14 research outputs found
Low pressure discharge induced by microwaves with stochastically jumping phase
We study the gas discharge, initiated by microwave radiation with stochastically jumping phase (MWJP) in a coaxial waveguide in the optimal mode of the beam-plasma generator. In this paper we experimentally examine optical characteristics of the discharge plasma in a wide range of air pressure. The conditions of a microwave discharge ignition, its stable maintenance in air by MWJP, and the pressure range at which required power is minimal are found.Представлены результаты изучения газового разряда, инициированного микроволновым излучением со стохастически прыгающей фазой (МВИСПФ) в коаксиальном волноводе в оптимальном режиме работы пучково-плазменного генератора. Экспериментально исследованы оптические характеристики плазмы разряда в широком диапазоне давлений воздуха. Найдены условия зажигания и стабильного поддержания разряда в воздухе МВИСПФ, в которых требуемая мощность минимальна.Наведені результати вивчення газового розряду, що ініційований мікрохвильовим випроміненням зі стохастично стрибаючою фазою (МХВССФ) у коаксіальному хвилеводі в оптимальному режимі роботи пучково-плазмового генератора. Експериментально досліджені оптичні характеристики плазми розряду в широкому діапазоні тисків повітря. Знайдено умови запалювання та стабільного підтримання розряду в повітрі МХВССФ, в яких потрібна потужність мінімальна
A new interpretation for the origin of the Norilsk type PGE–Cu–Ni sulfide deposits
The origin of PGE–Cu–Ni sulfide deposits of Norilsk and Talnakh located in the northwest flank of the Triassic basalt trap formation of Siberia is considered. It is shown that ore elements of these deposits (probably, except Fe) are derived from the crust rather than from the mantle. They entered the basalts owing to a remobilization (recycling) of ore elements from the Paleoproterozoic sediments and from the rocks of the Siberian platform’s basement. Prospecting criteria for similar deposits are as follows: (1) a presence of a large Paleoproterozoic aulacogen and a related magmatic sulfide Cu–Ni mineralization; (2) a confinement of perspective areas to troughs associated with long-lived deep fault zones; (3) association with mobile orogenic belts, island-arc systems and tectonomagmatic activation zones; (4) temporal association with boundaries of global periods characterized by active processes of continental breakup and large-scale trap magmatism. A combination of several factors (the first one is obligatory) is favorable for the discovery of a large ore body
The paper consists of descriptions of the stages of the child’s treatment with IV degree high-voltage electrical burn anterior abdominal wall and lower limb with injury ileum, omentum, right femur, left shin, a total area of 15% of body surface. In the abdominal cavity: resection of the ileum with ileostomy, intestinal obstruction persists overlay ileoastsendoanastomozis and elimination jejuno-ileostomy, subsequently closed. Burn surface closed split skin transplants. Treatment of lesions of the right femur was carried out in external fixator. The patient was discharged on day 275 in satisfactory condition.Описаны этапы лечения ребенка 11 лет с электроожогом IV степени передней брюшной стенки и нижних конечностей с повреждением подвздошной кишки, большого сальника, правого бедра, левой голени общей площадью 15% поверхности тела. В брюшной полости выполнена резекция подвздошной кишки с выведением илеостомы, непроходимость кишечника устранена наложением илеоасцендоанастомоза и выведением еюноилеостомы, впоследствии закрытой. Ожоговая поверхность закрыта расщепленными кожными трансплантатами. Поражения правого бедра устраняли в аппарате наружной фиксации. Больной выписан на 275-й день в удовлетворительном состоянии
X-ray diffraction and multifrequency epr study of radiation-induced room temperature stable radicals in octacalcium phosphate
Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) ×Ca8H2(PO4)635H2O] has attracted increasing attention over the last decade as a transient intermediate to the biogenic apatite for bone engineering and in studies involving the processes of pathological calcification. In this work, OCP powders obtained by hydrolysis of dicalcium phosphate dehydrate were subjected to X- and γ-ray irradiation and studied by means of stationary and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance at 9, 36 and 94 GHz microwave frequencies. Several types of paramagnetic centers were observed in the investigated samples. Their spectroscopic parameters (components of the g and hyperfine tensors) were determined. Based on the extracted parameters, the induced centers were ascribed to H0, CO33-, CO2 - and nitrogen-centered (presumably NO3 2-) radicals. The spectroscopic parameters of the nitrogen-centered stable radical in OCP powders were found to be markedly different from those in hydroxyapatite. According to X-ray diffraction data, c-ray irradiation allowed the phase composition of calcium phosphates to change; all minor phases with the exception of OCP and hydroxyapatite disappeared, while the OCP crystal lattice parameters changed after irradiation. The obtained results could be used for the tracing of mineralization processes from their initiation to completion of the final product, identification of the OCP phase, and to follow the influence of radiation processes on phase composition of calcium phosphates