157 research outputs found

    Genealogical characteristics of children and adolescents with cholelithiasis and their families

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    One of the common pathologies of the hepatobiliary tract is cholelithiasis. The prevalence of this disease among children and adolescents is of particular concern. The purpose of the study is to identify the family aggregation of the hepatobiliary pathology and other multifactorial diseases in the pedigrees of children and adolescents with cholelithiasis. Materials and methods. Genealogical analysis was performed in 105 families with sick children aged from 2 to 17 years who were examined and treated for hepatobiliary tract disorders in gastroenterological and somatic departments. The comparison group comprised 75 family pedigrees of peers, inhabitants of the Kharkiv region, who were not diagnosed with cholelithiasis and other serious non-communicable diseases. Results. Gastroduodenal pathology ranked first among the families of sick children in the morbidity prevalence patterns in terms of gastrointestinal tract pathology (14.29 % vs. 6.19 % in relatives of healthy children, P 0.05). In our studies, the calculation of cholelithiasis formation depending on the gender identity of sick children relatives also confirmed that in the female subjects the risk of cholelithiasis was 6.7 times increased compared with the male population (OR = 6.69; CI = 3.71–12.06; p < 0.05). Diseases such as cholelithiasis and other diseases of the hepatobiliary system, gastroduodenal pathology and cardiovascular disorders prevailed among the first-degree relatives of children suffering from cholelithiasis in comparison with these diseases diagnosis in relatives of healthy children. Conclusions. Based on the family pedigree analysis of patients and healthy children, an inherited predisposition to cholelithiasis was determined in 63.81 % of sick children families, and it was 15.9 times higher than the incidence of this disease in healthy children families, thus made it possible to consider this indicator as a prognostic sign for cholelithiasis development. Familial aggregation of cholelithiasis, other diseases of the hepatobiliary system and gastroduodenal pathology in the first-degree relatives; cholelithiasis and gastroduodenal pathology in the second-degree relatives; cholelithiasis in the third-degree relatives was revealed compared with the frequency of these diseases in healthy children families. The maternal inheritance of cholelithiasis was found more frequently than paternal and both maternal and paternal. The odds ratio (OR) value in the presence of cholelithiasis in the sick children families was 24.7 times increased; 2,6 times – in the presence of gastroduodenal pathology; 1.5 times – in the presence of other diseases of the hepatobiliary system compared with the frequency of these diseases in healthy children families; and 6.7 times for females


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    The staff of  D. Alpern Pathological Physiology Department of Kharkiv National Medical University developed and implemented in the educational process the new approach to evaluation of student achievement and identify the level of knowledge at the end of the course. An ordinary exam, which is implemented to the educational process through a new credit transfer system of learning process organisation, was transformed into a “complex landmark exam”.Колективом кафедри патологічної фізіології ім. Д. О. Альперна  Харківського національного медичного університету розроблено та впроваджено у навчальний процес новий підхід до оцінювання досягнень студентів і виявлення рівня знань наприкінці курсу. Звичайний іспит, який впроваджено у навчальний процес завдяки новій кредитно-трансферній системі організації навчального процесу було трансформовано в “комплексний етапний іспит”

    Diagnostics of Level of Formation of Motivational, Activity and Behavioral Components of Ecological Culture of Personality of Future Teacher: Application of Method by G. E. Zalessky

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    This article deals with the problem of diagnostics of level of formation of motivational and behavioral components of ecological culture of the future teacher’s personality. The authors believe that the process of development of these components reflects the dynamics of formation of the investigated personality traits. The essence and the notion of ecological culture of personality is determined. Its basic structural and functional components are revealed. Special attention is paid to the development of the motivational component associated with the development in the students of axiological and conceptual structures (motives, needs, etc.), which in general determine the focus on ecology friendly activities. The analysis of the methods devoted to questions of formation of ecological culture and education of students is made. The study showed that most of them do not address the issue of identifying the nature of the personal dispositions of the subjects. To solve the problem of the study, the possibility of applying the value-normative method developed by professor G. E. Zalessky for the diagnosis of the value-motivational units of personality is proved. The authors present their development and results of testing of the diagnostic methods. It is noted that this development allows to assess the level of development of intrinsiv ecological motivation of students and the corresponding type of behaviour. It is proved that, given the nature of the interaction of three critical components of ecological culture of the individual - cognitive, motivational and behavioral - it is possible to obtain a preliminary typology of level of ecological culture of the subjects

    Historical aspects of training specialists in hairstyling, image design and style

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    The article analyses historical aspects of vocational training of specialists in the field of hairdressing, image design and style; defines the conditions and prerequisites of development of these branches of service and consumer market; world and Russian systems of vocational education in the sphere of image design are characterizedАнализируются исторические аспекты профессиональной подготовки специалистов в области парикмахерского искусства, дизайна имиджа и стиля; определяются условия и предпосылки развития данных отраслей сервиса и потребительского рынка; характеризуются существующие системы профессионального обучения специалистов в области дизайна имиджа: мировые и российски

    The fight against caries by means of educational activities at school and kindergarten

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    This work is devoted to educational activities in school and kindergarten on the protection of children and adults from common dental disease - caries. This topic is relevant, because information in the media and observation of people, indicate that the problem of early caries is very serious for modern man, despite the improvement of technologies for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases.Данная работа посвящена просветительской деятельности в школе и детском саду по вопросам защиты детей и взрослых от распространённого заболевания зубов - кариеса. Данная тема является актуальной, т.к. информация в СМИ и наблюдения за людьми, свидетельствуют о том, что проблема раннего кариеса является очень серьезной для современного человека, несмотря на совершенствование технологий профилактики и лечения зубных болезней