86 research outputs found

    Influenţa duratei de păstrarea seminţelor de mazăre asupra capacităţii de germinare

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    The present paper presents a study regarding the influence of the storage period on the germination capacity of garden peas seeds. The germination capacity of the garden peas seeds was done according to the Romanian standard SR 1634/1999, during a period of three years, between 2012-2014. The number ofgerms resulted naturally has constantly declinedstarting from 2012 up until 2014, in all cultivars, but the biggest decline was recorded in the Skinado (11.80 %) and Television (12,32 %) cultivars. The final value of the total germination in the case of the Television cultivar was of 76.5%, being below the acceptable limit for germination, that is of 80%

    Un nou sortiment de pătlăgele vinete (Solanum Melongena L.) pentru cultura în solarii

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    The economic efficiency of eggplant crops in tunnels is generally determined by any technological factors such as: providing seedlings with high biological value, crop establishing at time and proper density, assuring the measures to maintenance at optimum etc. The aim of the research was to determine the suitability of a new eggplant assortment for cultivation in tunnels around of Matca area. The biological material used was represented by three hybrid cultivars: Black Pearl F1 (Enza Zaden), Mirval F1 (Vilmorin) and Valeria F1 (Hazera-Nickerson). The highest yields, early (68.60 t/ha) and total (163.93 t/ha) were achieved by Black Pearl F1 hybrid. The highest number of fruits per plant was obtaine by Valeria hybrid and the highest percentage of early production was achieved by Mirval F1 cultiva

    Influența fertilizării diferențiate la varza albă asupra cantității și calității producției

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    The cabbage crops is one of the most important spectrum vegetable plants, this is demonstrated by the large area planted and yields obtained. The quality and quantity of white cabbage depend by variety, technology, fertilizer management, and maintenance. The purpose of this work has been to evaluate the influence of management fertilization on early cabbage production and the content of nitrites and nitrates. The favorable effect of fertilization regime on total production at Bourbone cultivar observed by different production from 43.363 t/ha in control to 69.376 t/ha at variant fertilized with Micoseed®. The nitrate content ranged from 0.34 mg/kg in control up to 0.72 mg/kg in the version organic fertilized. The nitrate content ranged from 48.11 mg/kg in control up to 162.14 mg/kg in version fertilized with Nutrifine®

    Environmental sustainability fruit quality and production in mycorrhizal tomato plants without P fertilizing

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    The influence of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Funelliformis mosseae, on fruit quality, production and environmental sustainability were evaluated in field-tomato plants grown exposed to P-limited soil 5 µg g -1 soil (basal-soil) with nitrate fertilization (50 µg g -1 soil), after greenhouse germination and fungus colonization. After 60 days sowing (DAS), when the percentage of mycorrhizal root length (% RLC) raised at about 50%, the plants were transplanted in open field. During the experiment, the mycorrhization has affected a lot of physiological aspects like vegetative and reproductive growth, improving them and ended the fruiting with a major fruit production that was 50% higher than not mycorrhizal (NM) plants. The ripening process of the fruits was also followed by testing sugars content and ß-Amylase activity in fruits of NM and mycorrhizal (M) plants fruits. At 140 DAS, in the harvesting fruits stage, fruits of M plants showed significantly higher mineral nutrient sugars and organic nitrogen compounds as amino acids and protein, compared to fruits from NM plants. In particular, GLU-GLN-ASP and ASN raised about 35% more than fruits from NM plants, improving nutritional aspect and flavor of the product. THR-ILEU-LEU-VAL and LYS, essential amino acids in man nutrition, increased around 25% more than fruits from NM plants, too. In this contest, lycopene, total carotenoids, ascorbic acid and glutathione (GS) and reduced form (GSH) were also tested in ripe fruits. The overall results suggest that tomato roots colonization by mycorrhizal fungus Funelliformis mosseae affects host plant nutritional status, modifying reproductive behavior, fruits production and nutritional quality

    Rezultate preliminarii privind germinaţia şi velocitatea seminţelor de mazăre la soiul kelvedon wonder

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    The seed is an important factor of production that ensures the biological material necessary for the establishment of agricultural and horticultural crops. The seed of a cultivation will faithfully pass the characteristics determined by the genome if it has a higher cultural value, a primordial value determined by germination, purity and state of health. In the case of seed produced in the year 2016, the germination index varied from 84.0% determined to five days, up to 93.5% (on the ninth day). Germination speed is maximum at first determination (21.0%) and decreases to 8.5% when seed germination has reached the highest value during the 12 days. The velocity coefficient of germination has descended values, the lowest value of 8% registering on day 12, which can be genetically influenced, but also by storage conditions

    Studiul germinaţiei seminţelor ca etapă tehnică în producerea legumelor de tip microgreens

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    The paper addresses research on the possibility of optimizing the production of "microgreens", by assessing the seed germination regimein radish (Raphanus sativus L. convar. sativus) depending on different temperatures: 15°C, 20°C and 25°C. The results show that there are no significant differences for this species for the three types of temperature studied

    Studii preliminare privind îmbunătăţirea calităţii fructelor de tomate prin diferite măsuri tehnologice

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    The tomatoes represent the most largely spread vegetable species, being valued across all continents and cultivated over the period of the entire year. The tomato nutritional quality largely depends on the genetic potential of the cultivar, the biotope, as well as the fertilization system that was used. The main aim of these studies represents the analysis of the effect of using different technological means (cultivar, fertilization, irrigation) in order to obtain the tomato fruits with a high nutritional content

    Influenţa sistemelor de cultivare asupra producţiei şi conţinutului de metale grele la pătlăgelele vinete

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    The present paper was carried out in the Vegetable research field of the "V. Adamachi" Farm regarding the interaction of eggplant cultivars with fertilization regime.The determination of the heavy metal content was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, using the Shimadzu GC-2100.Following the conduct of the analyses, they were detected in both conventional and organic cultivation systems, both in soil and in vegetables, containing CR, Ni, with, Zn, Cd and Pb. The CR, Ni, and Zn content of the conventional system exceeded the maximum permissible limit By Regulation EC No 1/2003. 396/2005, whereas the heavy metal content of the organic system has not exceeded for any chemical element the maximum limits permitted by Regulation EC No 1/2003. 396/2005

    Studii asupra germinaţiei seminţelor şi răsăririi plantelor de revent (Rheum Rhabarbarum L.)

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    Seed germination and plantlets spring at rhubarb species were studied in the standard conditions on a peat substrate. Results revealed that the germination rate was of 90%, and spring rate was of 82%. Germination period had 12 days, starting in the 7-th day of experiment, and the spring was done in 10 day

    Evaluarea riscului chimic la cultura de fasole mare (Phaseolus Coccineus L.)

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    Runner beans is very few studied in Romania, but the importance of this specie consist of high nutrient value: hydrocarbon - 7.7%, protein - 2.4%, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Currently runner bean crop, like all vegetable species, is undergoing a number of chemical factors like: pesticides, fertilizers and hormons.The aim of this study assessing chemical risk factors on runner bean crop in NE region of Romania. Content level of contaminants vary depending on the variety, but the obtained values not exceeding the maximum limits admitted by regulation, but some contaminants are at maximum levels. This requires especially where conventional monitoring system value pods residues so that consumption would not pose a risk