403 research outputs found

    Linking of the mini-computer Electronik-100I and NR-9821A

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    The means of transmitting digital information from the computer E-100I to the desk top calculator NR-9821A with the help of an intermediate carrier of information (perforated tape) is described. The means of removal of information from the computer E-100I in a form which is understandable for the NR-9821A are given. Instructions for the use and programming of the transcription of information onto magnetic tape from the perforated tape and from the keyboard of the calculator are included

    Original scientific article Administrative-legal Status of a Voluntary Squad During Martial Law

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    The subject of the research is social relations that arise in the course of the activities of voluntary squads during martial law, including the possibility of their involvement by law enforcement and other bodies in the performance of state tasks to ensure public order and national security. The purpose of the work is to determine the theoretical and applied problems of legal regulation of the administrativelegal status of a voluntary squad during the period of martial law. When writing the article, formal-legal, historical-and comparative-legal, logical methods were used. The relevance of the topic is associated with the lack of a clear and even mechanism for the creation and functioning of voluntary squads precisely during the period of martial law. At the legislative level, their competence (powers, forms and acts of responding to violations of laws by individuals and legal entities) in the process of ensuring public order in the controlled territory is not defined. The fact of the absence of a single terminological series in the formation of the legal basis for the activities of voluntary squads is stated. The main part of the article substantiates the conclusion that such voluntary public organizations, taking into account their basic characteristics, should be referred to in regulatory legal acts, regardless of the direction of their action, as a “voluntary people's squad”. A comparative analysis of the legal status of a voluntary squad and volunteer formations is presented. It is concluded that they do not correlate as general and private, voluntary formation, due to the specifics of the goals of education, functioning and financing, is not a kind of voluntary squads. The conclusion is substantiated that voluntary squads should be actively used by law enforcement agencies to ensure the strengthening of public order during martial law. The question is raised about the need to specify in the normative legal acts the administrative and legal status of voluntary squads precisely in the period of martial law. Proposals are made on the mechanism of legal regulation of the powers of voluntary teams and the social and legal protection of combatants when they perform state tasks under these conditions

    Administrative and Legal Framework for Citizens’ Participation in the Maintenance of Public Order in Russia and Finland

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of administrative legal norms of the Russian Federation and Finland that regulate the participation of citizens in the protection of public order. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that the human rights activities of law enforcement agencies, their importance in the fieldof public law enforcement, personal and public security is often unproductive, especially in the context of the global economic crisis, in which the functioning of law enforcement agencies alone is obviously not enough to protect human rights and freedoms and maintain public law and order. It is known that public tension in the state, including in Russia and Finland, increases sharply in emergency situations: during man-made disasters, epidemics, social crises, and terrorist activities. In such situations, the existence of public organizations whose activities guarantee the protection of public order and the elimination of negative consequences of emergency situations is extremely necessary. The Author considers the concept of public order, reveals its essence and content. The definition of the term “protection of public order” is formulated. It defines the legal regulation of citizens’ participation in public order protection in the Russian Federation and Finland. Common and similar features of such regulation are highlighted. The main legal acts regulating the participation of citizens in the protection of public order in Russia and Finland are analyzed in detail. According to the Author, strict centralization, as well as the lack of proper interaction of law enforcement agencies with society, is one of the key problems of enforcement and protection of public order in the law enforcement system of Russia and Finland. The issue of voluntary national teams functioning both in Russia and Finland is being considered. Attention is drawn to their specific features. In the end, the author concludes that at present, both for Russia and Finland, the issue of protecting citizens who take part in the protection of public order is a difficult one. It can be stated that in comparison with the Russian Federation, Finland provides a much smaller amount of guarantees for the protection of citizens who participate in the protection of public order

    New nucleic dyes for pico-and nanoplankton cytometric analysis

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    Flow cytometry (FCM) is a promising tool in the field of aquatic phytoplankton ecology because it allows for multi-parameter assessment of the physiological state of individual cells in an algal population. It can help to elucidate major questions such as phytoplankton taxa identification, the evaluation of cell quantity and viability, and the measuring of phytoplankton and general microbial metabolic activities. Traditionally, microalgal characterization is performed by microscopic analysis using UV-excited nuclear dyes (e.g. Hoechst and DAPI) or dyes that are excited in the blue-green part of the spectrum such as propidium iodide and eosin. The development of multi-laser cytometric systems has widened the possibilities for multi-parametric analysis and cell sorting of phytoplankton populations. Notwithstanding, significant algae autofluorescence originating from different types of chlorophyll and accessory pigments may overlap with propidium iodide and/or eosin staining and affect the resolution of algae clusters and cell sorting

    New nucleic dyes for pico-and nanoplankton cytometric analysis

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    Flow cytometry (FCM) is a promising tool in the field of aquatic phytoplankton ecology because it allows for multi-parameter assessment of the physiological state of individual cells in an algal population. It can help to elucidate major questions such as phytoplankton taxa identification, the evaluation of cell quantity and viability, and the measuring of phytoplankton and general microbial metabolic activities. Traditionally, microalgal characterization is performed by microscopic analysis using UV-excited nuclear dyes (e.g. Hoechst and DAPI) or dyes that are excited in the blue-green part of the spectrum such as propidium iodide and eosin. The development of multi-laser cytometric systems has widened the possibilities for multi-parametric analysis and cell sorting of phytoplankton populations. Notwithstanding, significant algae autofluorescence originating from different types of chlorophyll and accessory pigments may overlap with propidium iodide and/or eosin staining and affect the resolution of algae clusters and cell sorting

    Studies of concentration and temperature dependencies of precipitation kinetics in iron-copper alloys using kinetic monte carlo and stochastic statistical simulations

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    The earlier-developed ab initio model and the kinetic Monte Carlo method (KMCM) are used to simulate precipitation in a number of iron-copper alloys with different copper concentrations x and temperatures T. The same simulations are also made using the improved version of the earlier-suggested stochastic statistical method (SSM). The results obtained enable us to make a number of general conclusions about the dependencies of the decomposition kinetics in Fe-Cu alloys on x and T. We also show that the SSM describes the precipitation kinetics in a fair agreement with the KMCM, and employing the SSM in conjunction with the KMCM enables us to extend the KMC simulations to the longer evolution times. The results of simulations seem to agree with available experimental data for Fe-Cu alloys within statistical errors of simulations and the scatter of experimental results. Comparison of results of simulations to experiments for some multicomponent Fe-Cu-based alloys enables us to make certain conclusions about the influence of alloying elements in these alloys on the precipitation kinetics at different stages of evolution.Comment: 18 pages, 17 postscript figures, LaTe