11 research outputs found

    Concept of sustainable development: regulatory aspect

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    The paper considers the concept of sustainable development that has been shaped under the influence of the planetary ecological crisis associated with the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and awareness of progressive mankind of the need for developing a new, non-anthropocentric, approach to environmental management and nature in general. The authors perform a historical review of the origin and development of the concept of sustainable development as it appears in the international regulatory documents that reverberate the decisions on changing the course of the entire world community from technogenic to sustainable development. The study highlights the contribution of proposals to the legislation of the Russian Federation to take joint actions in order to promote the “green economy” with the Constitution of the Russian Federation dwelling upon the environmental articles, e.g. the major legislation of the environmental law On Environmental Protection adopted recently, and a number of codes to ensure nature management scoping the regulations for environmental and legal responsibility. According to the Russian experts, the transition to sustainable development in each country and in the same country throughout history may have different priorities, which is reflected in the legislation. In particular, the Government has approved the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. Currently, the legislation dwells upon the prevailing anthropocentric trends, but when the idea of sustainable development reaches the critical mass, a transition from the consumer worldview to a respectful and friendly attitude of humans to nature where they belong seems hopeful

    Model of sociology training introduced by the fourthgeneration Federal State Educational Standard

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    Today a new level-system of higher education is formed in Russia through significant changes that meet the new requirements for specialists in economics, social sectors, and all spheres of public life. The new system is to incorporate the developments of the Soviet educational model and the experience of recent decades. The article considers a new model of sociological training implied in the reform of the higher education system and in the fourthgeneration Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). One of the central ideas of the new system is to provide students with the opportunity to choose a field of study not upon entering a university, but at the third year of study, which would increase the awareness of professional choice, help graduates to more successfully integrate into the labor market due to a broader educational base and ensure the flexibility of educational programs, preserving the “fundamental core” in each. Thus, the first two years are for general (for the enlarged group of areas) training, and then specialized (sociological) training starts. However, the draft of the new standard proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science, which is based on updated, enlarged groups of areas, would not improve the professional training of sociologists. The mandatory general part for all areas in the group would inevitably reduce the professional part of training, thus, depriving the higher sociological education of connections with practice and destroying the focused training of specialists, which contradicts the demands of society and the labor market, and the goals of the country’s social-economic development. There are also other problems: an unpredictable extension of the time to enter the labor market; not identified mechanisms for distributing student quotas between areas within the group, for funding an extended period of study (20 %-40 % increase in cost) and an increased teaching load. The current pilot project designed for three years would not allow to make valid conclusions about the suggested changes as students will not even complete the basic level of higher education. Therefore, it is necessary to return to the FSES for each area of training, to further develop regulatory and legal grounds for the transition from the Bologna system with a focus on the values and goals of the Russian higher education, and to ensure a broad public-p rofessional discussion about the planned reforms


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    The article analyzes the trends in the development of university graduates’ career trajectory formation: transition from the model of probable development paths depending on abilities, knowledge, skills (career guidance) – to the model of individual career management, which depends on the individual’s awareness of personal, institutional and social resources and tools, as well as the ability to skillfully apply them, from the paradigm of career planning to the career management paradigm. The authors have analyzed the social practices and identified the groups of factors that shape the graduates’ career trajectories on three levels: 1) personal (key types of literacy and basic skills of the 21st century, the level of awareness (assessment of what is happening, personal motives, resources, skills, knowledge, understanding the context of situation, self-esteem); self-development (the ability to explore, show interest, initiative), the ability to make various choices (evaluation of the importance of choice, awareness of choice), the ability to act purposefully (the ability to implement ideas, skill planning, managing internal and external resources), the ability to inform others on the results of one’s work (reflection, evaluation, etc.), 2) institutional (educational organization, the system of additional education for advanced training, the system of higher education, Federal state educational standards, the National Qualifications Framework, the Register of Professional Standards, various national and international recruitment agencies, employment centers, vocational guidance centers for testing and training, etc.) and 3) the social level (mobility, movement of labor resources, migration, social, resource and natural risks, etc.). The article analyzes the actualization of these factors as applied to the current sociocultural situation in Russia

