696 research outputs found

    Giga-Gauss scale quasistatic magnetic field generation in an 'escargot' target

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    A simple setup for the generation of ultra-intense quasistatic magnetic fields, based on the generation of electron currents with a predefined geometry in a curved 'escargot' target, is proposed and analysed. Particle-In-Cell simulations and qualitative estimates show that giga-Gauss scale magnetic fields may be achieved with existent laser facilities. The described mechanism of the strong magnetic field generation may be useful in a wide range of applications, from laboratory astrophysics to magnetized ICF schemes.Comment: Submitted to PRL. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1409.524

    A plasma solenoid driven by an Orbital Angular Momentum laser beam

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    A tens of Tesla quasi-static axial magnetic field can be produced in the interaction of a short intense laser beam carrying an Orbital Angular Momentum with an underdense plasma. Three-dimensional "Particle In Cell" simulations and analytical model demonstrate that orbital angular momentum is transfered from a tightly focused radially polarized laser beam to electrons without any dissipative effect. A theoretical model describing the balistic interaction of electrons with laser shows that particles gain angular velocity during their radial and longitudinal drift in the laser field. The agreement between PIC simulations and the simplified model identifies routes to increase the intensity of the solenoidal magnetic field by controlling the orbital angular momentum and/or the energy of the laser beam

    Optimization of concurrent data and high-precision time transfer modes in meteor burst synchronization equipment

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    We present the capacity of meteor synchronization equipment in data transfer mode with data rate depending on current synchronization state. The equipment works in two modes: time transfer and data transfer, both consume available meteor trails. For the particular application discussed, the amount of bits transferred on a single meteor trail is a logarithmic function of time-scale shift estimate error. The additional requirement of the application is both modes may not share the same meteor trail. © 2007 IEEE


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    The article deals with the issues of formation and implementation of monetary policy. The peculiarities of implementation of monetary regime of inflation targeting in Ukraine and in other countries are defined. The growing role of central banks in ensuring price and financial stability and supporting economic growth is justified. The modern possibilities of realization of the main function in the activity of the National Bank of Ukraine are revealed. The importance of adhering to the interconnected goals of monetary policy is justified. It is determined that the controlled movement of financial flows and price stability can only be ensured at the same time as financial stability in the context of economic growth. The role and dynamics of the discount (key) rate in the implementation of the inflation targeting regime is revealed. In the presence of measures of state stimulation of business activity, the directions and intensity of movement of financial flows change. It is justified that central banks should have enhanced institutional and instrumental capabilities to prevent the risks of destabilization. This is ensured by cooperation with the government in the implementation of monetary policy. It is proved that in order to further stabilize the markets it is necessary to implement in monetary policy not monetary «solo», but monetary «mix» of the central bank-government.Розглянуто питання формування і реалізації грошово-кредитної політики. Визначено особливості впровадження монетарного режиму інфляційного таргетування в Україні та в інших країнах. Обґрунтовано зростаючу роль центробанків при забезпеченні цінової і фінансової стабільності та підтримки економічного зростання. Розкрито сучасні можливості реалізації основної функції в діяльності Національного банку України. Обґрунтовано важливість дотримання взаємопов’язаних цілей грошово-кредитної політики. Визначено, що керований рух фінансових потоків і цінова стабільність можуть бути забезпечені тільки водночас із фінансовою стабільністю при ознаках економічного зростання. Розкрито роль і показано динаміку облікової (ключової) ставки при реалізації режиму інфляційного таргетування. За наявності заходів державного стимулювання ділової активності змінюються напрями й інтенсивність руху фінансових потоків. Обґрунтовано, що центробанки повинні мати розширені інституційні та інструментальні можливості попередження ризиків дестабілізації. Це забезпечується співпрацею з урядом у реалізації грошово-кредитної політики. Доведено, що для подальшої стабілізації ринків необхідно в грошово-кредитній політиці реалізовувати не монетарне «соло», а монетарний «мікс» центробанк — уряд

    Forced synchronization of an oscillator with a line of equilibria

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    The model of a non-autonomous memristor-based oscillator with a line of equilibria is studied. A numerical simulation of the system driven by a periodical force is combined with a theoretical analysis by means of the quasi-harmonic reduction. Both two mechanisms of synchronization are demonstrated: capture of the phase and frequency of oscillations and suppression by an external signal. Classification of undamped oscillations in an autonomous system with a line of equilibria as a special kind of self-sustained oscillations is concluded due to the possibility to observe the effect of frequency-phase locking in the same system in the presence of an external influence. It is established that the occurrence of phase locking in the considered system continuously depends both on parameter values and initial conditions. The simultaneous dependence of synchronization area boundaries on the initial conditions and the parameter values is also shown.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure