13 research outputs found

    The NSC KIPT electron linacs - R&D

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    The electron linac research and development activity in the “Accelerator” R&D Production Establishment of the National Science Center KIPT are reviewed in the paper. The main results of linac system researches (electron sources, injector systems, accelerating structures, RF supply, control, and beam parameters measurement) obtained for the past ten years are presented.Дано огляд результатів діяльності в області розробки та дослідження лінійних електронних прискорювачів у Науково - дослідному комплексі “Прискорювач” ННЦ ХФТІ. Наведено одержані за останні десять років результати дослідження головних систем прискорювачів. Особлива увага приділяється новим типам джерел електронів, інжекторним системам та прискорюючим структурам. Описано розроблені та створені прискорювальні комплекси, які призначені для вирішення прикладних задач та проведення експериментальних досліджень.Приведен обзор результатов деятельности в области разработки и исследования линейных ускорителей электронов в Научно-исследовательском комплексе “Ускоритель” ННЦ ХФТИ. Описаны полученные за последние десять лет результаты исследования основных систем ускорителей. Особое внимание уделено новым типам источников электронов, инжекторных систем и ускоряющих структур. Приведено описание разработанных и созданных ускорительных комплексов, предназначенных для решения прикладных задач и проведения экспериментальных исследований

    Electron linacs in NSC KIPT: R&D and application

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    A review is given about electron linacs of NSC KIPT and their some applications for research of radiation effects in reactor materials, channeling, plasma-beam interactions, geology (gamma-activation analysis of ore samples), as well as sterilization of single-use medical products, modification of polymers and semiconductors, isotope production for nuclear medicine etc

    The results of the 16th all-Russian youth conference on semiconductor and nanostructure physics and semiconductor opto- and nanoelectronics

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    The paper summarizes the results of the conference and describes the conference organizers and sponsors. The high standards for the materials submitted by undergraduate and graduate students were set by reports from two guest speakers of Ioffe Physical–Technical Institute. The paper includes an analytic review covering reports from all six sections of the conference and lists all reports that have been commended by the Program Committee and awarded certificates and money prizes. A number of reports were recommended for participation in the Member of Youth Science and Innovation Competition program in the ‘Scientific results which have significant novelty and the prospect of commercialization’ category and shall be further funded by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology

    Multicomponent Biofuels for Agricultural Diesel Machines

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    Biofuels derived from vegetable oils are increasingly used in diesel engines. The article analyzes the physicochemical properties of petroleum diesel fuel and biofuels of various compositions. A technique has been developed to optimize the composition of multicomponent composite biofuels for diesel engines of agricultural machinery. The optimal composition of a mixture of petroleum diesel fuel, rapeseed oil and rapeseed oil methyl ester has been determined, providing the best combination of fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions. The optimization calculations made it possible to select the composition of a multicomponent mixed biofuel for the D-245.12S engine installed on domestic agricultural machines. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Untersuchungen der gasdynamischen Reaktion des Kohlenfloezes

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    Translated from Russian. Published in Bezop. Tr. Prom-sti. (1982) v. 51(4) p. 47-49Available from Steinkohlenbergbauverein, Essen (Germany, F.R.) (St 6919) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Investigation of the performances of a diesel engine operating on blended and emulsified biofuels from rapeseed oil

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    The article discusses the possibility of using blended biofuels from rapeseed oil (RO) as fuel for a diesel engine. RO blended diesel fuel (DF) and emulsified multicomponent biofuels have been investigated. Fuel physicochemical properties have been analyzed. Experimental tests of a diesel engine D-245 in the operating conditions of the external characteristic curve and the 13-mode test cycle have been conducted to investigate the effect of these fuels on engine performances. CFD simulations of the nozzle inner flow were performed for DF and ethanol-emulsified RO. The possibility of a significant improvement in brake thermal efficiency of the engine has been noted. The efficiency of using blended biofuels from RO as a motor fuel for diesel engines has been evaluated based on the experimental test results. It was shown that in comparison with the presence of RO in emulsified multicomponent biofuel, the presence of water has a more significant effect on NOx emission reduction. The content of RO and the content of water in the investigated emulsified fuels have a comparable influence on exhaust smoke reduction. Nozzle inner flow simulations show that the emulsification of RO changes its flow behaviors and cavitation regime. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland