649 research outputs found

    Професійне здоров’я правоохоронців як предмет психологічного дослідження

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    Жданова, І. В. Професійне здоров’я правоохоронців як предмет психологічного дослідження / І. В. Жданова // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 4 (59). - С. 150–155.Zhdanova, I.V. (201 5), “Professional health of law enforcement officers as the object of psychological research” [“Profesiine zdorovia pravookhorontsiv yak predmet psykholohichnoho doslidzhennia”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 150–155.Виконано теоретичний аналіз професійного здоров’я правоохоронців як предмета психологічного дослідження. Розкрито сутність психології професійного здоров’я, визначено її основні методологічні підходи, мету, завдання та перспективи розвитку. Показано, що професійне здоров’я правоохоронців вивчається фрагментарно та опосередковано, через його складові та окремі психологічні аспекти. Доведено, що існує нагальна потреба у розробці цілісної психологічної концепції збереження та зміцнення професійного здоров’я правоохоронців.Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature the author has revealed the essence of psychology of professional health as an interdisciplinary scientific and practical discipline, singled out basic methodological approaches to the study of professional health (European, American, Russian); defined the objective and characterized the main tasks and research problems and perspectives of development of the stated scientific direction. The author has presented a tendency to transfer of emphasis from problem-oriented matters of professional activity on studying the sources of subjective well-being of a man in the workplace (positive psychology of professional health). The results of developing the issue ofprofessional health in Ukrainian psychological school have been provided. Actuality of scientific development of the problem of professional health of law enforcement officers has been grounded. It is presented that this problem has not yet become the object of complex psychological scientific research and is studied fragmentary, indirectly through components (mental, psychosomatic, social, physical health) and some psychological aspects (professional stress, professional reliability, resilience, professional burnout, deformation of personality). It is proved that there is an urgent need to develop a coherent psychological concept of preserving, strengthening and development of professional health of law enforcement officers. The main scientific and practical tasks within the elaboration ofthe stated concept have been determined.Сделан теоретический анализ профессионального здоровья правоохранителей как предмета психологического исследования. Раскрыта сущность психологии профессионального здоровья, определены её основные методологические подходы, цели, задачи и перспективы развития. Показано, что профессиональное здоровье правоохранителей изучается фрагментарно, косвенно, через его составляющие и отдельные психологические аспекты. Доказано, что существует насущная потребность в разработке психологической концепции сохранения и укрепления профессионального здоровья правоохранителей

    Methods of desalination at nuclear power plant

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    Teenagers’ vandalism and the importance of parent-child relationships in addressing it

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    Vandalism in the urban environment is a common phenomenon but is difficult to evaluate. The scale of damage caused by vandalism is rarely analyzed, and therefore a limited number of scientific works are devoted to the phenomenon of vandal behavior and the identification of its causes. While the role of the family in the formation of deviant behavior is indicated by many researchers, the context of vandalism and the issue of family determination remains open. This article studies the parents’ styles of upbringing and their preparation for teenagers’ vandal behavior. By identifying the degree of influence of the family in the formation of such a destructive form of interaction between teenagers’ and the material environment it is possible to identify a group of teenagers who are ready to commit acts of vandalism. An attempt is made to correlate child-parent relations with teenagers’ motivational readiness to commit acts of vandalism. To study the relationship of child-parent relations and teenagers’ vandal behavior, data was collected (using psycho-diagnostic techniques) from 60 teenagers and their parents from complete and incomplete families, the socially well-off and the socially disadvantaged. The results were processed using descriptive statistics, MANOVA and linear regression analysis. It was found that parental upbringing styles play a decisive role in initiating vandalism, while the educational effects of mother and father have their own specific characteristics. The results can be used in the organization of social support for children from socially disadvantaged families in order to prevent vandalism and its radicalization. © 2018, Kazan Federal University. All rights reserved


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    Article is devoted to the study of the epidemiology of juvenile arthritis in children in the Republic of Buryatia. All-Russian register of juvenile arthritis (JA) by the Republic of Buryatia (RB) is 48 patients aged 10,2 ± 5,1 years, with a mean disease duration of 3,4 ± 3,2 years, including 26 boys and 22 girls. There is a high incidence of JA in the Republic of Buryatia, which is 21,2 to 100,000 child population. Age of onset of the disease falls on school years and is 7,1 ± 4,5 years. Marked the beginning of the peak age 2 JA: 1-3 years 31,2 %, and 8-12 years 39,5 %. In 66,6 % of cases occur oligoarticular form JA. More than half of patients have extra-articular manifestations of JA, the majority of which occur in the reaction of lymphoproliferative (lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly). 56,2 % of patients with JA have a disability, 70 % of it is set in the first year of the disease. 90 % of patients with JA being treated with methotrexate, of whom 69 % are on conjoint immunosuppressive therapy, including 13 % genetically engineered biological agents

