8 research outputs found

    Characteristics of peripheral hemodynamics athletes with loads of adaptation to a different direction

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    Peculiarities of the peripheral circulation of the first athletes from different directions of the training process by rheovasography. Changes at the peripheral level of the cardiovascular system in athletes, coaching speed and endurance, designed to create conditions enabling environment for maximum extraction of oxygen from the blood into the tissues, which manifests itself in reducing zhenii-tone of blood vessels and reducing the vascular tone at the exchange level

    Услуги внешнего рекрутинга: современные тенденции и проблемы

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    У статті досліджено сучасні тенденції та проблемні аспекти надання послуг зовнішнього рекрутингу на ринку праці, в т.ч. необхідність нормативно-правового забезпечення професії зовнішнього рекрутера; проаналізовано теоретичні підходи до визначення рекрутинга як виду діяльності; виділено основні технології та методи роботи вітчизняних рекрутингових агенцій.The aim of article is to analyze the latest trends and problem organizational, economic and legal aspects of external recruitment for business structures in the current socio-economic realities. The article explores the current trends and problematic aspects of external recruitment services in the labor market, including the need for legal support of the profession of external recruiter; Theoretical approaches of definition of recruitment as activity were analyzed; Basic technologies and methods of work of domestic recruitment agencies were allocated. The article deals with issues of attraction recruiting (stuff) agencies in recruitment process. Particular attention is given to the calculation of economic efficiency of this practice. The core, role and importance of recruitment for employers were defined; problems and prospects of its development were investigated. The classification of technologies used by recruiters in staff search and selection is presented. The main methods of search engine placement, shows modern technology for their selection, among which are the direct search, headhunting, recruiting, screening and networking.В статье исследованы современные тенденции и проблемные аспекты предоставления услуг внешнего рекрутинга на рынке труда, в т.ч. необходимость нормативно-правового обеспечения профессии внешнего рекрутера; проанализированы теоретические подходы к определению рекрутинга как вида деятельности; выделены основные технологии и методы работы отечественных рекрутинговых агентств

    Особенности периферической гемодинамики спортсменов при адаптации к нагрузкам различной направленности

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    Peculiarities of the peripheral circulation of the first athletes from different directions of the training process by rheovasography. Changes at the peripheral level of the cardiovascular system in athletes, coaching speed and endurance, designed to create conditions enabling environment for maximum extraction of oxygen from the blood into the tissues, which manifests itself in reducing zhenii-tone of blood vessels and reducing the vascular tone at the exchange level.Методом реовазографии выявлены особенности периферического отдела кровообращения у спортсменов с разной направленностью тренировочного процесса. Изменения на уровне периферического звена сердечно-сосудистой системы у спортсменов, тренирующих быстроту и выносливость, направлены на создание условий для максимального извлечения кислорода из крови в ткани, что проявляется в снижении тонуса артериальных сосудов и сосудов на уровне обменного звена

    Повышение качества консталтинговых услуг по управлению персоналом: институциональные аспекты

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    У статті досліджено сучасні тенденції функціонування ринку консалтингових послуг з управління персоналом, у т.ч. досліджено інституційні виклики, серед яких відсутність стандартизації консалтингової діяльності та нормативно-правові колізії на макрорівні; виділено фактори впливу на якість надаваних послуг на мікрорівні та проаналізовано позицію замовників консалтингових послуг з управління персоналом щодо оцінювання їх якості.In the article the modern trends in the market operation of consulting services in HR management are investigated, including the institutional challenges, among them the lack of standardization of consulting activity and legal conflicts at the macro level; the factors affecting the quality of services are provided at the micro level and the customer’s position of personnel management regarding the evaluation of their quality.is analyzed. The goals of article are to study the factors affecting the quality of consultancy HR at macro and micro levels, toanalyze current trends providing business consulting services to entities HR by domestic and international companies on the Ukrainian labor market and to work out recommendations to improve their quality. The main factors affecting the quality of consulting services in HR, as client-oriented company, staff competency, high level of organizational behavior; marketing strategy, positive reputation and competitive agencies in the market of consulting services, we consider to make the subject of further research.В статье исследованы современные тенденции функционирования рынка консалтинговых услуг по управлению персоналом, в т.ч. исследованы институциональные вызовы, среди которых отсутствие стандартизации консалтинговой деятельности и нормативно-правовые коллизии на макроуровне; выделены факторы влияния на качество предоставляемых услуг на микроуровне и проанализирована позиция заказчиков консалтинговых услуг по управлению персоналом касательно оценивания их качества

