577 research outputs found

    Specific heat study of the Na(0.3)CoO(2).1.3H(2)O superconductor: influence of the complex chemistry

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    We report results of specific heat measurements on polycrystalline samples of the layered superconductor, Na(0.3)CoO(2).1.3H(2)O. The electronic contribution to the specific heat, gamma, is found to be 12.2 mJ/mol-K2. The feature at the superconducting transition is rather sharp, becoming broad and strongly suppressed in an applied magnetic field. The data indicate a residual normal state electronic specific heat at low temperatures, implying that there is a sizable population of normal state electrons in the samples even below Tc. Inhomogeneity in the Na content, to which the superconducting state is exquisitely sensitive, appears to be the most likely explanation for these results. These results further indicate that special sample handling is required for an accurate characterization of the superconducting state in this material.Comment: publication information adde

    Chemical Instability of the Cobalt Oxyhydrate Superconductor under Ambient Conditions

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    The layered sodium cobalt oxyhydrate superconductor Na0.3CoO2*1.4H2O is shown through X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric studies to be one of a series of hydrated phases of Na0.3CoO2. Further, it is shown that the material is exceptionally sensitive to both temperature and humidity near ambient conditions, easily dehydrating to a non-superconducting lower hydrate. The observation of this stable lower hydrate with c=13.8 angstroms implies that the superconductivity turns on in this system between CoO2 layer spacings of 6.9 and 9.9 angstroms at nominally constant chemical doping.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figure

    D∗DπD^*D\pi and B∗BπB^*B\pi couplings in QCD

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    We calculate the D∗DπD^*D\pi and B∗BπB^*B\pi couplings using QCD sum rules on the light-cone. In this approach, the large-distance dynamics is incorporated in a set of pion wave functions. We take into account two-particle and three-particle wave functions of twist 2, 3 and 4. The resulting values of the coupling constants are gD∗Dπ=12.5±1g_{D^*D\pi}= 12.5\pm 1 and gB∗Bπ=29±3g_{B^*B\pi}= 29\pm 3 . From this we predict the partial width \Gamma (D^{*+} \ra D^0 \pi^+ )=32 \pm 5~ keV . We also discuss the soft-pion limit of the sum rules which is equivalent to the external axial field approach employed in earlier calculations. Furthermore, using gB∗Bπg_{B^*B\pi} and gD∗Dπg_{D^*D\pi} the pole dominance model for the B \ra \pi and D\ra \pi semileptonic form factors is compared with the direct calculation of these form factors in the same framework of light-cone sum rules.Comment: 27 pages (LATEX) +3 figures enclosed as .uu file MPI-PhT/94-62 , CEBAF-TH-94-22, LMU 15/9

    QCD Form Factors and Hadron Helicity Non-Conservation

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    Recent data for the ratio R(Q)=QF2(Q2)/F1(Q2)R(Q)= QF_{2}(Q^{2})/F_{1}(Q^{2}) shocked the community by disobeying expectations held for 50 years. We examine the status of perturbative QCD predictions for helicity-flip form factors. Contrary to common belief, we find there is no rule of hadron helicity conservation for form factors. Instead the analysis yields an inequality that the leading power of helicity-flip processes may equal or exceed the power of helicity conserving processes. Numerical calculations support the rule, and extend the result to the regime of laboratory momentum transfer Q2Q^{2}. Quark orbital angular momentum, an important feature of the helicity flip processes, may play a role in all form factors at large Q2Q^{2}, depending on the quark wave functions.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Irreducible Multiplets of Three-Quark Operators on the Lattice: Controlling Mixing under Renormalization

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    High luminosity accelerators have greatly increased the interest in semi-exclusive and exclusive reactions involving nucleons. The relevant theoretical information is contained in the nucleon wavefunction and can be parametrized by moments of the nucleon distribution amplitudes, which in turn are linked to matrix elements of three-quark operators. These can be calculated from first principles in lattice QCD. However, on the lattice the problems of operator mixing under renormalization are rather involved. In a systematic approach we investigate this issue in depth. Using the spinorial symmetry group of the hypercubic lattice we derive irreducibly transforming three-quark operators, which allow us to control the mixing pattern.Comment: 13 page