    Рефлексивність як психологічна умова гармонізації особистісного розвитку курсанта ВНЗ МВС

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    Zhdanova, I.V. and Lastovets. I.V. (2015), “Reflexivity as a psychological condition to harmonize personal development of a cadet of a higher educational establishment within the Ministry of Internal Affairs” [“Refleksyvnist yak psykholohichna umova harmonizatsii osobystisnoho rozvytku kursanta VNZ MVS”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 96–101 .Жданова, І. В. Рефлексивність як психологічна умова гармонізації особистісного розвитку курсанта ВНЗ МВС / І. В. Жданова, І. В. Ластовець // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 1 (56). - С. 96–101.Розкрито поняття гармонійний» та «дисгармонійний розвиток», «гармонізація», «рефлексія». Визначено психологічні умови гармонізації особистісного розвитку курсантів ВНЗ МВС, якими стали мотивація до гармонійного розвитку, суб’єктність особистості, рефлексивність особистості курсанта. Розкрито сутність і психологічний зміст рефлексивності як психологічної умови гармонізації особистісного розвитку курсанта ВНЗ МВС.The article is devoted to the psychological analysis of reflexivity as psychological condition to harmonize personal development of a cadet of a higher educational establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter – Universities of the MIA). Based on the analysis of scientific psychological literature the essence of the concepts «harmonic» and «disharmonious development», «harmonization» are revealed; specific features of the social situation of the future law enforcement officer’s personal development in terms of departmental University are determined. The necessity to harmonize the personal development of cadets of the Universities of the MIA and the scientific search of psychological conditions are grounded. By the assistance of correlation and factor analysis the authors identify psychological conditions to harmonize personal development of cadets of the Universities of the MIA, which are motivation to the harmonious development, individual’s subjectivity, personality’s reflexivity. Based on modern psychological research the authors reveal the content of the concept «reflection»; define and ground psychological essence of reflexivity as psychological condition to harmonize personal development of a cadet of the Universities of the MIA. It is shown that reflexivity of cadets of the Universities of the MIA consists of sensitivity to the «I», self-understanding, autosympathy, positive attitude towards themselves, emotional balance and prudence, ability for psychological proximity to people, internality in the sphere of interpersonal relations, insight. Based on the obtained results the authors have elaborated practical recommendations to harmonize personal development of cadets of the Universities of the MIA, the essence of which is the actualization of psychological conditions for the harmonious development of cadets. Actualization of reflexivity as a psychological condition of harmonization involves the development of positive self-concept, selfunderstanding, self-acceptance, socio-psychological mechanisms of understanding the others among cadets.Раскрыты понятия «гармоничное» и «дисгармоничное развитие», «гармонизация», «рефлексия». Определены психологические условия гармонизации личностного развития курсантов вузов МВД, которыми стали мотивация к гармоничному развитию, субъектность личности, рефлексивность личности курсанта. Раскрыты сущность и психологическое содержание рефлексивности как условия психологической гармонизации личностного развития курсанта вузов МВД

    Mother's Knowledge of Child Individuality as a Parent-child Relationship Development Factor

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    AbstractThe paper reports on the results of the experimental investigation of mother's knowledge of her child individuality in relation to the characteristics of family environment. Our primary analysis uses direct associative experiment, drawing technique, Q-sorting, and the surveys to compare descriptions of children's personality, associations and drawings developed by three groups of mothers, and reveals that influence of family environment on knowledge of mother of the child individuality is uneven


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    The article is devoted to the prevalence of polymorphism of genes responsible for thrombophilia among children. The study included 52 children with thrombosis and 59 children without thrombosis. Detects mutations factor V Leiden, G20210A prothrombin gene, the C677T mutation in the gene for 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and 4G/5G polymorphism of gene plasminogen activator inhibitor 1. Mutations thrombophilia markers are detected in 38 of 52 (73 %) children with thrombosis, and 36 of 59 (61 %) children without thrombosis (p=0,1). A combination of several mutations in genes had 38 of 69 (55 %) children having different polymorphisms. The highest percentage (86 %) of different combinations of mutations have children with venous thrombosis, wherein the presence of mutations in Factor V (Leiden) mutation and prothrombin gene was isolated, and in all cases with each other or combined with mutation of the MTHFR gene. The most significant in the development of thrombosis are the G20210A mutation in the prothrombin gene mutation and Leiden. An example of clinical thrombosis, the girl with the data mutations

    Ways to improve the process of designing protective clothing for surgeons

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    The article deals with improving ergonomics and barrier efficiency of medical clothing by improving its design process in the context of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The results of the analysis of qualitative characteristics of medical clothing used by surgeons during operations have been presented. In order to create more sophisticated clothing for surgeons, it has been suggested to apply a comprehensive approach to the formation of consumer requirements on a “general to individual” basis at the stage of pre-design studies. The application of the proposed approach in the requirements development to create surgical coats with improved protective properties has been described