29 research outputs found

    Substantiation of conditions for biomodification of the muscle tissue of sea cucumber in preparation of mayonnaise sauces

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    Conditions for biomodification of the muscle tissue of sea cucumber are substantiated to reduce the portion of unprocessed raw material in the final product - sauce. For this purpose, enzymatic hydrolysis of the tissue with proteases Protamex and CelloLux is applied before the main processing. Effect of these enzymes on structural and mechanical properties of the final product is defined, as well as the effect of stabilizers. Rational concentrations of enzymes are determined for the final products with certain viscosity

    Antiradical effect of low-molecular peptides in extracts and hydrolyzates from tissues of water organisms

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    Molecular-weight composition of peptides in extracts and hydrolyzates from soft tissues of the clams Corbicula japonica and Mercenaria mercenaria and liver of chum salmon is investigated. Antiradical activity is defined for low-molecular peptides, as well as for high-molecular proteins and free amino acids in the extracts. The maximum activity is detected for the extracts of salmon liver; all protein fractions in the water extract of the liver have antiradical activity. Low-molecular peptides and free amino acids have antiradical activity in all samples. The peptides with molecular weight 4.3 kDa have the highest activity in the water extract from C. japonica (43 units) and the peptides with molecular weight 4.7 kDa - in the water extract from M. mercenaria (5.6 units). After hydrolysis, the portion of low-molecular peptides increases for C. japonica , M. mercenaria , and salmon liver in 22.1, 14.5, and 11.1 %, respectively. Hence antiradical activity for hydrolyzates from C. japonica and M. mercen aria is in 1.9 times higher and for hydrolyzates from salmon liver - in 1.3 times higher than for water extracts from their tissues. Only the peptides with molecular weight 2.8-4.7 kDa have antiradical activity in the hydrolyzates; its value is 1-24 activity units for M. mercenaria ; 13-76 units for C. japonica and about 40 units for the chum salmon liver. Correlation is found between the content of peptides with molecular weight 3-4 kDa in hydrolyzates and their antiradical activity

    Soluble Cyanobacterial Carotenoprotein as a Robust Antioxidant Nanocarrier and Delivery Module

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    To counteract oxidative stress, antioxidants including carotenoids are highly promising, yet their exploitation is drastically limited by the poor bioavailability and fast photodestruction, whereas current delivery systems are far from being efficient. Here we demonstrate that the recently discovered nanometer-sized water-soluble carotenoprotein from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (termed AnaCTDH) transiently interacts with liposomes to efficiently extract carotenoids via carotenoid-mediated homodimerization, yielding violet–purple protein samples. We characterize the spectroscopic properties of the obtained pigment–protein complexes and the thermodynamics of liposome–protein carotenoid transfer and demonstrate the delivery of carotenoid echinenone from AnaCTDH into liposomes with an efficiency of up to 70 ± 3%. Most importantly, we show efficient carotenoid delivery to membranes of mammalian cells, which provides protection from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Incubation of neuroblastoma cell line Tet21N in the presence of 1 μM AnaCTDH binding echinenone decreased antimycin A ROS production by 25% (p < 0.05). The described carotenoprotein may be considered as part of modular systems for the targeted antioxidant delivery.BMBF, 01DJ15007, Carotenoidbindende photoschaltbare Proteine: Lichtinduzierte Dynamik und Anwendungen in modernen mikroskopischen Verfahre

    Diagnostic significance of simultaneous pulsooximetry and thermometry for respiratory pathology in young children

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    The state of the microcirculatory bed plays a decisive role in the metabolic processes of organs and tissues. The intensity and direction of metabolic processes in tissue cells depend on the mass transfer of oxygen by blood. At present, it is well known that in a number of severe infectious diseases, there is a significant violation of the microcirculatory transport properties of oxygen and oxygen utilization by tissues. Various indirect methods have been proposed to help objectively assess the state of the vascular bed. For the non-invasive assessment and detection of these metabolic and microcirculatory changes, current clinical protocols advise measuring saturation - tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) using pulse oximetry. Purpose of the study. To study the variability and clinical significance of the combined one-time indicators of saturation (StO2) and local t0 for different measurement zones in children with respiratory pathology. To achieve this goal, in 21 young children with acute respiratory pathology and in 10 children with communityacquired pneumonia, indicators of one-stage thermo- and oximetry of the extremities were studied and the data obtained were compared with the clinical features of the course of respiratory pathology

