the subtracted kernel method for the two-nucleon system (2012) J. Phys. G, 39, p. 105102Stoks, G.J., Klompt, R.A.N., Terheggen, C.P.F., de Swart, J.J., Construction of high NN potential models (1994) Phys. Rev. C, 49, pp. 2950-296