474 research outputs found


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    In this work the use of wooden I-beams with OSB wall as the load bearing elements for polygonal arch coverings of buildings of various spans are considered. Special steel connecting pieces can shape the polygonal arch coverings. Calculations of the constructions with a span of 12 and 18 meters and an analysis of their stress-strain state are given.In this work the use of wooden I-beams with OSB wall as the load bearing elements for polygonal arch coverings of buildings of various spans are considered. Special steel connecting pieces can shape the polygonal arch coverings. Calculations of the constructions with a span of 12 and 18 meters and an analysis of their stress-strain state are given

    Late results of embolization of a portal hepatic vein branches in patients, suffering extended hepatic tumors

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    Objective. To analyze late results of preoperative  embolization of the portal hepatic vein branches (EPHVB) in patients, suffering extended hepatic tumors and extremely border-like small calculated residual hepatic volume(CRHV). Маterials and methods. From 2004 to 2014 yr the extended hepatic resection (HER) was performed in 285 patients, to whom EPHVB was applied (the main group), аnd in 353 patients as well, but without endovascular preparation (control group). In both groups dynamics of laboratory indices, structure of complications and lethality, late survival were studied. Results. In the main group a trustworthily lower rate of an acute hepatic insufficiency and connected with a lower postoperative lethality - accordingly 2.3 and 4.6%, comparing with a control group - 9.3 and 8.8%, were suggested. The laboratory data dynamics have witnessed a lesser intensiveness of postoperative hepatocytolysis and lesser degree of the hepatic synthetic function lowering in the main group, what have confirmed a better functional adaptation of hepatic residual in patients, to whom preoperative EPHVB was applied. Conclusion. Preoperative EPHVB permits to lower the postoperative complications and lethality rate in patients, suffering hepatic tumors, due to better functional adaptation of hepatic residual

    Хирургические аспекты формирования кишечных стом в онкологии. Обзор литературы

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    The formation of intestinal stoma is performed during routine and emergency operations. This review provides a brief historical overview of the main stages of development of methods colo- and ileostomy. The article presents indications, as well as possible complications that may happen during operative treatment. It is occurred that there is little evidentiary material of colo- or ileostomy in evaluating complications that are associated with the various surgical methods of intestinal stoma formation. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current data on stoma formation and determine the method to use.Формирование кишечной стомы выполняется при плановых и экстренных операциях. В работе представлен краткий исторический обзор основных этапов развития методов формирования коло- и илеостом. Приведены показания, а также возможные осложнения при выполнении данного оперативного лечения. При оценке осложнений, связанных с формированием кишечной стомы, и определении преимуществ различных хирургических методов выявлено, что доказательных данных о преимуществе коло- или илеостом накоплено мало. Целями данного обзора является обобщение современных данных о кишечных стомах и определение метода выбора для применения в практике


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    The kinetics of oxidative polymerization of 2-methylaniline in hydrochloric acid aqueous solution in the presence of ammonium peroxydisulfate as the oxidant was studied. The presence of autocatalysis was demonstrated, and the reaction mechanism was suggested. On the basis of the mechanism a kinetic model of oxidative polymerization of 2-methylaniline was built. The model is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental results.И сследована кинетика окислительной полимеризации 2-метиланилина в солянокислом водном растворе в присутствии пероксидисульфата аммония в качестве окислителя. Показано наличие автокатализа, предложен механизм реакции. На основании механизма построена кинетическая модель окислительной полимеризации 2-метиланилина, находящаяся в удовлетворительном соот-ветствии с результатами эксперимента

    Кинетика и механизм окисления 2,4,6-триметиланилина

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    The kinetics of oxidation of 2,4,6-trimethylaniline hydrochloride with ammonia peroxydisulfate in an aqueous solution was studied by the potentiometric method. It was shown that the reaction proceeds as the second order process. The rate constants of one-electron transfer from 2,4,6-trimethylaniline molecule to peroxydisulfate ion were determined and are 1.46, 2.3, and 3.17 l/(mol.sec) at 30, 35 and 40° С , respectively. The activation energy of one-electron transfer from 2,4,6-trimethylaniline molecule to peroxydisulfate ion is 61 kJ/mol, the entropy of activation is –63 J/(mol К ), and the enthalpy of activation is 58.5kJ/mol. It was determined that 2,4,6-trimethylaniline is not prone to oxidative polymerization. This indicates that cation-radicals of aromatic amines which act as active centers of aniline oxidative polymerization are formed. The fact that there is no autoacceleration during oxidation of 2,4,6-trimethylaniline hydrochloride indicates that the oxidative polymerization of aniline is an autocatalytical process.Потенциометрическим методом исследована кинетика окисления 2,4,6-триметиланилина под действием пероксидисульфата аммония в водном растворе. Показано, что скорость реакции подчиняется уравнению второго порядка. Определены константы скорости и энергия активации окисления 2,4,6-триметиланилина, а также предложен механизм реакции

    Heterochain polyesters

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