417 research outputs found

    Метод и алгоритм представления информации для обмена в сложной иерархической автоматизированной системе управления в условиях информационной перегрузки

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    The task of developing a method and information presentation algorithm for the exchange of complex hierarchical management system in terms of information overload. The criteria of inclusion of information aggregation algorithm. Finding of fact overload the system asked to carry out by comparing the distances between aircraft objects with preset thresholds, the amount of air objects in the processing system of the automated control system components and for each region of space, covert interference – the operator of the complex automationРассмотрена задача разработки метода и алгоритма представления информации для обмена в сложной иерархической автоматизированной системе управления в условиях информационной перегрузки. Определены критерии включения алгоритма агрегирования информации. Обнаружение факта перегрузки системы предложено осуществлять путём сравнения расстояний между воздушными объектами с заданными порогами, количества воздушных объектов, находящихся в системе обработки элемента автоматизированной системы управления и по каждой области пространства, прикрытой помехами – оператором комплекса средств автоматизаци

    Asymmetric practices of reading and writing shape visuospatial attention and discrimination

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    Movement is generally conceived of as unfolding laterally in the writing direction that one is socialized into. In 'Western' languages, this is a left-to-right bias contributing to an imbalance in how attention is distributed across space. We propose that the rightward attentional bias exercises an additional unidirectional influence on discrimination performance thus shaping the congruency effect typically observed in Posner-inspired cueing tasks. In two studies, we test whether faces averted laterally serve as attention orienting cues and generate differences in both target discrimination latencies and gaze movements across left and right hemifields. Results systematically show that right-facing faces (i.e. aligned with the script direction) give rise to an advantage for cue-target pairs pertaining to the right (versus left) side of space. We report an asymmetry between congruent conditions in the form of right-sided facilitation for: (a) response time in discrimination decisions (experiment 1-2) and (b) eye-gaze movements, namely earlier onset to first fixation in the respective region of interest (experiment 2). Left and front facing cues generated virtually equal exploration patterns, confirming that the latter did not prime any directionality. These findings demonstrate that visuospatial attention and consequent discrimination are highly dependent on the asymmetric practices of reading and writing.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of simultaneously presented words and auditory tones on visuomotor performance

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    The experiment reported here used a variation of the spatial cueing task to examine the effects of unimodal and bimodal attention-orienting primes on target identification latencies and eye gaze movements. The primes were a nonspatial auditory tone and words known to drive attention consistent with the dominant writing and reading direction, as well as introducing a semantic, temporal bias (past–future) on the horizontal dimension. As expected, past-related (visual) word primes gave rise to shorter response latencies on the left hemifield and future-related words on the right. This congruency effect was differentiated by an asymmetric performance on the right space following future words and driven by the left-to-right trajectory of scanning habits that facilitated search times and eye gaze movements to lateralized targets. Auditory tone prime alone acted as an alarm signal, boosting visual search and reducing response latencies. Bimodal priming, i.e., temporal visual words paired with the auditory tone, impaired performance by delaying visual attention and response times relative to the unimodal visual word condition. We conclude that bimodal primes were no more effective in capturing participants’ spatial attention than the unimodal auditory and visual primes. Their contribution to the literature on multisensory integration is discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Does the linguistic expectancy bias extend to a second language?

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    The linguistic expectancy bias (LEB) reflects the tendency to describe expectancy-consistent behavior more abstractly than expectancy-inconsistent. The current studies replicate the LEB in Portuguese and examine it in a second language (English). Earlier studies found differences in processing a first language (L1) and a second language (L2) shaping affective and cognitive processes. We did not expect these differences to shape the LEB because controlled lexical decisions (e.g., use of verbs and adjectives) are unlikely, even when using L2. Participants wrote stereotypically male or female behavioral descriptions for male and female targets. A new group of participants read those descriptions and was asked about their causes. Expectancy-consistent behavior was described more abstractly and shaped more dispositional inferences in L1 and L2. Aside from replicating the LEB in a different language, these studies indicate that structural features of language preserve a linguistic bias with implications for social perception even when using a second language.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    We investigate non-Markovian dynamics of a three-level system with the help of stochastic Schrodinger equation (SSE).The SSE has significant advantages agains tother approaches to open quantum systems. First of all, the dimension of the SSE is much smaller than the dimension of the corresponding master equation. Second, SSE ensures the complete positivity of the reduced density operatorin non-Markovian case,that is hard to achieve using other approaches. The above mentioned facts open a new efficient way for study quantum systems in higher dimensions in both Markovian and non-Markovian regimes

    Situating person memory: the role of the visual context on memory for behavioral information

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    Person memory has been mainly investigated as an individual process. In contrast, we argue that person memory results from the interplay between the individual and the context. Thus, the way people acquire and retrieve social information is constrained by the context in which these processes take place. This argument was explored in three experiments. In an impression formation paradigm, we manipulated the meaningfulness of contextual information (objects) for a stereotypical target. Results showed that meaningful contextual information presented during the encoding of behavioral information improved memory.for the behavioral information but also for the contextual information (Experiment 1-2); that this memory advantage only occurs when the encoding goal requires some degree of cognitive organization (Experiment 2); and finally, that meaningful contextual information also enhances memory when presented at retrieval (Experiment 3). These results are consistent with a situated cognition perspective according to which the context where cognitive activities take place can be used to facilitate cognitive activity. We discuss the implications of these results for the standard person memory view and identify new routes for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio