5 research outputs found
State industry of the USSR at the stage of its restoration
The authors of the paper propose to consider the features of the state industry development in the USSR at the stage of restoration in the mid-1920s via logical, comparative-historical, and problem-chronological methods. As a result, the general development of local industry, in comparison with the territory and number of people in national republics, is completely insignificant, and is an urgent task. The team of authors comes to the conclusion that during this period the industry was given the task of creating a united industrially developed national economic complex in the USS
Использование методов лучевой диагностики при острой спаечной кишечной непроходимости, возникшей в связи с наличием дивертикула Меккеля
Meckel diverticulum is a non-permanent diverticulum of the distal part of the ileum, which is the remnant of the yolk duct. Meckel diverticulum is a true diverticulum formed by all layers of the ileum wall. Usually it is located on the antimesenteric edge of the ileum at 60 cm from the ileocecal angle. This pathology is often asymptomatic, and the patient begins to be examined only when complications appear. Clinical manifestations depend on the type of complications.Дивертикул Меккеля – непостоянно встречающийся дивертикул дистальной части подвздошной кишки, являющийся остатком не полностью редуцированного желточного протока. Дивертикул Меккеля является истинным дивертикулом, образованным за счет всех слоев стенки подвздошной кишки. Обычно он располагается на противобрыжеечном крае подвздошной кишки на 60 см от илеоцекального угла. Данная патология чаще имеет бессимптомный характер, и пациента начинают обследовать только при наличии осложнений. Клинические проявления зависят от типа осложнений
Лечение острых отравлений парацетамолом
BACKGROUND Currently, despite the optimization of diagnostic methods in order to predict the development of liver damage, improvement of treatment protocols, paracetamol poisoning is a serious problem in medicine, being the most common cause of acute liver failure worldwide.AIM OF STUDY To determine the indications for the use of acetylcysteine in paracetamol poisoning and evaluate the effectiveness of the 21-hour protocol for its administration.MATERIAL AND METHODS We examined 20 patients with acute paracetamol poisoning (15 women and 5 men), the median age was 21.5 (19.8–32.3) years. ALT and AST were assessed during the entire period of stay in the hospital, the time period from the moment of taking paracetamol to hospitalization and the beginning of the administration of ACC, the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, and mortality. According to the level of ALT and AST in the blood, the patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I consisted of 14 patients, in whom the concentration of ALT and AST during the entire observation period did not exceed 50 U/L; in Group II (6 patients), an increase in the level of ALT and AST in the blood of more than 50 U/L was observed. To assess the risk of liver lesion, the Rumack-Matthew nomogram was used. To compare the concentrations of paracetamol in the blood of patients, the paracetamol index was used.RESULTS It was found that in 10 patients with a high risk of liver damage, who were treated with a 21-hour regimen of ACC administration, no hepatotoxic effect was found. The use of ACC according to a 21-hour protocol in patients with initially elevated ALT and AST levels of more than 50 U/L (n = 4) (25%) led to a rapid positive dynamics of laboratory and clinical parameters. It was found that in 2 patients, despite the introduction of ACC, the development of liver damage was observed. At the same time, the level of paracetamol in their blood was 6.6 and 10.6 fold higher than the “therapeutic” line of the nomogram, and the time from the moment of taking the drug to the beginning of the administration of ACC was 8 and 20 hours. High risk factors for the development of hepatotoxic effect in case of paracetamol poisoning are the time range from the moment of taking the drug to the beginning of the administration of ACC and the value of the paracetamol index.CONCLUSION Indications for the use of acetylcysteine in acute poisoning with paracetamol is a high risk of liver damage. Its criteria are high doses, increased concentrations of ALT and AST when patients are admitted to the hospital; if it is possible to determine the concentration of paracetamol in the blood, an increase in the value of the paracetamol index is more than 1. The use of a 21-hour protocol of intravenous administration of acetylcysteine is effective in case of paracetamol poisoning and its early use in the complex of treatment almost always prevents the development of acute liver failure.ВВЕДЕНИЕ В настоящее время, несмотря на оптимизацию методов диагностики с целью прогноза развития поражения печени и совершенствование протоколов лечения, отравление парацетамолом представляет серьезную проблему в медицине, являясь наиболее частой причиной острой печеночной недостаточности во всем мире.ЦЕЛЬ Определить показания к применению ацетилцистеина (АЦЦ) при отравлениях парацетамолом и оценить эффективность 21-часового протокола его введения.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Обследованы 20 пациентов с острым отравлением парацетамолом (15 женщин и 5 мужчин), медиана возраста — 21,5 (19,8–32,3) года. Была проведена оценка уровня аланин- (АЛТ) и аспартатаминотрансфераз (АСТ) в крови на протяжении всего периода нахождения в стационаре, временного диапазона от момента приема парацетамола до госпитализации в стационар и начала введения ацетилцистеина (АЦЦ), концентрации парацетамола в крови и летальности. По уровню АЛТ и АСТ в крови пациенты были разделены на две группы: I группу составили 14 больных, у которых концентрация АЛТ и АСТ в течение всего периода наблюдения не превышала 50 Ед/л; у пациентов II группы (6 больных) отмечали увеличение уровня АЛТ и АСТ в крови более 50 Ед/л. Для оценки риска поражения печени использовали номограмму Рамэка–Мэтью 150. Для сравнения концентрации парацетамола в крови больных был рассчитан индекс парацетамола.