52 research outputs found

    Nanotube Connections in Bilayer Graphene with Elongated Holes

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    Structures, stability and electronic properties of AA-stacking bigraphene with holes are studied using molecular mechanic and DFT method calculations. It has been shown the zig-zag edges of considered elon-gated holes lead to armchair sp2-nanotube-type connection between these two edges forming all sp2-structure. We consider similar periodic structures with (n,n) nanotubes formed among elongated holes and connected with bigraphene fragments, which edges are also closed edges. The stability and electronic prop-erties of these structures are investigated. Band structures of considered materials have energy gaps 0.20-0.27 eV in the direction of tube axes through jumpers on the connections, and Dirac-like point views in the opposite direction. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3546

    Nanotube Connections in Bilayer Graphene with Elongated Holes

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    Structures, stability and electronic properties of AA-stacking bigraphene with holes are studied using molecular mechanic and DFT method calculations. It has been shown the zig-zag edges of considered elon-gated holes lead to armchair sp2-nanotube-type connection between these two edges forming all sp2-structure. We consider similar periodic structures with (n,n) nanotubes formed among elongated holes and connected with bigraphene fragments, which edges are also closed edges. The stability and electronic prop-erties of these structures are investigated. Band structures of considered materials have energy gaps 0.20-0.27 eV in the direction of tube axes through jumpers on the connections, and Dirac-like point views in the opposite direction. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3546


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    This article describes the changes in the music industry marketing associated with the introduction of digital marketing technologies in the process of promoting music products. Transformation of the 5P`s marketing concept in a digital society is considered and the most significant changes in each of the elements of this concept aimed at successful promotion in the music industry are illustrated.В данной статье описаны изменения маркетинга музыкальной индустрии, связанные с внедрением технологий digital-маркетинга в процесс продвижения музыкального продукта. Рассмотрена трансформация маркетинговой концепции 5P в цифровом обществе и проиллюстрированы наиболее значимые изменения каждого из элементов данной концепции, нацеленные на успешное продвижение в музыкальной индустрии

    The development of statistical methods for the diagnosis of neurological diseases based on multiparameter analysis of brain activity

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    The application of data science for the analysis of biomedical data presented as time series allows using new methods of analysis of living systems. Therefore, using these methods it could be possible to discover new diagnostic criteria for neurological diseases. In this paper, in the framework of Memory Functions Formalism, one of the approaches of statistical physics, we analyze recordings of signals of the human brain cortex in the sleep state of 19 patients with nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy and 8 healthy subjects. We observe alterations of dynamic parameter behavior at the pathology and in healthy subjects. Furthermore, we reveal significant alterations in brain rhythms manifestations at statistical memory functions power spectra of patients with epilepsy and healthy subject. As a result, we show that the application of the statistical analysis of electroencephalogram recordings, after appropriate verification, can be helpful in the search of diagnostic criteria of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy

    Corrigendum "Corrigendum Statistical Analysis of Partial Discharge Characteristics in Transformer Oil at the “Point-Plane” Electrode at Alternating Voltage"

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    On the page 1 of this article: authors Korobeynikov S.M. and Bychkov A.L. should get additional affiliation “Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation”

    FNS-parameterization of human magnetoencephalograms for the diagnosis of photosensitive epilepsy

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    This work presents the results of parameterization of magnetoencephalogram signals from healthy subjects and a patient with photosensitive epilepsy. Diagnostic criteria were established during the extraction of resonant and high-frequency (chaotic) components of the initial time signals. It is shown that an increase in the intensity of the chaotic components of the studied signals in the high-frequency region leads to a violation of cross-correlation relationships and a decrease in the level of manifestation of frequency-phase synchronization. The discovered signs of photosensitive epilepsy will contribute to the development of new methods for the diagnosis and medical control of this disease based on Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy

    The search for statistical patterns of pathological activity in human EEG signals in focal epilepsy

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    Modern data science faces a lot of challenges, one of which is the search for diagnostic criteria for neurological diseases. New methods of statistical analysis are actively applied in the field of biophysics to solve this issue. In this paper we apply the Memory Functions Formalism to analyze electroencephalogram signal recordings in the sleeping state of 8 healthy subjects and 19 patients with nocturnal lobe epilepsy. We observe the considerable difference of statistical memory effects and fractal properties at the pathology in comparison with the control group. Furthermore, we reveal significant alterations in brain rhythms at power spectra of statistical memory functions for two groups of subjects. As a result, we show that the application of the statistical analysis methodology of bioelectrical brain cortex activity recordings, after appropriate verification, can be useful in the search for diagnostic criteria of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy

    Study of a New Type of Crimped-Shape Nanotubes Cut from Bilayer Graphene with the Moiré Angle Θ = 27.8°

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    New quasi-one-dimensional hollow nanostructures similar to flattened nanotubes are numerically simu- lated. These nanostructures can be obtained by connecting the edges of nanoribbons cut out of twisted bilayer graphene with the Moiré angle Θ = 27.8°. The resulting nanotubes are non-chiral and contain chains of topo- logical defects at the connected edges. A detailed description of their structure is given, and their energy sta- bility is also demonstrated. The electronic characteristics of such structures and their evolution in the course of deformation are determined using ab initio methods. All nanotubes under study are metallic, except the structure with a width of 14 Å, characterized by the band gap Eg = 0.2 eV. It is shown that the electronic and elastic characteristics of such nanotubes differ significantly from those of nanoribbons forming them and of single-walled carbon nanotube

    Optimizing the economic use of populations of game animals in the region (By the example of the yaroslavl region)

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    An algorithm for optimizing the parameters of the development of game animal populations is proposed on the basis of variant calculations using the modified Leslie matrix model using a correcting matrix. Calculations have been made to optimize the parameters of hunting animals for beaver, hare, boar, martens, fox, moose and maral populations in the Yaroslavl region, given control figures of the "Strategy for the Development of the Game Husbandry of the Russian Federation through to 2030". © 2018, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved