1,122 research outputs found

    The influrence of an optical receiving system on statistical characteristics of a lidar signal

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    The effects connected with correlation of direct and backward waves propagating through the same randomly inhomogeneous media can be observed along the path with refection in a turbulent atmosphere. In particular, the mean intensity of the reflected wave can increase in comparison with the wave propagating in the forward direction at a doubled distance; the intensity fluctuations can become stronger. These effects depend on the strength of optical turbulence, as well as on the diffraction sizes of the exit apertures of the source and the reflector. However, the focusing of radiation reflected with a receiving telescope leads, in some cases, to the fact that the dependence of amplification effects on the parameters becomes essentially different. This should be taken into account when alayzing the lidar signals. The effect of backscattering amplification and amplification of the intensity fluctuations is discussed

    On the number of two-dimensional threshold functions

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    A two-dimensional threshold function of k-valued logic can be viewed as coloring of the points of a k x k square lattice into two colors such that there exists a straight line separating points of different colors. For the number of such functions only asymptotic bounds are known. We give an exact formula for the number of two-dimensional threshold functions and derive more accurate asymptotics.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    New Evidence for Supernarrow Dibaryons Production in pd Interactions

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    The analysis of new experimental data, obtained at the Proton Linear Accelerator of INR, with the aim to search for supernarrow dibaryons in the pdppX1pd\to ppX_1 and pdpdX2pd\to pdX_2 reactions is presented. Narrow peaks with an experimental width of 5 MeV at masses of 1904±2\pm 2, 1926±2\pm 2, and 1942±2\pm 2 MeV have been observed in missing mass MpX1M_{pX_1} spectra. In the missing mass MX1M_{X_1} spectra, the peaks at MX1=966±2M_{X_1}=966\pm 2, 986±2\pm 2, and 1003±2\pm 2 MeV have been found. The analysis of the data obtained leads to the conclusion that the observed peaks in MpX1M_{pX_1} spectra are most likely supernarrow dibaryons, the decay of which into two nucleons is forbidden by the Pauli exclusion principle. An alternative interpretation of the spectra by assuming a decay of the supernarrow dibaryons in "exotic baryon states" with masses MX1M_{X_1} is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Considerably expanded version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J. A; a discussion, 4 figures and several references have been added, the title has been change

    Classic and nonclassical methodology in the realities of modern philosophical discourse

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    Сучасна методологія переживає своєрідну кризу. Чітко вималювалися крайнощі детермінізму та індетермінізму. А методологічний анархізм загалом спричинив похід «проти методу». Тому актуальним виявився діалог прихильників наукового пізнання із захисниками позанаукового осягнення світу. Він дозволяє подолати упереджене ставлення багатьох дослідників до некласичної методології і сприйняти її як особливий аспект сучасної методології. Водночас спроби необмеженого поширення некласичної методології у діяльності суспільства і заперечення постмодернізмом будь-якої методології загалом призвели до необхідності її критичного переосмислення. Допомогти подолати наявні методологічні труднощі може перехід до «ідеалу науковості» як системи пізнавальних цінностей і норм. Але поборники «третього шляху» розвитку сучасної методології намагаються знайти такий універсальний метод пізнання, за допомогою якого об’єкт можна було б осягнути одночасно в цілісній формі та неповторності його ознак і властивостей. А послідовники плюралізму відстоюють ні що інше, як методологічний еклектизм. Як наслідок, сучасній методології бракує неупередженого, об’єктивного ставлення до неї філософів і науковців. Отже, найближчим часом від них не варто очікувати радикальних змін у царині методології.Modern methodology experiences some crisis. The extremes of determinism and indeterminism appeared clearly. However, the methodological anarchism on the whole caused a hike „against a method”. Therefore, the dialog of supporters of scientific cognition with the defenders of the nonscientific understanding of the world is relevant. It allows overcoming the preconceived attitude of many researchers toward nonclassic methodology and perceiving it as the special aspect of modern methodology. At the same time attempts of unlimited distribution of nonclassic methodology in activity of society and a denial of any methodology with postmodernism on the whole caused to the necessity of its critical comprehending. Passing to the „ideal of scientific character” as system of cognitive values and norms can help to overcome present methodological difficulties. But the defenders of the „third way” of development of modern methodology are trying to find such universal method of cognition, by means of which an object could be grasped simultaneously in the integral form and uniqueness of its signs and properties. And the followers of pluralism defend not that other as the methodological eclecticism. As a result modern methodology needs impartial, objective attitude of philosophers toward it and researchers. Thus, in the near time radical changes from them in area of methodology can hardly be expected