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Выявлено, что у 10 пациентов с высоким риском поражения печени, которым в комплекс лечения входило применение 21-часовой схемы введения АЦЦ, гепатотоксический эффект отсутствовал. Использование АЦЦ по 21-часовому протоколу при исходно повышенных уровнях АЛТ и АСТ более 50 Ед/л (n=4) (25%) привело к быстрой положительной динамике лабораторных и клинических показателей. У 2 пациентов, несмотря на введение АЦЦ, наблюдали развитие поражения печени. При этом уровень парацетамола в крови у них был в 6,6 и 10,6 раза выше «лечебной» линии номограммы, а время от момента приема препарата до начала введения АЦЦ составило соответственно 8 и 20 часов. Факторами высокого риска развития гепатотоксического эффекта при отравлении парацетамолом являются: временной диапазон от момента приема препарата до начала введения АЦЦ и величина индекса парацетамола.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Показанием к применению ацетилцистеина при острых отравлениях парацетамолом является высокий риск поражения печени. Его критериями служат высокие дозы принятого парацетамола, повышенные концентрации АЛТ и АСТ при поступлении больных в стационар, при наличии возможности определения концентрации парацетамола в крови — увеличение величины индекса парацетамола более 1. Применение 21-часового протокола внутривенного введения ацетилцистеина эффективно при отравлении парацетамолом и раннее его использование в комплексе лечения практически всегда предотвращает развитие острой печеночной недостаточности
Therapeutic management of patients with chronic stenosis of the larynx and trachea
The treatment of patients with chronic stenosis of the larynx and trachea is a laborious long process that requires special attention to the choice of surgical tactics and conservative therapy. The effectiveness of the performed surgical treatment largely depends on the course of the postoperative wound process, which explains the need for an individual approach to patient management in order to prevent the development of bacterial complications. One of the factors contributing to the occurrence of these complications are transient microorganisms that colonize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, represented mainly by Streptococci, Staphylococci and Neisseria, as well as Acinetobacter, Moraxella, Corinebacterium, Escherichia, Klebsiella. In order to prevent postoperative complications, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial prophylaxis with I–II generation cephalosporins (cefazolin, cefuroxime) or inhibitor-protected aminopenicillins (amoxicillin/clavulanate, ampicillin/sulbactam) during clean surgical interventions. In cases where a bacteriological examination reveals hospital strains of microorganisms, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy aimed at eradication of the bacterial pathogen. In case of “dirty” surgical interventions in patients in cases where a bacteriological examination does not reveal pathogenic strains of microorganisms, it is recommended to carry out antibacterial therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics, within 7–10 days after the surgery. Irrigation and inhalation therapy occupies a special place in the treatment of patients with chronic stenosis of the larynx and trachea. At the final stages of the operation, irrigation of the surgical area with solutions of glucocorticosteroids and anesthetics is used, and inhalation therapy is used starting from the early postoperative period, continuing throughout the entire period of inpatient treatment, as well as at the outpatient stage. Among the inhalation drugs used topic antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, mineral water, mucolytics, and bacteriophages are most often used
Integral data filter with prediction for sensors of the angular orientation and stabilization system of the spacecraft
Пропонується інтегральний фільтр даних 2-го порядку з попереджанням, вихідний сигнал якого випереджає по фазі вхідний сигнал. Розглядається випадок відсутності інформації про діючу збурюючу силу.The topic of the article is “Integral data filter with prediction for attitude determination control system of spacecraft”. This article discusses methods of the satellite sensors data filtering using Kalman filter, Butterworth filter and the proposed integral filter with the prediction. The problem consists in data filtering without phase lag and without knowledge of disturbing force, since Kalman filter uses prediction based on mathematical model of the object with the known disturbing forces.
There are five parts in the article: introduction, formulation of the problem, methods and techniques of research, results and its discussions and conclusions. In the introduction the problem of data filtering for a spacecraft is formulated. Then the methods of solutions are discussed with the help of Kalman filter, Butterworth filter and the proposed integral filter with the prediction. The author examine methods of data filtering on the mathematical model of spacecraft angular motion built in Matlab and then on a real model of the object in ground tests. The resulted comparison graphics of different methods data filtration is shown.
The author makes a conclusion that proposed integral filter with prediction is the most effective in this case. He mentioned that the output of this filter is phase advance of the input signal by 5 degrees and the proposed filter gives also filtered derivative of the input signal. After testing the filter on the real model of spacecraft, the attitude determination accuracy of 0.1 degree was achieved.Предлагается интегральный фильтр данных 2-го порядка с предварением, выходной сигнал которого опережает по фазе входной сигнал. Рассматривается случай отсутствия информации о действующей возмущающей силе