86 research outputs found

    Cardioprotective effect of thiotriazoline in cancer patients

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    Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of morpholinium-methyl-triazolyl-thioacetate (thiotriazoline) as a cardioprotector in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas who received chemotherapy with the inclusion of anthracyclines.Material and methods. Fifty patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas were examined on the background of antitumor therapy. The patients were divided into 2 following groups: group 1 (n=27) — standard chemotherapy; group 2 (n=23) — thiotriazoline as a cardioprotector. The quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire; the level of troponin I and the natriuretic peptide NT-proBNP was determined; an electrocardiography and echocardiography were performed.Results. In the course of the study, significant differences (p<0,05) were found in following parameters: the severity of dyspnea and lower limb edema, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, troponin I level, NT-proBNP, corrected QT interval, end systolic volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, E/A ratio. The results obtained indicate the clinical and paraclinical advantage of thiotriazoline and reflect its cardioprotective effect. Conclusion. The use of thiotriazoline makes it possible to prevent and slow down the cardiovascular disease continuum, leading to the development of heart failure or decompensation that exists in this category of patients. Keywords: cardio-oncology, thiotriazoline, heart failure, anthracyclines, cardiotoxicity>˂0,05) were found in following parameters: the severity of dyspnea and lower limb edema, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, troponin I level, NT-proBNP, corrected QT interval, end systolic volume, left ventricular ejection fraction, E/A ratio. The results obtained indicate the clinical and paraclinical advantage of thiotriazoline and reflect its cardioprotective effect.Conclusion. The use of thiotriazoline makes it possible to prevent and slow down the cardiovascular disease continuum, leading to the development of heart failure or decompensation that exists in this category of patients

    Економічна стратегія стимулювання регіонів України у післявоєнний період

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    Післявоєнне економічне відновлення регіонів України - це складний і багатогранний процес, який включає в себе ряд заходів та стратегій. Ці шляхи можуть відрізнятися залежно від конкрет­ного регіону, його потреб і можливостей, а також політичної ситуації в країні. Однак ключові на­прямки для післявоєнного економічного віднов­лення регіонів України: інфраструктурний розви­ток, де регіони повинні інвестувати в розвиток та модернізацію інфраструктури, включаючи до­роги, залізниці, порти, аеропорти та комунікації, що сприятиме поліпшенню умов для бізнесу та підвищенню конкурентоспроможності регіону; підтримка малих та середніх підприємств може стати джерелом нових робочих місць і стимулю­вати економічний розвиток регіонів. Зокрема, це може включати в себе фінансову підтримку, нав­чання та консультації для підприємців; розвиток освіти та науки важливі для створення квалі­фікованої робочої сили і розвитку інноваційних технологій, що можуть збільшити конкуренто­спроможність регіону; підтримка сільськогоспо­дарського сектору для багатьох регіонів України, а саме інвестиції в розвиток сільськогосподар­ського сектору можуть покращити якість життя сільського населення та забезпечити продоволь­чу безпеку; приваблення іноземних інвестицій, тобто сприятливе інвестиційне середовище, щоб привабити іноземні інвестори, які могли б вкла­дати в регіональну економіку; соціальна полі­тика, включаючи підтримку вразливих груп на­селення та підвищення якості життя громадян; регіональна співпраця між різними регіонами та місцевими владами може сприяти обміну досві­дом і ресурсами для спільного розвитку. Ці шляхи можуть бути поєднані в різних ком­бінаціях, в залежності від потреб та можливостей конкретного регіону. Однак успішне післявоєнне економічне відновлення вимагає спільних зусиль уряду, бізнесу та громадськості

    Investigation of the digital technologies influence on the process transformation in cinema