    Professional deformations in socionic professions

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    The article considers social factors of professional deformation in socionomic professions. This is an important sociological issue due to the risks of professional deformation for customers and social environment, thus, there is a need for a set of measures for the timely diagnostics and prevention of such deviations. The authors support the interpretation of the profession as an “institutionalized deviation”, and of the professional as a person licensed to deviate from the philistine behavior and thinking; consider professional deformation from the point of view of professionalization (institutional and personal) and combine psychological and sociological approaches. The combination of the neo-Weberian approach, secondary analysis and in-depth interviews allowed the authors to identify the following factors of professional deformation in socionomic professions: discrepancy of the individual concept and model of professional career; unproductive resolution of professional crises during professionalization; formation of the public image of the professional group, its ideology and ethics as opposing the idea of serving its own interests and getting professional privileges; creation of professional organizations (associations) with the features of social-professional disadaptation (for example, the syndrome of professional burnout); social closure of the professional community as a source of considering professionalism an instrument of access to privileges and double standards; increasing distance in the activities of the professional (professional ‘deafness’, sociolect for hiding the reported meanings); bureaucratization (regulation of professional activity contrary to the clients’ interests, best practices, and work schedule); value-role conflicts. These factors are ambivalent: on the one hand, they are signs of the institutionalization of the profession; on the other hand, they are indicators of social deformation


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    This article examines sociological and economic approaches to the study of career. Connection between career and social mobility is explored. According to the economic approach, job promotion of an employee is analyzed in the context of the processes of production, distribution and consumption of limited resources. Stages of professional career are analyzed in the article The summarized results of sociological studies show that the term «career» is associated in the minds of Russians with social mobility and job promotion. One aspect of the study of career, namely graduates' employment, is analyzed. Various types and typical models of career development are examined. Special attention is given to the analysis of the careers of the graduates of sociological faculties of Russian universities. In the study it has been identified three types of career of a sociology graduate: a teacher (usually at university), a scientist and researcher, and a practicing sociologist. Using the developed theory the authors give their own definition of a career as a process of successive changes in official or professional (intra- and interinstitutional) status of an individual based on the development of professional competencies, taking into account his personal interests and needs of organization

    Neuropsychological analysis of the high mental functions of preschool children in ecologically damaged urban areas of Sverdlovsk region

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    Представлены результаты нейропсихологического анализа высших психических функций у 189 детей 5-6 лет, проживающих на экологически неблагополучных территориях Свердловской области. Выявлены особенности нейропсихологического профиля, обусловленные техногенным загрязнением среды, которые влияют на задержку развития некоторых высших психических функций.Results of neuropsychological analysis of the high mental functions of 189 preschool children (5-6 y. o.) from different ecologically damaged areas of Sverdlovsk region are presented. It was revealed, that peculiarities of neuropsychological profiles of children in polluted areas are concerned with the impaired development of some high mental functions

    Sociological analysis of television’s functions and impact

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    The article analyzes the current state of the television’s functions and effects under the social changes caused by the intensive development of information and communication technologies that determines the emergence of a new information society, which is characterized by the transformation of intangible resources, i.e. information, into economic and political resources of society. The system-forming potential of the rapidly developing information and communication sector manifests in the formation of the network structure of social communications, its distribution all over the socio-cultural field, promotion of the horizontal communication model in all spheres of social life, and the growing role of virtuality, interactivity and individualization. The authors conducted sociological analysis of the television’s functions and impact based on the current changes in social structures and classical and modern sociological concepts, and show that the adaptation of the social field of television can be explained by openness of the system, its involvement in social processes of higher order, and its own regulating mechanisms. The television possesses a number of significant features that allow to describe and study it as a social field: a complex communication and production system with specific functions, activities and organizational structure; a system of audio-visual, linguistic and metalinguistic communication; a form of knowledge embodied in the production and accumulation of symbolic material; a complex system of social practices


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    The article presents the experience in development of the professional%public accreditation concept (PPA) of the higher education programs in the social and humanitarian sphere. The principles underlying the basis of this development are revealed.The paper dwells on the most important characteristics of process of education which have to be considered at an assessment of educational programs. Traditional and latest means of representation which are applied in modern educational process are considered.The concept and the main documents are developed taking into account the internationalexperience of accreditation. We discuss why the main qualities of the developed technology of accreditation will make it an important element of system of development of Russian education and increase its competitiveness in the international division of labor

    Secondary immune deficiency correction in cardiac surgery patients: individual selection of immuno-correcting agents

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    The authors propose the method of individual assessment of immuno-correcting agents' effects on peripheral white blood cells activity (chemiluminescent test). In cardiosurgery patients individually selected immuno-correcting agents more effectively normalize immune status and correct immune dysbalance

    The influence of negative environmental conditions on station of child preschool age’s the highest mental functions

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    The analysis of a condition of the high mental functions in preschool children in some territories of Sverdlovsk area in various ecological conditions was carried out. An influence of harmful ecological factors on the level of the maturation of the majority of psychic functions and on the maturation of principal brain structures was shown. These factors are responsible for the readiness of the child for training at school.Проведен анализ состояния высших психических функций у детей дошкольного возраста, проживающих на территориях Свердловской области, отличающихся по экологическим условиям. Показано влияние неблагоприятных экологических факторов на уровень сформированности большинства психических функций и степень зрелости соответствующих структур мозга, которые определяют готовность ребенка к обучению в школе