17 research outputs found

    The fluxes of CN neutrinos from the Sun in case of mixing in a spherical layer in the solar core

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    The results of the calculation are presented for the fluxes of CN neutrinos from the Sun in case of mixing in a spherical layer in the solar core, consistent with the seismic data and with the measured solar neutrino fluxes. It is shown that a substantial increase of the flux of 13N^{13}N neutrinos can be gained in this case. The possible implications for experiment are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, minor correction

    Neutrino oscillation parameters from MINOS, ICARUS and OPERA combined

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the capabilities of the MINOS, ICARUS and OPERA experiments to measure neutrino oscillation parameters at the atmospheric scale with their data taken separately and in combination. MINOS will determine Δm322\Delta m^2_{32} and sin22θ23\sin^2 2\theta_{23} to within 10% at the 99% C.L. with 10 kton-years of data. While no one experiment will determine sin22θ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13} with much precision, if its value lies in the combined sensitivity region of the three experiments, it will be possible to place a lower bound of O(0.01) at the 95% C.L. on this parameter by combining the data from the three experiments. The same bound can be placed with a combination of MINOS and ICARUS data alone.Comment: Version to appear in PR

    Can a CPT Violating Ether Solve ALL Electron (Anti)Neutrino Puzzles?

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    Assuming that CPT is violated in the neutrino sector seems to be a viable alternative to sterile neutrinos when it comes to reconciling the LSND anomaly with the remainder of the neutrino data. There are different (distinguishable) ways of incorporating CPT violation into the standard model, including postulating m different from \bar{m}. Here, I investigate the possibility of introducing CPT violation via Lorentz-invariance violating effective operators (``Ether'' potentials) which modify neutrino oscillation patterns like ordinary matter effects. I argue that, within a simplified two-flavor like oscillation analysis, one cannot solve the solar neutrino puzzle and LSND anomaly while still respecting constraints imposed by other neutrino experiments, and comment on whether significant improvements should be expected from a three-flavor analysis. If one turns the picture upside down, some of the most severe constrains on such CPT violating terms can already be obtained from the current neutrino data, while much more severe constraints can arise from future neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 1 eps figure; version to appear in PRD. Comment added, mistake corrected, results and conclusions unchange

    Model Independent Information On Solar Neutrino Oscillations

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    We present the results of a Bayesian analysis of solar neutrino data in terms of nu_e->nu_{mu,tau} oscillations, independent from the Standard Solar Model predictions for the solar neutrino fluxes. We show that such a model independent analysis allows to constraint the values of the neutrino mixing parameters in limited regions around the usual SMA, LMA, LOW and VO regions. Furthermore, there is a strong indication in favor of large neutrino mixing and large values of Delta m^2 (LMA region). We calculate also the allowed ranges of the neutrino fluxes and we show that they are in good agreement with the Standard Solar Model prediction. In particular, the ratio of the 8B flux with its Standard Solar Model prediction is constrained in the interval [0.45,1.42] with 99.73% probability. Finally, we show that the hypothesis of no neutrino oscillations is strongly disfavored in a model independent way with respect to the hypothesis of neutrino oscillations.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figures. Added references and improved figure

    Vacuum oscillation solution to the solar neutrino problem in standard and non-standard pictures

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    The neutrino long wavelength (just-so) oscillation is revisited as a solution to the solar neutrino problem. We consider just-so scenario in various cases: in the framework of the solar models with relaxed prediction of the boron neutrino flux, as well as in the presence of the non-standard weak range interactions between neutrino and matter constituents. We show that the fit of the experimental data in the just-so scenario is not very good for any reasonable value of the 8B^8B neutrino flux, but it substantially improves if the non-standard τ\tau-neutrino--electron interaction is included. These new interactions could also remove the conflict of the just-so picture with the shape of the SN 1987A neutrino spectrum. Special attention is devoted to the potential of the future real-time solar neutrino detectors as are Super-Kamiokande, SNO and BOREXINO, which could provide the model independent tests for the just-so scenario. In particular, these imply specific deformation of the original solar neutrino energy spectra, and time variation of the intermediate energy monochromatic neutrino (7Be^7Be and peppep) signals.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 9 figures (avalilable by fax or postscript files requested to [email protected]) -- some textual and Latex errors are corrected and few references adde

    Exploring Flavor Structure of Supersymmetry Breaking at B factories

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    We investigate quark flavor signals in three different supersymmetric models, the minimal supergravity, the SU(5) SUSY GUT with right handed neutrinos, and the minimal supersymmetric standard model with U(2) flavor symmetry, in order to study physics potential of the present and future BB factories. We evaluate CP asymmetries in various B decay modes, ΔmBs\Delta m_{B_s}, ΔmBd\Delta m_{B_d}, and ϵK\epsilon_K. The allowed regions of the CP asymmetry in BJ/ψKSB\to J/\psi K_S and ΔmBs/ΔmBd\Delta m_{B_s}/\Delta m_{B_d} are different for the three models so that precise determinations of these observables in near future experiments are useful to distinguish the three models. We also investigate possible deviations from the standard model predictions of CP asymmetries in other B decay modes. In particular, a large deviation is possible for the U(2) model. The consistency check of the unitarity triangle including Bππ,ρπ,D()K(),D()π,DρB\to \pi\pi,\rho\pi,D^{(*)}K^{(*)},D^{(*)}\pi,D^{*}\rho, and so on, at future high luminosity e+ee^+e^- BB factories and hadronic BB experiments is therefore important to distinguish flavor structures of different supersymmetric models.Comment: revtex4, 31 pages, 7 figure

    Fast Neutron Detection with 6Li-loaded Liquid Scintillator

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    We report on the development of a fast neutron detector using a liquid scintillator doped with enriched Li-6. The lithium was introduced in the form of an aqueous LiCl micro-emulsion with a di-isopropylnaphthalene-based liquid scintillator. A Li-6 concentration of 0.15 % by weight was obtained. A 125 mL glass cell was filled with the scintillator and irradiated with fission-source neutrons. Fast neutrons may produce recoil protons in the scintillator, and those neutrons that thermalize within the detector volume can be captured on the Li-6. The energy of the neutron may be determined by the light output from recoiling protons, and the capture of the delayed thermal neutron reduces background events. In this paper, we discuss the development of this 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator, demonstrate the operation of it in a detector, and compare its efficiency and capture lifetime with Monte Carlo simulations. Data from a boron-loaded plastic scintillator were acquired for comparison. We also present a pulse-shape discrimination method for differentiating between electronic and nuclear recoil events based on the Matusita distance between a normalized observed waveform and nuclear and electronic recoil template waveforms. The details of the measurements are discussed along with specifics of the data analysis and its comparison with the Monte Carlo simulation

    Exploring flavor structure of supersymmetry breaking from rare B decays and unitarity triangle

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    We study effects of supersymmetric particles in various rare B decay processes as well as in the unitarity triangle analysis. We consider three different supersymmetric models, the minimal supergravity, SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrinos, and the minimal supersymmetric standard model with U(2) flavor symmetry. In the SU(5) SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrinos, we consider two cases of the mass matrix of the right-handed neutrinos. We calculate direct and mixing-induced CP asymmetries in the b to s gamma decay and CP asymmetry in B_d to phi K_S as well as the B_s--anti-B_s mixing amplitude for the unitarity triangle analysis in these models. We show that large deviations are possible for the SU(5) SUSY GUT and the U(2) model. The pattern and correlations of deviations from the standard model will be useful to discriminate the different SUSY models in future B experiments.Comment: revtex4, 36 pages, 10 figure