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    Within the sectoral structure of the national economy, audiovisual industries are parts of the cultural industry. Cinema is a particularly effective means of satisfying the human need for affective self-expression and establishing emotional communication between people. To increase the audiovisual product competitiveness, an analysis of the digital technologies impact on it was carried out in order to attract an additional audience. It is noted that modern technologies have paved the way for multifunctional devices: the creative process is increasingly becoming technological in nature. The use of digital technologies has led to the creation of high-quality films. Due to technological progress, the equipment becomes available to more participants in the film business. Digital technologies have become a powerful and accessible tool that allows non-professional artists/directors to enter the cinematic space. However, for the author’s cinema, digital technologies have only become a tool to improve picture quality, as well as expand the capabilities for the artist / director to bring their ideas to life on screen

    Characteristics of the secondary electrons calibration beam of the accelerator S-25R "Pakhra"

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    The characteristics of the secondary electrons` calibration quasi-monochromatic beam of the accelerator S-25R "Pakhra" of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI) on the basis of magnet SP-57 are presented. With an electron energy in the range of 45-280 MeV, a collimator diameter in front of the trigger counters of 3 mm and copper Converter thicknesses of 1-3 mm, the energy resolution and beam intensity were 4.4-2.2% and around 16 e/sec, respectively

    Nanoparticles in polyelectrolyte multilayer layer-by-layer (LbL) films and capsules : key enabling components of hybrid coatings

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    Originally regarded as auxiliary additives, nanoparticles have become important constituents of polyelectrolyte multilayers. They represent the key components to enhance mechanical properties, enable activation by laser light or ultrasound, construct anisotropic and multicompartment structures, and facilitate the development of novel sensors and movable particles. Here, we discuss an increasingly important role of inorganic nanoparticles in the layer-by-layer assembly—effectively leading to the construction of the so-called hybrid coatings. The principles of assembly are discussed together with the properties of nanoparticles and layer-by-layer polymeric assembly essential in building hybrid coatings. Applications and emerging trends in development of such novel materials are also identified

    Influence of homozygosis by marker alleles of blood groups on the productivity, reproductive qualities and longevity of cows

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    Currently, in populations of different cattle breeds there is elimination of a number of alleles of blood groups and an in-crease in the homozygosity coefficient that leads to rise in the amount of homozygous animals. In this regard, the aim of the research was to study the effect of homozygosity by EAV-locus of blood groups on the productive and reproductive characteristics of cows. The research was carried out on the farms of the Smolensk region for breeding of Sychevskaya cattle breed: the “Rybkovskoye” breeding farm and pedigree breeding unit Agricultural Production Cooperative (APC) named after Uritsky. On these farms there were selected 2078 cows, homozygous according to alleles of EAV - locus of blood groups and heterozygous animals born in 2010-2014 (21 and 581, 50 and 1426 heads, respectively). The study has shown that the average milk yield over the productive life of homozygotes in the herd of the “Rybkovskoye” farm is insignificantly lower and on the farm named after Uritsky this parameter is significantly higher. Application of one-way ANOVA analysis determined the weak effect of genotype on the productivity of animals on the “Rybkovskoe” farm only for the first lactation with factorial effect in milk yield, milk fat and protein 1.2, 1.5 and 1.1%, respectively. On the breeding farm named after Uritsky the factorial effect in milk yield and fatyield for the second lactation was 0.3 and 0.4%, and on the average over the life in milk yield it was 0.4%. The analysis of repro-ductive qualities: the age of the first calving, the age of the first fruitful insemination, multiplicity of insemination to lactation, the number of days before the first insemination in the current lactation, the duration of open days revealed close values, similar nature of distribution and variation of these indicators, absence of statistically significant differences between them in homozy-gotes and heterozygotes. A weak (2% or less) influence of homozygosity on productive longevity, which determines the superiority of homozygous cows over heterozygous, characteristic for samples from both farms, has been found


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    Various types of aminosiloxanes are used to improve the adhesion characteristics of coatings, since silicon-containing compounds can significantly improve the adhesion of polymer resins to substrates such as glass, silica, aluminum oxide and active metals. Polyfunctional aminosiloxane is obtained by the interaction of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane with monoethanolamine in the presence of a binary antioxidant and catalytic alkaline amounts of alcohol metal.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project #№ 20-33-90269