    Destination development in Western Siberia:Tourism governance and evolutionary economic geography

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    Tourism development has often been identified as a tool for balancing negative effects of economic restructuring, especially in peripheral regions. Tourism-based activities often utilize the availability of abundant nature, but although most English language studies of destination development are presented from western contexts, examples from post-Soviet Russia are rare. Western Siberia is a periphery with access to natural resources and heavy industrialization but remotely located from domestic (Russian) and international markets, where tourism is often considered a saviour, especially for the regional economies. Stakeholders in this Russian resource periphery face challenges in managing governance and cooperation in destinations development due to frequent institutional, economic and social changes. Using evolutionary economic geography and based on primary sources and interview data, tourism development and stakeholder relations are assessed in three Western Siberia regions: Tomsk, Kemerovo and Altai Krai. Findings show that for tourism to make a significant contribution, it must be more central to the economic development agenda in all three regions. However, it is currently only achieving a permanent high-profile in one of them, being crowded out by other (mostly primary) industries in the other two. Although the specific tourism governance set-up varies between the three regions, it is clear that public tourism governance still sits somewhat uneasily between state control and the market economy. Tourism receives substantial public subsidies, especially in large-scale investment projects, which depend on federal support within a governance system where decentralization seems to be somewhat limited and unstable. As a result, the tourism path development in the Siberian periphery is highly dependent on state intervention and success in other sectors.</p


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    The retrospective analysis of surgical and rehabilitation treatment of 172 patients with neurotrauma was made. The patients were treated in Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institute and Municipal hospital of St. Elizabeth in the period since 2009 till 2012. Rehabilitation of different types of neurotrauma presented the system of surgical and recovery methods of treatment, which should be used in a short term after damage. Means of internal cerebral decompression, including drainage of ecephalocoel and cerebral basal cistern and the tentoriotomy, should be used in acute period of craniocerebral trauma according to morphometric data of beam inspection. Management of wound by means of laser or LED radiation, SHWF-therapy, magnetic and electrostimulation were the effective methods of neurorehabilitation. It is noted, that 73 (43,4%) patients returned to a former employment rate among 172 victims, though 26 patients had a moderate invalidization. An average figures of Glasgow scale outcomes were 1,9±0,2

    Destination development in Western Siberia: tourism governance and evolutionary economic geography

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    Tourism development has often been identified as a tool for balancing negative effects of economic restructuring, especially in peripheral regions. Tourism-based activities often utilize the availability of abundant nature, but although most English language studies of destination development are presented from western contexts, examples from post-Soviet Russia are rare. Western Siberia is a periphery with access to natural resources and heavy industrialization but remotely located from domestic (Russian) and international markets, where tourism is often considered a saviour, especially for the regional economies. Stakeholders in this Russian resource periphery face challenges in managing governance and cooperation in destinations development due to frequent institutional, economic and social changes. Using evolutionary economic geography and based on primary sources and interview data, tourism development and stakeholder relations are assessed in three Western Siberia regions: Tomsk, Kemerovo and Altai Krai. Findings show that for tourism to make a significant contribution, it must be more central to the economic development agenda in all three regions. However, it is currently only achieving a permanent high-profile in one of them, being crowded out by other (mostly primary) industries in the other two. Although the specific tourism governance set-up varies between the three regions, it is clear that public tourism governance still sits somewhat uneasily between state control and the market economy. Tourism receives substantial public subsidies, especially in large-scale investment projects, which depend on federal support within a governance system where decentralization seems to be somewhat limited and unstable. As a result, the tourism path development in the Siberian periphery is highly dependent on state intervention and success in other sectors