65 research outputs found

    Stress intensity factors for mixed-mode crack growth in imitation models under biaxial loading

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    In this study a procedure to stress intensity factors calculation for imitation models made of titanium alloy is described. In service fatigue cracks are detected in a disk and blade “dovetail type” attachment. On the base of this attachment dimensions and with taking into account the biaxial loading conditions of rotating compressor disk the two geometries of imitation model of gas turbine engine compressor disk are developed. To accurate verification of biaxial loading conditions, the first imitation model of constant thickness is used. In order to fully reproduce the geometry of the compressor disk and conditions of mixed mode crack growth, the second imitation model with reduced cross section is proposed. The fatigue crack growth experiments of imitation models were carried out at room temperature on a biaxial testing machine. Two different stress ratio values are applied several times to each imitation model in order to fix the experimental crack front positions. The elastic and plastic stress intensity factors used for the representation of the experimental results are computed by using full-size 3D Finite Element analysis of the imitation models with surface quarter elliptical and through-thickness cracks

    Динамика мирового рынка сои в контексте региональной продовольственной безопасности (конец ХХ - начало ХХI вв.)

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    The article deals with the analysis of the world soybean market development in the conditions of increasing world famine. Food security level is estimated by the indexes of consumption of the main microelements, first of all protein. Modern world developments and current social economic problems lead to the food shortage increase. A steady demand is forming for the low-cost and high-quality alternative to meat protein in the conditions of price skyrocketing for the products of animal origin. The main goal of the article is to define the influence of soybean market on the global food security level, especially in countries that are facing most problems. The world soybean market is estimated according to the following: harvested area, yield, production, price, export, import. The main trends of the soybean economy are estimated on the basis of 6 above mentioned factors. The regional approach to the study of the world soybean market problem allows us to make a forecast as to the progressive and regressive ways of food security problem solution.Анализируется динамика мирового рынка сои в условиях обостряющегося мирового голода. Оценка уровня продовольственной безопасности производится по показателям потребления важнейших микроэлементов, прежде всего белка. Особенности развития мира и современные социально-экономические проблемы приводят к обострению голода. В условиях роста цен на продукты животного происхождения на мировом рынке формируется постоянный спрос на альтернативный мясу дешевый источник качественного белка - сою. Приоритетная задача статьи - определение влияния рынка сои на уровень продовольственной безопасности в странах, население которых в наибольшей степени страдает от голода. Динамика мирового рынка сои оценивается по следующим показателям: площадь посевов, урожайность, производство, цены, экспорт и импорт [1]. На основе данных показателей проводится анализ закономерностей развития мирового рынка сои. Региональный анализ позволяет сделать прогноз о перспективах решения проблемы продовольственной безопасности

    Evaluation results of arthroscopic reconstruction of rotator cuff using single-row anchor fixation

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    The purpose was to evaluate the results of arthroscopic reconstruction of the rotator cuff of a shoulder using the single-row anchor fixation method, to evaluate the dependence of the results of treatment on the size of the rupture of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Material and Methods. This report provides an analysis of results of surgical treatment of 84 patients with the damage of the rotator cuff of a shoulder, who underwent arthroscopic reconstruction of the rotational cuff of a shoulder using single-row anchor fixation. The size of rupture of the rotator cuff of the shoulder was measured with the use of MRI and during surgery itself. All ruptures were subdivided into small (less than 1 cm), medium (1-3 cm) and large (3-5 cm). The exclusion criteria were patients with a massive rupture of the rotator cuff of a shoulder, with retraction of the tendon to the level of the articular process of the scapula or fatty degeneration of the muscles of the short shoulder rotators. The paper presents the features of operative technique and original algorithm for postoperative rehabilitation at different stages of treatment. Evaluation of the results of treatment was performed according to the rating scale of the Constant score, ASES, UCLA. Results. The average age of the patients was 56.0±7.4 (36-71 years). Of these, 22.6% patients had a small degree of rupture of the rotator cuff of a shoulder, 50% middle and 27.4% patients had a large degree of rupture. The nearest results (up to one year) were evaluated in 5 patients, long-term results in 79 patients (more than a year). The average rating score according to the Constant score was 89,8±9,2; the average value according to the ASES scale was 83,7±17,6; the average value according to the UCLA scale was 29.3±5.9. In all other patients complete recovery was observed in the period from 6 months to a year after the operation, there was a decrease in the pain syndrome, an increase in the volume of movements, an improvement in the quality of life. Conclusion. Arthroscopic reconstruction of the rotator cuff of a shoulder using the method of single-row anchor fixation, if necessary, with the help of seams which reapproximate the edges of the rupture, and with the help of the accompanying procedures, provides good results. Reduction in pain, increase in movement and in muscle strength in the arm were noted in all patients, regardless of the size of the damage to the rotator cuff of the shoulder. The rehabilitative protocol used ensures the creation of favorable conditions for engraftment of the restored tendon and, at the same time, provides prevention of the development of the stiffness of the shoulder joint.</p

    Экологическая обусловленность применения спелеоклиматотерапии как метода профилактики бронхолегочных заболеваний