    Frail young adult cancer survivors experience poor health-related quality of life

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    Background: Young adult cancer survivors experience frailty and decreased muscle mass at rates equivalent to much older noncancer populations, which indicate accelerated aging. Although frailty and low muscle mass can be identified in survivors, their implications for health-related quality of life are not well understood. Methods: Through a cross-sectional analysis of young adult cancer survivors, frailty was assessed with the Fried frailty phenotype and skeletal muscle mass in relation to functional and quality of life outcomes measured by the Medical Outcomes Survey Short-Form 36 (SF-36). z tests compared survivors with US population means, and multivariable linear regression models estimated mean SF-36 scores by frailty and muscle mass with adjustments made for comorbidities, sex, and time from treatment. Results: Sixty survivors (median age, 21 years; range, 18-29) participated in the study. Twenty-five (42%) had low muscle mass, and 25 were either frail or prefrail. Compared with US population means, survivors reported worse health and functional impairments across SF-36 domains that were more common among survivors with (pre)frailty or low muscle mass. In multivariable linear modeling, (pre)frail survivors (vs nonfrail) exhibited lower mean scores for general health (−9.1; P =.05), physical function (−14.9; P <.01), and overall physical health (−5.6; P =.02) independent of comorbid conditions. Conclusions: Measures of frailty and skeletal muscle mass identify subgroups of young adult cancer survivors with significantly impaired health, functional status, and quality of life independent of medical comorbidities. Identifying survivors with frailty or low muscle mass may provide opportunities for interventions to prevent functional and health declines or to reverse this process. Lay Summary: Young adult cancer survivors age more quickly than peers without cancer, which is evidenced by a syndrome of decreased resilience known as frailty. The relationship between frailty (and one of its common components, decreased muscle mass) and quality of life among young adult cancer survivors was examined. Measuring decreased muscle mass and frailty identifies young survivors with poor quality of life, including worse general health, fatigue, physical function, and overall physical health, compared with nonfrail survivors. Interventions to address components of frailty (low muscle mass and weakness) may improve function and quality of life among young adult cancer survivors

    Leptonic Decay Constants of DsD_{s} and BsB_{s} Mesons at Finite Temperature

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    In the present work, DsD_{s} and BsB_{s} meson parameters are investigated in the framework of thermal QCD sum rules. The temperature dependence of the mass and the leptonic decay constants are investigated by using Borel transform sum rules and Hilbert moment sum rules. To increase sensitivity, the vacuum contributions are subtracted from thermal expressions and the temperature dependences of the leptonic decay constants and meson masses are studied.Comment: 9 pages, 1 table, 4 figure

    Nuclear transparency from quasielastic A(e,e'p) reactions uo to Q^2=8.1 (GeV/c)^2

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    The quasielastic (e,eâ€Č^\primep) reaction was studied on targets of deuterium, carbon, and iron up to a value of momentum transfer Q2Q^2 of 8.1 (GeV/c)2^2. A nuclear transparency was determined by comparing the data to calculations in the Plane-Wave Impulse Approximation. The dependence of the nuclear transparency on Q2Q^2 and the mass number AA was investigated in a search for the onset of the Color Transparency phenomenon. We find no evidence for the onset of Color Transparency within our range of Q2Q^2. A fit to the world's nuclear transparency data reflects the energy dependence of the free proton-nucleon cross section.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Higher Resonance Contamination of pi NN Couplings Obtained Via the Three-Point Function Method in QCD Sum Rules

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    We investigate the size of potential higher pseudoscalar resonance contaminations of the estimates of isospin-conserving and isospin-violating πNN\pi NN couplings obtained using the 3-point function method in QCD sum rules. For the isospin-conserving case it is shown that conventional models of the isovector pseudoscalar spectral function imply resonance decay constants large enough to create significant contaminations, and that assuming these models are incorrect, and that the decay constants are actually much smaller, implies physically implausible values for the flavor-breaking quark condensate ratios. For the isospin-violating case it is shown explicitly that such resonance contamination is unavoidably present and precludes using the 3-point function method as a means of estimating the at present unmeasured isospin-violating πNN\pi NN couplings.Comment: 8 page
