11 research outputs found
Obrada čelika P2-04BCH kutno kanalnom ekstruzijom (KKE)
The article presents results of investigation of structure and properties of low-carbon steel grade P2-04BCH after application of ECAE at temperature of approx. 290C. The ECAE method leads to significant improvement of strength of investigated material. Investigation of structure was made by combination of TEM and FEG SEM together with EBSD. It was proven the ECAE method enables obtaining of ultra fine-grained ferritic structure formed by recrystallised grains with very low density of dislocations and with a small portion of spheroidised carbides, which occurred usually on the boundaries of ferritic grains.Članak prikazuje rezultate istraživanja strukture i svojstava niskougljičnog čelika kvalitete P2-04BCH nakon kanalno kutne ekstruzije (KKE) pri temperaturi od oko 290°C. Zabilježen je značajan porast čvrstoće materijala. Struktura je ispitana kombinacijom transmisijskog elektronskog mikroskopa (TEM), skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa s emisijom polja (FEG SEM) te elektronskom difrakcijom (EBSD). Dokazano je da se jednakokanalnom kutnom ekstruzijom postiže izuzetno sitnozrnata feritna struktura rekristalizacijom zrna, uz vrlo nisku gustoću dislokacija i mali udio sferičnih karbida s rasporedom, obično na granicama feritnih zrna
Termofizikalna i strukturalna studija IN 792-5A niklove superlegure
The presented paper deals with study of phase transformations temperatures of nickel based superalloy IN 792-5A with application of DTA – method and use of experimental laboratory system for simultaneous thermal analysis SETARAM Setsys 18TM. Samples taken from as-received state of superalloy were heated with controlled ramp rates (1, 5, 10 and 20 °C•min-1) and immediately after melting they were cooled with the same controlled ramp rate. The samples before and after DTA-analysis were also subjected to the phase analysis with use of scanning electron microscopy on the microprobe (JCXA 733) equipped with energy dispersive analyser EDAX (EDAM 3).Rad daje studiju temperature faznih transformacija niklove superslitine IN792-5A primjenom DTA metode te eksperimentalnog laboratorijskog sustava za simulaciju termalne analize SETARAM Setsys 18TM. Uzorci su uzeti iz početnog stanja legure i održavani definiranim brzinama (1, 5, 10 i 20 °C•min-1) i poslije ohlađeni kontroliranim brzinama. Uzorci su prije i poslije DTA analiza bili predmet fazne analize s primjenom skeninga elektronske mikroskopije (JCXA 733) dopunjeno s energi disperznom analizom EDAX (EDAM 3)
Working steel P2-04BCH by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE)
The article presents results of investigation of structure and properties of low-carbon steel grade P2-04BCH after application of ECAE at temperature of approx. 290C. The ECAE method leads to significant improvement of strength of investigated material. Investigation of structure was made by combination of TEM and FEG SEM together with EBSD. It was proven the ECAE method enables obtaining of ultra fine-grained ferritic structure formed by recrystallised grains with very low density of dislocations and with a small portion of spheroidised carbides, which occurred usually on the boundaries of ferritic grains
Characterization of austenitic stainless steels deformed at elevated temperature
Highly alloyed austenitic stainless steels are promising candidates to replace more expansive nickel-based alloys within the energy-producing industry. The present study investigates the deformation mechanisms by microstructural characterisation, mechanical properties and stress-strain response of three commercial austenitic stainless steels and two commercial nickel-based alloys using uniaxial tensile tests at elevated temperatures from 400 C up to 700 C. The materials showed different influence of temperature on ductility, where the ductility at elevated temperatures increased with increasing nickel and solid solution hardening element content. The investigated materials showed planar dislocation driven deformation at elevated temperature. Scanning electron microscopy showed that deformation twins were an active deformation mechanism in austenitic stainless steels during tensile deformation at elevated temperatures up to 700 C.Previous status of this publication was manuscriptFunding agencies: AB Sandvik Materials Technology in Sweden; Swedish National Energy Administration through the Research Consortium of Materials Technology for Thermal Energy Processes [KME-701]; AFM Strategic Faculty Grant SFO-MAT-LiU at Linkoping University [2009-00971]</p