33 research outputs found

    ФЕНОМЕН СОЦІОКУЛЬТУРНОЇ ТРИВКОСТІ ОРНАМЕНТАЛЬНИХ МОТИВІВ У ДЕКОРАТИВНО-ПРИКЛАДНОМУ МИСТЕЦТВІ: УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ АКЦЕНТ. (The phenomen sociocultural duration of ornamental motives in arts and CRAFTS: the Ukrainian accent.)

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    Аналізується феномен спадковості чи соціокультурної тривкості деяких орнаментальних мотивів у декоративно-прикладному мистецтві України, зокрема зони Поділля. Висвітлено домінантні мотиви «стійких орнаментів» у різних видах мистецтва, в тому числі писанкарства. (The phenomenon of a heredity or sociocultural duration of some ornamental motives in arts and crafts of Ukraine, especially zones of Podolia is analyzed. It is displayed dominating motives of «proof ornaments» in various art forms, including paining of eggs are displayed.


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    Purpose of the study: Recreation of a historically truthful picture, reflecting the role of educational work in the army during the Civil War (1918-1920), which currently continues to be the subject of sharp ideological and scientific discussions. Introduction of previously unknown to the scientific community documents concerning political work in the troops. Generalization of the experience of this work with the aim of shaping the scientific historical consciousness among young people in the context of the modern information struggle. Methodology: The conceptual basis for the study relies on the integral paradigm of historical analysis (introduced by the representatives of the RSSU historical school). It allows not only to compare polar versions of the description of the key problems of the Civil War history to create a multidimensional historical panorama but also to find a consensus between the methodological concepts that guided the development of the national historical science in the Soviet period and the modern paradigms of historical knowledge. Main Findings: 1. The experience of the activities of the political bodies of the Southern Front related educational work in troops during the Civil War has been considered in order to preserve historical heritage. 2. New archival documents, including leaflets that determine the scientific argumentation of the problem, as well as new concepts (“integral paradigm of historical analysis” and “cultural-historiographic space”) have been introduced into the scientific circulation. 3. The main approaches to assessing the events of the Civil War have been defined. Applications of this study: The study can be used in the implementation of various educational programs and projects, scientific and methodological research of problems of national history, as well as training and professional retraining of specialists in the field of history teaching. Novelty/Originality of this study: A holistic picture of the activities of the Red Army political agencies in carrying out party political work in the troops of the Southern Front during the Civil War has been presented. The main forms of cultural, educational and propaganda work carried out among the frontline troops and the enemy forces have been analyzed. An assessment of the effectiveness of the mass political work in the creation and strengthening of the Red Army during the period under study has been given

    The Problems and Prospects of Attracting Investment Resources in the Machine-Building Industry in the Conditions of Martial Law

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    The article is aimed at studying the state of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises and the peculiarities of the infusion of investment resources into their activities, also identifying problems and prospects for attracting investment resources to the industry during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Based on the analysis, systematization and generalization of the works of many domestic researchers and data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the dynamics of attracting capital and foreign direct investment in Ukrainian machine-building enterprises in the period 2014–2022 was considered. As result of the study, the machine-building sectors with the greatest investment attractiveness are identified and the expediency of infusion of investment resources exclusively into them was substantiated. The main tendencies and problems of investment support for innovative development of the machine-building sector of the domestic economy are identified and characterized. It is substantiated that as a result of the aggravation of the military conflict, part of the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine has suffered significant damage, so there is an urgent need for investment resources. A general analysis of the needs of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises in investment resources was carried out and specific amounts of necessary financing were distinguished. The machine-building enterprises of Ukraine, which occupy priority positions in the industry and require the largest amount of investment resources, are allocated. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of strategies and projects directed towards attracting foreign investment resources to the field of domestic engineering – both during the war and after its end – since the active provision of investment resources will transform the Ukrainian machine-building industry into a more innovative one, thereby contributing to the improvement of the state of the national economy of Ukraine in genera

    Information policy as a resource for state management

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    This article examines the multifaceted nature of information policy and the key role played by various social institutions in its formation and implementation. It also explores the participation of political parties, movements and associations of citizens as key actors responsible for the formation and implementation of information policy. In addition, the authors analyze the significant influence of political parties on state power in matters of information policy, citing examples from such modern countries as Russia and the United States. The enduring importance of political parties as vital social institutions is recognized, their role in the information space and their impact on society when coming to power are discussed. The mechanisms of relations between the institutions of state power and the mass media are studied, and their characteristics are given, taking into account the interests of both sides in the field of modern communications. The main directions of using public relations for political reasons by governing bodies are highlighted, taking into account the increased expectations of social responsibility, activity and consciousness on the part of other participants in the political process and civil society. The effective management of the process of institutionalization of information policy is considered

