16 research outputs found

    TESLA: Potentials of γγ\gamma\gamma and e+ee^+e^- Options in Stoponium Searches

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    In some supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model fairly light superpartner of t-quark is predicted, which may form bound states - stoponiums. We estimate potentials of TESLA linear collider in search for stoponium, considering the basic e+e- option and the gamma-gamma option (Photon Linear Collider - PLC). It is found that PLC could be the best machine for discovery of these new narrow strong resonances. It can produce thousands stoponiums per 100 fb1^-1 integrated luminosity in the high energy peak. In the case of scenarios when stoponium decays mainly into gluons the signal/background ratio is about 1/4. The channel S->hh into two lightest Higgs bosons could be also seen with high significance. Thus, several weeks run is sufficient for the stoponium discovery, if its mass is approximately known (e.g. from observation of direct stops production at LHC). Then, in MSSM scenarios with dominant S->hh decay PLC shows excellent possibilities to discover bound state of stops, practically immediately after beginning of operating. The e+e- option also has some prospects to observe stoponium but only in the case of scenarios with dominant decay into two lightest Higgs bosons, with tens of events per 100 fb1fb^{-1}. Interesting possibility appears in the case when the resonance is seated on 0.1% width luminosity peak - one could resolve the stoponium exited states.Comment: Standard LaTeX, 15 pages, 2 figures, uses elsart.cls. Talk at the International Workshop on High Energy Photon Colliders (GG2000, DESY, Hamburg, June 14-17, 2000), to be published in Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A. Numbers for e+e- production are change

    The results of the 16th all-Russian youth conference on semiconductor and nanostructure physics and semiconductor opto- and nanoelectronics

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    The paper summarizes the results of the conference and describes the conference organizers and sponsors. The high standards for the materials submitted by undergraduate and graduate students were set by reports from two guest speakers of Ioffe Physical–Technical Institute. The paper includes an analytic review covering reports from all six sections of the conference and lists all reports that have been commended by the Program Committee and awarded certificates and money prizes. A number of reports were recommended for participation in the Member of Youth Science and Innovation Competition program in the ‘Scientific results which have significant novelty and the prospect of commercialization’ category and shall be further funded by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology

    Mesoporous silica materials as sensitive components for chemo- and biosensors

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    Mesoporous silica various morphology have many desirable properties as separation media. There high surface area and uniform porosity make them promising hosts for sensing molecules. Possibility of creation of chemical sensors on the basis of functionalized mesoporous silica materials for selective determination of herbicide was monitored in relation to HRP/2,4-D conjugate.Розглянуто можливості синтезу та застосування мезопористих кремнеземних матеріалів різної морфології як матриць для сенсорів різного призначення. Показано можливість створення біосенсорів для аналітичного визначення гербіцидів на прикладі найбільш поширеного в світі гербіциду 2,4-D.Рассмотрены возможности синтеза и применения мезопористых кремнеземных материалов различной морфологии в качестве элементов сенсоров различного функционального назначения. Показана возможность создания биосенсоров для аналитического определения гербицидов на примере наиболее распространенного в мире гербицида 2,4-D

    Type D retrovirus specific sequences in lymphocytes of the children with Burkitt-type lymphoma and their parents

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    Type D retroviruses cause immunodeficiency in monkey. Earlier we have revealed genetical and serological markers of type D retroviruses in children with Burkitt-type lymphoma. Using PCR/Southern blotting assay we have found sequences related to MPMV in PBMC's DNA from children with Burkitt-type lymphoma and from their parents. Moreover, the data on sequencing of virus specific sequences from one ill child and from his mother have been presented. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Type D retrovirus specific sequences in lymphocytes of the children with Burkitt-type lymphoma and their parents

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    Type D retroviruses cause immunodeficiency in monkey. Earlier we have revealed genetical and serological markers of type D retroviruses in children with Burkitt-type lymphoma. Using PCR/Southern blotting assay we have found sequences related to MPMV in PBMC's DNA from children with Burkitt-type lymphoma and from their parents. Moreover, the data on sequencing of virus specific sequences from one ill child and from his mother have been presented. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Attitude Dynamics Analysis of the First Russian Nanosatellite TNS-0 Using Flight Test Results

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    Abstract: The first Russian nanosatellite TNS-0 was manually launched from the International space station in March, 2005. The satellite was equipped with the passive magnetic attitude control system. To obtain the information on satellite attitude motion a several elementary sun sensors were installed. A few download sessions with the satellite were executed. Sun sensor measurements during certain time intervals were transmitted through GLOBALSTAR network. In the paper parameters of attitude motion are determined using the measurements. Analysis of the measurements showed that the satellite has probably achieved the following motion. The satellite rotates fast; the magnet direction averaged over precession period tracks the intensity vector of the geomagnetic field; the angle between the magnet direction and the intensity vector of the geomagnetic field is not small. Analytical research of the attitude motion is carried out.Note: Research direction:Theoretical and applied problems of mechanic

    Nickel-coordinated chiral enols and Michael addition intermediate stabilized by the Ni–C bond

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    A representative within a new class of chiral enol NiII complexes derived from a Schiff base of aminoacetone and (S)-2-N-(N-benzylprolinoylamino)benzophenone was prepared, and its performance in nucleophilic addition was estimated. The complex was inert towards aldehydes and activated C=C bonds but reacted with carboxylic anhydrides and di-tert-butyl acetylenedicarboxylate. An unusual Michael addition intermediate stabilized by the Ni–C bond was discovered in the latter reaction. © 201