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    The article concerns some ecological aspects of therapeutic features of speleotherapy. The objective of our study was to investigate the therapeutic activity of speleotherapy for respiratory disorders according to it's ecological aspects. The results of including speleotherapy into the curative and prophylactic complex in the central-chernozyom region showed the decrease of incidence of respiratory pathology in people, who underwent the course of speleotherapy. The obtained data indicated, that speleotherapy was supposed to be used as a component of prophylactics complex in treatment for broncho-respiratory complex.В статье представлены экологические аспекты лечебных свойств спелеоклиматотерапии. Целью исследования послужило изучение терапевтических свойств спелеоклимата в отношении респираторной патологии в связи с экологическими особенностями данного метода. Результаты внедрения спелеоклиматотерапии в комплекс лечебно-профилактических мероприятий в ЛПУ центрально-черноземного региона демонстрируют снижение частоты бронхолегочных заболеваний, а также обострения хронической респираторной патологии у лиц, прошедших курс спелеоклиматотерапии. Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать более широкое внедрение спелеоклиматотерапии в качестве компонента комплексной профилактики бронхолегочных заболеваний


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    The paper presents main types of surgically relevant posttraumatic lesions in 4136 patients with skull vault as well as skull base defects, craniofacial deformities, recurrent CSF leaks, arterio-venous fistulas, aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms etc. Classification of TBI sequelae and complications as well as its clinical course grading is presented. The use of modern neuroimaging techniques for studying pathophysiologic mechanisms and complications of TBI has been demonstrated. Special emphasis was given to minimally invasive and reconstructive surgery; computer modeling with subsequent full-copy stereolitographic laser implant setup was shown which is of great importance in cases of large and complex skull base and craniofacial deformities. Patient selection for transcranial and endonasal CSF leak closure techniques was justified. Treatment of post-traumatic vascular injuries using Serbinenko balloon-catheters as well as modern techniques such as stents, coils and embolization has been demonstrated.  В сообщении (созданном по материалам доклада, представленного на Сессии общего собрания РАМН, Санкт-Петербург, 14−15 июня 2012 г.) представлены основные хирургически значимые формы посттравматической патологии у 4136 пациентов с дефектами и деформациями костей свода, основания черепа и лицевого скелета, рецидивирующей ликвореей, артериосинусными соустьями, истинными и ложными аневризмами и др. Разработана классификация последствий и осложнений черепно-мозговой травмы, а также периодизация ее клинического течения. Раскрыты возможности современных нейровизуализационных технологий распознавания и исследования патогенеза последствий и осложнений черепно-мозговой травмы. Особое внимание уделено реконструктивной и минимально инвазивной хирургии, детально описан метод компьютерного моделирования и последующего стереолитографического лазерного воспроизведения полномасштабных копий черепа, его дефектов и имплантатов,  что особенно значимо при обширных и сложных краниобазальных и краниофациальных повреждениях. Обосновано дифференцированное применение интракраниальных и эндоназальных доступов для закрытия хронических ликворных фистул. Вместе с впервые созданной в НИИ нейрохирургии им. Н.Н. Бурденко методикой эндоваскулярной реконструкции магистральных сосудов с помощью баллонов-катетеров Ф.А. Сербиненко представлены новые подходы, опирающиеся на современные технологии с использованием стентов, микроспиралей и эмболизирующих композиций.

    In Situ Spectral Magnetoellipsometry for Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Me/Si (Me Mn, Fe) Nanolayers

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    In our work we present in-situ spectral magnetoellipsometer is equipped with sapphire manipulator. which allows us to carry out in-situ and in-time optical and magnetooptical measurements in the range from 10 K to 1500 K in spectral range 1.5 eV-4.0 eV (830 nm-300 nm), the range of magnetic fields is +/-0.4 T. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Formowanie impulsów dla częściowego odmagnesowania magnesów trwałych z ziem rzadkich

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    In manufacture of facilities with permanent magnets there are some tasks when application of gauged magnitudes of magnetic characteristics of permanent magnets is required. In order to solve such tasks it is necessary to develop the methods of partial demagnetizing. Within an impulse magnetic field it is carried out at the expense of feeding series of impulses of demagnetizing field. For monitoring a level of a magnet field the carrying force P of the permanent magnet may be used. The choice of the law of impulse forming depends on the set requirements in an exactitude and productivity of the partial demagnetizing process. Process of partly demagnetizing assumes one-side approximation to a certain value of magnetization along the magnetizing curve, beginning from the maximal value, without operations of partly magnetic bias of the permanent magnet when its magnetization decreased below the given level. Comparing the different laws of forming impulses is made using mathematical modeling of the partial demagnetizing process, based on real characteristics of permanent magnets.W wyrobie produktów z magnesami trwałymi zachodzi konieczność stosowania określonych charakterystyk magnetycznych. W tym celu konieczne jest opracowanie metod częściowego odmagnesowania przez powodowanie szeregu impulsów pola odmagnesowującego. Dla obserwowania poziomu pola magnetycznego można użyć siłę nośną P magnesu trwałego. Wybór prawa, formowanie impulsu zależy od zadanych wymagań odnośnie dokładności i skuteczności procesu odmagnesowania. Proces częściowego odmagnesowania zakłada przybliżenie pewnej wartości namagnesowania wzdłuż krzywej magnesowania zaczynając od wartości maksymalnej bez działania częściowego magnetycznego magnesowania wstępnego magnesu trwałego gdy namagnesowanie maleje poniżej danego poziomu. Porównanie różnych praw formowania impulsów wykonuje się stosując modelowanie matematyczne procesu odmagnesowania, w oparciu o rzeczywiste charakterystyki magnesów trwałych

    Individual And Typical Anatomical Variability Of Femoral Bone Structure And Morphology Of Nutrient Foramen

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    45 morphometric parameters of femoral bones (n=45) have been studied. Their 3 shape variants have been picked out according to thickness-prolixity index. The peculiarities of entry angle of diaphysial artery in connection with the bone shape have been revealed. Zones of the most and the least concentration of nutrient foramen have been determine