    Метаболічна імуномодуляція: поліненасичені жирні кислоти для профілактики гострої респіраторної патології у дітей

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    The aim of the research was to increase the effectiveness of the prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in children with chronic foci of bacterial infection in the nasopharynx. 60 children aged 3 to 5 years who are ill with ARI six or more times a year were under supervision. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections in the period of increased morbidity 30 children of the 1st group for 60 days have been taking the drug Reytoil 1 capsule per day during meals, 30 children of the 2nd group have been taking multivitamins in a prophylactic daily dose. The groups were comparable in age, sex, duration and severity of the disease, concomitant pathology. The state of immunity was studied by conventional methods in dynamics for 90±10 days. Practical use of w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the drug Reytoil allows solving important tactical and strategic tasks of therapy and prevention of inflammatory diseases of various genesis in children, which is associated with the universal regulatory mechanism of immunotropic influence – protective and anti-inflammatory, depending on the initial state of the immune activity. These effects open real prospects for safe immunomodulating effects in pediatric practice through metabolic mechanisms of the regulation of the synthesis and functioning of immunocompetent cellular structures.Целью исследования было повышение эффективности профилактики острых респираторных заболеваний (ОРЗ) у детей с хроническими очагами бактериальной инфекции в носоглотке. Под наблюдением находились 60 детей в воздасте от 3 до 5 лет, болеющие ОРЗ шесть и более раз в год. Для профилактики ОРЗ в период повышенной заболеваемости в течение 60 дней 30 детей 1-й группы получали препарат «Рейтоил» по 1 капсуле в сутки во время еды, 30 детей 2-й группы получали поливитамины в профилактической суточной дозе. Группы были сопоставимы по возрасту, полу, длительности и тяжести болезни, сопутствующей патологии. Состояние иммунитета исследовали общепринятыми методами в динамике на протяжении 90±10 дней. Практическое использование w-3 полиненасыщенных жирных кислот в составе препарата «Рейтоил» позволяет решать важные тактические и стратегические задачи терапии и профилактики воспалительных заболеваний различного генеза у детей, что связано с универсальным регулирующим механизмом иммунотропного влияния — защитным и противовоспалительным, в зависимости от исходного состояния иммунной активности. Данные эффекты открывают реальные перспективы безопасного иммуномодулирующего воздействия в педиатрической практике через метаболические механизмы регуляции синтеза и функционирования иммунокомпетентных клеточных структур.Метою дослідження було підвищення ефективності профілактики гострих респіраторних захворювань (ГРЗ) у дітей з хронічними осередками бактеріальної інфекції у носоглотці. Під спостереженням знаходились 60 дітей віком від 3 до 5 років, що хворіють на ГРЗ шість і більше разів на рік. Для профілактики ГРЗ у період підвищеної захворюваності протягом 60 днів 30 дітей 1-ї групи отримували препарат «Рейтоіл» по 1 капсулі на добу, 30 дітей 2-ї групи отримували полівітаміни у профілактичній добовій дозі. Групи були порівнянними за віком, статтю, тривалістю та важкістю хвороби, супутньою патологією. Стан імунітету досліджували загальноприйнятими методами у динаміці протягом 90±10 днів. Практичне використання w-3 поліненасичених жирних кислот у складі препарату «Рейтоіл» дозволяє вирішувати важливі тактичні і стратегічні задачі терапії і профілактики запальних захворювань різного ґенезу у дітей, що пов'язано з універсальним регулювальним механізмом імунотропного впливу — захисним і протизапальним, залежно від початкового стану імунної активності. Дані ефекти відкривають реальні перспективи безпечного імуномоделюючого впливу у педіатричній практиці через метаболічні механізми регуляції синтезу і функціонування імунокомпетентних клітинних структур.