9 research outputs found

    Nova técnica de bloqueio do plexo braquial em cães New technique of brachial plexus block in dogs

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a viabilidade e a eficĂĄcia de uma nova tĂ©cnica para o bloqueio do plexo braquial em cĂŁes. Para tanto, foram utilizados 11 cĂŁes, machos e fĂȘmeas, idade e peso variĂĄveis e mestiços. Os animais foram prĂ©-tratados com acepromazina e a indução da anestesia foi realizada com propofol. Posteriormente, os animais foram submetidos ao bloqueio do plexo braquial que constou da associação da tĂ©cnica de mĂșltiplas injeçÔes com o emprego do estimulador de nervos e a tĂ©cnica da palpação arterial como ponto de referĂȘncia para a localização dos nervos. Utilizou-se como anestĂ©sico local, a bupivacaĂ­na com vasoconstritor administrado na dose total de 4mg/kg a 0,375% . O volume total foi dividido em 4 partes iguais, administradas na velocidade de 30 segundos cada, com o objetivo de se atingir a maior quantidade de nervos. O tempo necessĂĄrio para realização da tĂ©cnica foi de 11,30 ± 4,54 minutos; o perĂ­odo de latĂȘncia para o bloqueio motor foi de 9,70 ± 5,52 minutos e para o bloqueio sensitivo foi de 26,20 ± 8,86 min. , sendo a duração da analgesia de 11:00 ± 0:45 horas. Em 90% dos animais, o bloqueio foi efetivo, constatado atravĂ©s da anestesia de todo membro torĂĄcico distal Ă  articulação escĂĄpulo-umeral. A Ășnica complicação observada foi a hipotensĂŁo arterial desenvolvida em um animal. Mediante os resultados obtidos, pode-se pressupor que as cirurgias envolvendo o membro torĂĄcico distal Ă  articulação escĂĄpulo-umeral poderĂŁo ser utilizadas com auxĂ­lio desta nova tĂ©cnica do bloqueio do plexo braquial, bem como na analgesia pĂłs-operatĂłria de longa duração.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability and efficacy of a new technique of brachial plexus block in dogs. Eleven mongrel dogs of different ages and weight, both male and female were used. Animals were pre-medicated with acepromazine and induction of anesthesia was performed with propofol. The brachial plexus block was achieved with the combination of the following techniques: multiple injections, nerve stimulator and the axilary artery pulse to locate the nerves. Bupivacaine was the local anesthetic employed at a total dose of 4mg/kg. This dose was divided in 4, that were administered in 30 seconds each, to achieve more nerves as possible. The time spent to perform the whole procedure was 11.30 ± 4.54 minutes; onset time for motor and sensitive block were 9.70 ± 5.52 and 26.20 ± 8.86 respectively. Duration of analgesia was 11.0 ± 0.45 hours. The block was effective in 90% of animals what was assessed through complete anesthesia of the front limb distally to the shoulder joint. Hypotension in one animal was the sole complication observed. With the results obtained we can suggest the use of this technique for front limb surgery performed distally to the shoulder joint as well as a pos-operative analgesic approach in dogs

    To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?

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    Abstract: Over the past 10 years, Oosterhof and Todorov’s valence–dominance model has emerged as the most prominent account of how people evaluate faces on social dimensions. In this model, two dimensions (valence and dominance) underpin social judgements of faces. Because this model has primarily been developed and tested in Western regions, it is unclear whether these findings apply to other regions. We addressed this question by replicating Oosterhof and Todorov’s methodology across 11 world regions, 41 countries and 11,570 participants. When we used Oosterhof and Todorov’s original analysis strategy, the valence–dominance model generalized across regions. When we used an alternative methodology to allow for correlated dimensions, we observed much less generalization. Collectively, these results suggest that, while the valence–dominance model generalizes very well across regions when dimensions are forced to be orthogonal, regional differences are revealed when we use different extraction methods and correlate and rotate the dimension reduction solution. Protocol registration: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 5 November 2018. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7611443.v1. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited

    Chemical modulation of cell fates: in situ regeneration

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