76 research outputs found

    Black hole mass spectrum vs spectrum of Hawking radiation

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    We consider a massive selfgravitating shell as a model for collapsing body and a null selfgravitating shell as a model for quanta of Hawking radiation. It is show that the mass-energy spectra for the body and the radiation do not match. The way out of this difficulty is to consider not only out-going radiation but also the ingoing one. It means that the structure of black hole is changing during its evaporation resulting in the Bekenstein-Mukhanov spectrum for large masses.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Junction Conditions of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Space-Times

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    We complete a classification of junctions of two Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-times bounded by a spherical thin wall. Our analysis covers super-horizon bubbles and thus complements the previous work of Berezin, Kuzumin and Tkachev. Contrary to sub-horizon bubbles, various topology types for super-horizon bubbles are possible, regardless of the sign of the extrinsic curvature. We also derive a formula for the peculiar velocity of a domain wall for all types of junction.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, figures are not included (available on request by regular mail), WU-AP/31/9

    Quasiclassical mass spectrum of the black hole model with selfgravitating dust shell

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    We consider a quantum mechanical black hole model introduced in {\it Phys.Rev.}, {\bf D57}, 1118 (1998) that consists of the selfgravitating dust shell. The Schroedinger equation for this model is a finite difference equation with the shift of the argument along the imaginary axis. Solving this equation in quasiclassical limit in complex domain leads to quantization conditions that define discrete quasiclassical mass spectrum. One of the quantization conditions is Bohr-Sommerfeld condition for the bound motion of the shell. The other comes from the requirement that the wave function is unambiguously defined on the Riemannian surface on which the coefficients of Schroedinger equation are regular. The second quantization condition remains valid for the unbound motion of the shell as well, and in the case of a collapsing null-dust shell leads to mkm\sim\sqrt{k} spectrum.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Formation of Black Hole and Wormhole in Gravitational Collapse of a Dust Shell

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    Quantum-mechanical model of self-gravitating dust shell is considered. To clarify the relation between classical and quantum spacetime which the shell collapse form, we consider various time slicing on which quantum mechanics is developed. By considering the static time slicing which corresponds to an observer at a constant circumference radius, we obtain the wave functions of the shell motion and the discrete mass spectra which specify the global structures of spherically symmetric spacetime formed by the shell collapse. It is found that wormhole states are forbidden when the rest mass is comparable with Plank mass scale due to the zero-point quantum fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages in twocolumn, 8 figures, RevTeX 3.

    Could the real (not virtual) static observer exist outside a Schwarzschild black hole?

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    The aim of this Letter is rather pedagogical. We considered the static spherically symmetric ensemble of observers, having finite bare mass and trying to measure geometrical and physical properties of the environmental static (Schwarzschild) space-time. It is shown that, using the photon rockets (which the mass together with the mass of their fuel is also taken into account) they can managed to keep themselves on the fixed value of radius. The process of diminishing the total bare mass up to zero lasts infinitely long time. It is important that the problem is solved self-consistently, i.e., with full account for the back reaction of both bare mass and radiation from rockets on the space-time geometry.Comment: 7 page

    Supersymmetry and the Odd Poisson Bracket

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    Some applications of the odd Poisson bracket developed by Kharkov's theorists are represented, including the reformulation of classical Hamiltonian dynamics, the description of hydrodynamics as a Hamilton system by means of the odd bracket and the dynamics formulation with the Grassmann-odd Lagrangian. Quantum representations of the odd bracket are also constructed and applied for the quantization of classical systems based on the odd bracket and for the realization of the idea of a composite spinor structure of space-time. At last, the linear odd bracket, corresponding to a semi-simple Lie group, is introduced on the Grassmann algebra.Comment: 17 pages, LATEX 2e. Invited talk given at the International Symposium "30 Years of Supersymmetry" (Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 13-27 October, 2000) due to the support kindly offered by the Organizing Committee of this meeting and, especially, by Keith Olive and Mikhail Shifma

    Boundary sources in the Doran - Lobo - Crawford spacetime

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    We take a null hypersurface (the causal horizon) generated by a congruence of null geodesics as the boundary of the Doran-Lobo-Crawford spacetime, to be the place where the Brown-York quasilocal energy is located. The components of the outer and inner stress tensors are computed and shown to depend on time and on the impact parameter bb of the test particle trajectory. The surface energy density σ\sigma on the boundary is given by the same expression as that obtained previously for the energy stored on a Rindler horizon.Comment: 4 pages, title changed, no figures, minor text change

    Wick type deformation quantization of Fedosov manifolds

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    A coordinate-free definition for Wick-type symbols is given for symplectic manifolds by means of the Fedosov procedure. The main ingredient of this approach is a bilinear symmetric form defined on the complexified tangent bundle of the symplectic manifold and subject to some set of algebraic and differential conditions. It is precisely the structure which describes a deviation of the Wick-type star-product from the Weyl one in the first order in the deformation parameter. The geometry of the symplectic manifolds equipped by such a bilinear form is explored and a certain analogue of the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem is presented. The 2-form is explicitly identified which cohomological class coincides with the Fedosov class of the Wick-type star-product. For the particular case of K\"ahler manifold this class is shown to be proportional to the Chern class of a complex manifold. We also show that the symbol construction admits canonical superextension, which can be thought of as the Wick-type deformation of the exterior algebra of differential forms on the base (even) manifold. Possible applications of the deformed superalgebra to the noncommutative field theory and strings are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Ultimate gravitational mass defect

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    We present a new type of gravitational mass defect in which an infinite amount of matter may be bounded in a zero ADM mass. This interpolates between effects typical of closed worlds and T-spheres. We consider the Tolman model of dust distribution and show that this phenomenon reveals itself for a solution that has no origin on one side but is closed on the other side. The second class of examples corresponds to smooth gluing T-spheres to the portion of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker solution. The procedure is generalized to combinations of smoothly connected T-spheres, FRW and Schwarzschild metrics. In particular, in this approach a finite T-sphere is obtained that looks for observers in two R-regions as the Schwarzschild metric with two different masses one of which may vanish.Comment: 9 pages. 1 reference added. To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Hawking Radiation as Quantum Tunneling in Rindler Coordinate

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    We substantiate the Hawking radiation as quantum tunneling of fields or particles crossing the horizon by using the Rindler coordinate. The thermal spectrum detected by an accelerated particle is interpreted as quantum tunneling in the Rindler spacetime. Representing the spacetime near the horizon locally as a Rindler spacetime, we find the emission rate by tunneling, which is expressed as a contour integral and gives the correct Boltzmann factor. We apply the method to non-extremal black holes such as a Schwarzschild black hole, a non-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole, a charged Kerr black hole, de Sitter space, and a Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter black hole.Comment: LaTex 19 pages, no figure; references added and replaced by the version accepted in JHE