    Optimizing the Ratio of Wind and Solar Power Stations

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    The purpose of the research is to determine criteria and calculate optimal ratio of different renewable energy sources (RES) for hybrid systems, estimate the random component of power fluctuation and consider the opportunities for its minimization. As a subject of the study it is variable and poorly forecasted in a short-term prospect character of generated power can negatively affect modes of grid operation. This concerns stability of dynamic processes in the systems of power supply. To develop a mathematical model of these processes a number of factual data on the climatic parameters and energy consumption regimes during the joint operation of solar and wind stations was used. As an experimental study suggests, the initial data were collected and statistically processed. Based on the results, mathematical models were developed in the form of a composition of deterministic and stochastic components and theoretical studies on the search for optimal ratios of capacities of wind and solar power stations were carried out. The object of optimization in the work is the load variability. As a combined single criterion, it was proposed to use the coefficient of variation. The ratios of the wind and solar components of the power generation, considered in this study, has allowed us to determine variants with a minimal dispersion of RES generation or with a minimum ratio of dispersion to average generated power which depends on the average annual or seasonal weather conditions. As a rule, the share of wind power plants should be 10-40% of the total rated RES power, depending on the total share of RES


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    The level of democratic development in three countries: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Ukraine in comparative aspect; progress and cost of democracy; the uneven development level (degree) of democracy; the successes and defects of democratic reforms.В статье анализируется уровень развитости демократии в трёх странах: Российской Федерации, Республике Беларусь, Украине в сравнительном аспекте. Выделяются успехи и издержки демократии, неодинаковый уровень (степень) развития демократии, успехи и недостатки демократических преобразований

    Russian population’s political activities in the first third of the XX century on the example of the Peasant Union creation movement

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    The article studies peasantry’s political activities development in Russia in the first third of the XX century. The reasons and the essence of the Peasant Union in the revolutionary events of 1905–1907 and 1917, the Civil War and in the period of the new economic policy have been revealed. The periods of peasantry’s political activities, conditioned by the state policy transformation in village, have been distinguished. Starting from 1905, the authorities tried to involve peasantry in the political agenda. However, politicization could not be controlled in the conditions of the revolution. Peasantry’s political activities were used by the opposition forces, the SRs and Bolsheviks, who proposed a program understandable to the peasant social psychology. The Third Monarchy suspended the Peasant Union activities. In February 1917, the Union work continued under the control of the SRs. In August 1917, Peasant Congress adopted the SR program documents. Calls to create a union during the Civil War took place against the background of peasants’ disillusionment with the “war communism” policy. In 1921, the idea of creating the Peasant Union was revived. Contradictory nature of Bolshevik policy, the concept of “interlocking” between city and countryside, growing “emergency” and crises of the new economic policy against the background of granting peasants relative economic freedom led to peasant demands growth for protecting their economic rights and creating organizations that resembled trade unions in city. These demands were not institutionalized. The movement reached all strata of village. The surge of demands of the United State Political Department dates from 1927–1928. It is conditioned by the transition to collectivization. It has been concluded that, despite the lack of the Peasant Union concept, diversity of demands, different understanding of association in rural society, movement for its creation testified to increased socio-political activity of the population. When the state policy outlined the rollback of the new economic policy principles, the number of votes in favor of the Union increased. The growth of socio-political tension in villages was evident. The Party began to pursue a policy of social division in villages to prevent radicalization of sentiments

    Effect of agrotechnological elements on milk thistle (Silynum marianum) productivity

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    The milk thistle is a highly valuable medicinal plant, widely used in treatment of liver diseases. Soil-climate conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine are favourable for crop cultivation. The goal of the study was to determine relations between milk thistle productivity and elements of cultivation technology, viz., primary tillage depth (14–16 and 20–22 cm), inter-row spacing (30, 45, 60 cm), timing of sowing (3rd decade of March, middle of April, 3rd decade of April) and mineral fertilizer application doses (no fertilizers, N45P45, N90P90). Field trials were carried out during the period from 2010 to 2012 on the irrigated lands of the Institute of Rice of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine by using the split plot design method in four replications. The climate of the territory of the trials is typical for the steppe zone. The soil type was dark-chestnut residual solonetz middle-loamy soil. We used the Yuhoslava variety of milk thistle in the trials. Cultivation technology was standard, excluding the studied factors. The results of the trials showed significant impact of all the studied cultivation technology elements on milk thistle seed and oil yields. The maximum average seed (1.66 t/ha) and oil (489 kg/ha) yields were obtained under the primary tillage at the depth of 20–22 cm, inter-row spacing of 60 cm, sowing in the 3rd decade of March, applying mineral fertilizers in a dose of N90P90. The highest input in seed and oil yields rise was made by the mineral fertilizers, which increased milk thistle productivity by 1.57 times comparatively with non-fertilized treatments. We also established a strong direct interrelationship between seed and oil yield: coefficient of determination was 0.96. Results of the current study are slightly limited, so further investigations in the field of milk thistle cultivation technology development and improvement are required to provide Ukrainian farmers with scientifically grounded agrotechnology of this valuable medicinal plant