83 research outputs found

    Распространенность воспалительных заболеваний мочеполовых органов, ассоциированных с генитальными микоплазмами. Эффективность лечения

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    Examination of 15765 women by PCR or culture method in the Southern Urals revealed genital mycoplasmas (M.hominis, M.genitalium, Ureaplasma spp.) in 25.8% of cases; they were more frequently met among socially non-adapted women (65,9% vs 17,2% in socially adapted group of women). Prescription of Josamycin (Wilprafen®), 500 mg TID for 10 days to women of both social groups provided the high level of antimicrobial effectiveness (92%) and favorable safety profile.При обследовании 15 765 пациенток установлено, что частота выявления генитальных микоплазм (M.hominis, M.genitalium, Ureaplasma spp.) у жительниц Южного Урала составила 25,8%, выявляемость микоплазм закономерно выше была у социально неадаптированных женщин (65,9%) по сравнению с социально адаптированными (17,2%). Использование джо- замицина (Вильпрафен®) в дозе 500 мг 3 раза в сутки у женщин, инфицированных генитальными микоплазмами, обеспечило высокую микробиологическую эффективность (92%) и не сопровождалось нежелательными реакциями

    Эмпатия студентов в контексте риска экстремизма

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    In unstable conditions, the scale of extremism as a form of illegal actions tends to grow. The statistical decrease in the number of extremist crimes was the result of legislative changes. In the risk group, there are primarily young people from 18 to 30 years old, who are more susceptible to psychological pressure from extremist and terrorist organizations, and especially the student youth, who have already begun to escape from parental control but still did not achieve the full adult responsibility. Public calls for extremist acts are based on various social-psychological mechanisms of influence and aim specifically at this age group. A low level of emotional intelligence, empathy and psychological well-being is essential for entering an extremist environment. In January- February 2022, a survey was conducted to test the hypothesis of a relationship between the level of empathy and propensity to violent extremism. The article presents the results of this survey, such as the lack of direct relationship between the level of empathy and the age. The survey’s unexpected result is that the general level of boys’ empathy is higher than that of girls, and girls are more likely to be extremist when they have a higher level of empathy. Thus, an increasing level of the youth’s empathy seems to be a way to prevent extremist behavior withing a comprehensive program but not a universal strategy for countering youth extremism. The article can become a basis for an effective pedagogical strategy to prevent extremism and to reduce the youths’ risks of being involved in it. The developed approach should take into account the gender peculiarities of empathy, which influence the manifestations of violent extremism.В нестабильных условиях масштабы экстремизма как формы противоправных действий продолжают расти. Снижение числа преступлений экстремистской направленности, отраженное в статистических данных, является следствием внесения изменений в законодательную базу. В группе риска в первую очередь оказываются молодые люди от 18 до 30 лет, которые в большей степени подвержены психологическому давлению со стороны экстремистских и террористических организаций, и особенно студенческая молодежь, которая уже начала чувствовать отпускающий родительский контроль, но еще не перешла границу полноценной взрослой ответственности. Публичные призывы к совершению экстремистских действий, в которых применяются разные социально-психологические механизмы воздействия, направлены именно на данную возрастную группу. Важную роль в интеграции в экстремистскую среду играет низкий уровень эмоционального интеллекта, эмпатии и психологического благополучия. В январе-феврале 2022 года был проведен опрос для проверки гипотезы о взаимосвязи между уровнем эмпатии и склонностью к насильственному экстремизму. В статье представлены результаты исследования уровня эмпатии и склонности к экстремизму у юношей и девушек, и прямой зависимости между уровнем эмпатии и возрастом выявлено не было. Неожиданным результатом стало то, что общий уровень эмпатии у юношей оказался выше, чем у девушек, и у девушек склонность к проявлению экстремизма вероятнее при высоком уровне эмпатии. Соответственно, повышение уровня эмпатии у молодых людей как способ профилактики экстремистского поведения может рассматриваться как один из аспектов комплексной программы, но не как универсальная стратегия противодействия молодежному экстремизму. Статья может стать основой для эффективной педагогической стратегии по профилактике экстремистской деятельности и снижению риска вовлечения в нее молодых людей. Разработанный подход должен учитывать особенности эмпатии у девушек и юношей, которые влияют на проявления насильственного экстремизма


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    This article deals with application of the “flow-rate - specific enthalpy” diagrams for designing and energy efficiency estimation of the distillation plant. Analysis shows that distillation plant with consecutive evaporation of initial water provides optimal value of specific work spent for compression and consecutive connection of stages by steam have the worst value of work spent for compression


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    This article deals with algorithm of distillation plant parameters selection based on “mass flow rate- enthalpy” diagram. This diagram allows to estimate operation of the plant by several criteria such as energy efficiency, real distillation plant output, steam compressor and evaporator efficiency

    Multiband light emission and nanoscale chemical analyses of carbonized fumed silica

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    Fumed silica with a specific area of 295 m(2)/g was carbonized by successive phenyltrimethoxysilane treatments followed by annealing in inert atmosphere up to 650 degrees C. Emission, excitation, kinetics, and photo-induced bleaching effects were investigated by steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopies. The local chemistry was also studied by infrared transmission spectroscopy. Strong ultraviolet and visible photoluminescence was observed in the samples after the chemical treatments/modifications and thermal annealing. It has been shown that ultraviolet photoluminescence in chemically modified fumed silica is associated with phenyl groups, while near ultraviolet and visible emission in annealed samples originated from inorganic pyrolytic carbon precipitates dispersed in the silica host matrix. Two types of emission bands were identified as a function of the annealing temperature: one is in the near UV and the other is in the visible range. Based on the emission/excitation analysis of these two bands, as well as on correlations with the synthesis conditions, a structural-energy concept of light-emitting centers has been proposed. According to this model, the light-emitting centers are associated with carbon clusters that can be bonded or adsorbed on the silica surface. This has been validated by a detailed (S)TEM-electron energy-loss spectroscopy study, confirming the inhomogeneous distribution of nanoscale carbon precipitates at the surface of the silica nanoparticles. These carbon precipitates are mostly amorphous although they possess some degree of graphitization and local order. Finally, the fraction of sp(2) carbon in these nanoclusters has been estimated to be close to 80%. Published by AIP Publishing


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    Utilization of steam compressor as a drive for distillation desalination plant requires creation either high- frequency working wheel or working wheel with high diameter. However, there may be a possibility to use an industrial high-pressure fan as a steam compressor. This article deals with this investigation of this possibility

    Properties of SiGe/Si heterostructures fabricated by ion implantation technique

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    A comprehensive electrical characterisation of the SiGe/Si heterostructures has been performed in the wide temperature range (10270 K). Four structures fabricated by the Ge⁺ ion implantation technique at different substrate temperatures (room temperature, 150°C, 450°C and 600°C) have been studied. The diode I-V characteristics, thermally stimulated capacitance and currents were measured and the presence and parameters of shallow trap levels were determined in dependence on the substrate temperature. The sample implanted at 450°C shows the best diode operation reflecting the higher quality of the surface silicon layer as compared to RT- and 150°C-implanted samples. Implantation-induced mechanical stresses have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. For the first time the cryogenic TSCR technique has been applied to this system which makes it possible to investigate strain in the silicon layer due to SiGe layer formation

    Effect of chemical and radiofrequency plasma treatment on photoluminescence of SiOx films

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    Effect of hydrogen radiofrequency plasma and chemical treatment on photoluminescence (PL) spectra of SiOx layers containing Si nanoparticles are investigated. Considerable PL intensity growth in the samples containing Si nanocrystals (nc-Si-SiOx) after plasma treatment is observed. The process saturates for time of 15 minutes. Chemical treatment in ammonia and acetone vapour before thermal annealing of SiOx layers leads to the considerable changes in PL spectra effecting both on the band shape and on the intensity. The possibility of controlled changes in PL spectra in nc-Si-SiO₂ layers is shown

    Genotype by yield × trait (GYT) biplot analysis for the identification of the superior winter and facultative barley breeding lines

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    Received: January 25th, 2023 ; Accepted: May 21st, 2023 ; Published: June 17th, 2023 ; Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] the present study, in a panel of promising winter and facultative barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding lines, the peculiarities of yield performance and its combination with resistance (tolerance) to the most common under conditions of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe abiotic and biotic stresses have been determined. In 2016-17–2018-19 the breeding lines were differentiated based on grain yield, thousand kernel weight, frost resistance, leakage of electrolytes, relative drought tolerance, lodging resistance, and resistance to powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer, f. sp. hordei emend. É. J. Marchal (anamorph Oidium monilioides Link)), spot blotch (caused by Cochliobolus sativus (anamorph Bipolaris sorokiniana [Sacc.] Shoem.)), and leaf rust (caused by Puccinia hordei Otth.). GYT (genotype by yield × trait) biplot model was used for comprehensive evaluation of the breeding lines by a combination of yield with a complex of traits. As a result, the winter breeding line ‘Pallidum 5096’ and facultative breeding line ‘Pallidum 5110’ superior to others in terms of yield × traits combinations have been identified. These breeding lines as new varieties ‘MIP Atlas’ and ‘MIP Yanus’ accordingly have been submitted to the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination for further State Qualification Examination. The winter (‘Pallidum 5134’, ‘Pallidum 5097’, ‘Pallidum 5024’, ‘Pallidum 5090’, and ‘Pallidum 5130’) and facultative (‘Pallidum 5153’, ‘Pallidum 5102’, ‘Pallidum 5126’, and ‘Pallidum 5131’) breeding lines can be used as valuable genetic sources in breeding programs in Ukraine and some other Central a nd Eastern European countries