213 research outputs found

    Using corrugation stitch in submammary fold at the reconstructive breast surgery

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    The aim of the research was to develop a new technique for suturing the surgical incision in submammary area after subpectoral reconstructive breast surgery with good cosmetic result. Clinical observation group included 10 patients. It was found that the new technique of suturing the surgical incision, in comparison with the method offered by M.B. Calobrace et al. (2014), allows to decrease the duration of suturing from 6 min 10 ± 0.06 sec down to 5 min 29 ± 0.04 sec (р < 0.01), to reduce number of stitches from 24 down to 15, to shorten postoperative stitch from 4.24 ± 0.06 cm down to 3.71 ± 0.07 cm (р < 0.01), and to shorten cicatrix length in 1 year after the operation from 4.78 ± 0.19 cm down to 4.25 ± 0.22 cm (р < 0.05). Therefore, the developed technique of suturing the surgical wound provides the location of postoperative cicatrix in the area of submammary fold which makes it less noticeable. Moreover, it allows to shorten the length of postoperative cicatrix, decrease the duration of the surgery and to secure adequate stability of implant fixation

    Permeability of Magnetic Cores with Air Gaps

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    The influence of the geometric dimensions of the cut core and the number and size of air gaps on the effective permeability was investigated. Using dimensional analysis, an equation was obtained that relates the permeability of the cut core to the simplest dimensionless combination of the mean magnetic flux length l, single air gap length lg1, the cross-sectional area S of the core, and gap number ng . Permeability calculated from the geometric parameters of the cut core was compared with the effective permeability obtained using a two-dimensional FEMM simulation. Simulation has shown that the equation derived from dimensional analysis provides the best fit. The influence of each significant parameters l, lg1, ng, and S on cut core permeability is demonstrated. Experimental results have shown that an equation derived from dimensional analysis can be used to predict cut core permeability. In this case, one should take into account the residual air gap that forms after cutting the core. A method for assessing the residual air gap is proposed. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


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    The understanding the nature of trait inheritance in any crops is that determines the quality of results in breeding program. According to reference on previous publication, it is known that phenotypic manifestation of purple root color in radish was caused by regulatory interrelationship mechanisms of genetic control that is difficult to be used directly in breeding program. From literature sources and on the basis of their own research work the authors have proven the practice to maintain the trait in generations, and implementations of development of purple radish breeding accessions have been presented. At first stage of breeding program the selection of initial breeding accessions was carried out, where 14 varieties (red x white) were regarded on the basis of top-crosses to obtain F1 and F2 progenies to be analyzed. Thus, four best combinations from crossing were chosen with 100% of hybridity. Through analysis of hybrids for individual progenies the hybrid population F1 of radish ‘Konfeti’ with different root colors was developed. As result of the individual inbreeding selection on seed plants with pigmented stems and the colored flower rim, the stable breeding accession with purple root was obtained. Thus, in breeding practice in radish it was succeeded to obtain the stably inheriting purple root color in radish accessions, variety ‘Siniiy Iniey’. Знание природы наследования признака в селекции любой культуры определяет качество селекционной работы с ней. Известно, что фенотипическое проявление фиолетовой окраски корнеплода редиса обусловлено регуляторными механизмами сложного генетического взаимодействия, трудно поддающегося селекционному использованию. На основе литературных источников и собственных селекционных исследований авторами обоснована практика закрепления признака в поколениях размножения и показаны примеры получения форм редиса с фиолетовой окраской корнеплодов. На начальном этапе селекционной работы с культурой была организована работа по подбору сортов для гибридизации методом топ-кросса 14 сортов (красный х белый), затем была проведена оценка F1, F2 и других поколений, были определены 4 лучших комбинации скрещивания со 100% гибридностью. На основе гибридологического анализа индивидуальных потомств нами была составлена гибридная популяция редиса Конфетти F1 c разноцветным окрашиванием корнеплодов. В результате индивидуального инбредного отбора по семенному растению (пигментация стеблей, окрашивание венчика цветка) получена стабильно наследующая форма редиса с фиолетовым окрашиванием корнеплода. Таким образом, в практике ведения селекционной работы с культурой редиса удалось получить стабильно наследуемую форму с фиолетовым окрашиванием корнеплода – сорт Синий иней


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    We analyzed the results of treatment of 110 patients who had. cystectomy with, different types of urinary diversion. In the early postoperative period next complications occurred: prolonged intestinal paresis, dynamic ileus, thrombosis of the external iliac artery failure of intestinal anastomosis and the uretero-reservoir anastomosis, lymphocele formation, exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. In the late postoperative major complications were: urinary incontinence, stricture of the uretero-reservoir anastomosis, bladder stone formation. Conducted. operational and conservative methods of treatment allowed the arrest caused complications

    A portable radiometric system for nuclear medicine

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    It's shown suggested methods for diagnosing pathological processes in biological objects using a developed portable radiometric system with four gamma-ray detectors. Designed portable radiometric system was used to make 2D imaging of anatomical structures. The system can value pharmacokinetics in several points of wide area of interest at the patient body. In this study specially designed phantoms were used. Phantom models of the liver and blood circulation system were made to assay radiometric system. The construction concept and possible applications of the system in the practice of radionuclide diagnostic studies in vivo are presented. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Conditionally university student readiness of the person to self-development by means of physical education

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    The article discusses conditionality desire of students to self-development and the formation of competence readiness in this area of knowledge in classes of P.E. Designed levels determination of formation of readiness for self-development of students of the university. The system contributes to self-realization of the personality of students, formation of physical culture and sports competences and the competence of self-development. The fact is that the current situation in the development of the society and the analysis of the world's sociocultural and educational trends indicate that in recent years, various aspects of the individual's behavior towards his health have become the object of intense public attention and the subject of interdisciplinary research in many highly developed countries under the slogan: "Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing". Hence the tasks of the student's personality self-development during the intensive preparation for professional activity at the university are aimed at maintaining their own health and improving their physical fitness, considering formation of professional motor skills for effective mastering the future profession and career growth after graduation.peer-reviewe

    Building the Record of late Miocene to Pleistocene Explosive Activity in the Kurile-Kamchatka Volcanic Arc: Initial Results and Challenges

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    Large explosive eruptions are among the most extreme natural events and can produce hemispheric or even global catastrophic effects. One of the prerequisites of predicting future giant eruptions is the understanding of sizes and recurrence times of past similar events. Volcanism of the North Pacific arcs is highly explosive, which is attested by large nested calderas and numerous tephra layers in marine and terrestrial sediments..