103 research outputs found

    On LL-derivatives and biextensions of Calabi-Yau motives

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    We prove that certain differential operators of the form DLDDLD with LL hypergeometric and D=zddzD=z \frac{d}{dz} are of Picard-Fuchs type. We give closed hypergeometric expressions for minors of the biextension period matrices that arise from certain rank 4 weight 3 Calabi-Yau motives presumed to be of analytic rank 1. We compare their values numerically to the first derivative of the LL-functions of the respective motives at s=2s=2

    Quadratic Q-curves, units and Hecke L-values

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    Abstract We show that if K is a quadratic field, and if there exists a quadratic Q-curve E/K of prime degree N, satisfying weak conditions, then any unit u of OK satisfies a congruence ur ≡ 1 (mod N), where r = g.c.d.(N − 1, 12). If K is imaginary quadratic, we prove a congruence, modulo a divisor of N, between an algebraic Hecke character ψ˜ and, roughly speaking, the elliptic curve. We show that this divisor then occurs in a critical value L(ψ , ˜ 2), by constructing a non-zero element in a Selmer group and applying a theorem of Kato

    Quantum cohomology and the Satake isomorphism

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    We prove that the geometric Satake correspondence admits quantum corrections for minuscule Grassmannians of Dynkin types AA and DD. We find, as a corollary, that the quantum connection of a spinor variety OG(n,2n)OG(n,2n) can be obtained as the half-spinorial representation of that of the quadric Q2n−2Q_{2n-2}. We view the (quantum) cohomology of these Grassmannians as endowed simultaneously with two structures, one of a module over the algebra of symmetric functions, and the other, of a module over the Langlands dual Lie algebra, and investigate the interaction between the two. In particular, we study primitive classes yy in the cohomology of a minuscule Grassmannian G/PG/P that are characterized by the condition that the operator of cup product by yy is in the image of the Lie algebra action. Our main result states that quantum correction preserves primitivity. We provide a quantum counterpart to a result obtained by V. Ginzburg in the classical setting by giving explicit formulas for the quantum corrections to homogeneous primitive elements

    Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in Small Antiferromagnetic Particles: Effects of a Strong Magnetic Field

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    We consider an effect of a strong magnetic field on the ground state and macroscopic coherent tunneling in small antiferromagnetic particles with uniaxial and biaxial single-ion anisotropy. We find several tunneling regimes that depend on the direction of the magnetic field with respect to the anisotropy axes. For the case of a purely uniaxial symmetry and the field directed along the easy axis, an exact instanton solution with two different scales in imaginary time is constructed. For a rhombic anisotropy the effect of the field strongly depends on its orientation: with the field increasing, the tunneling rate increases or decreases for the field parallel to the easy or medium axis, respectively. The analytical results are complemented by numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Dimensional interpolation and the Selberg integral

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    We show that a version of dimensional interpolation for the Riemann–Roch–Hirzebruch formalism in the case of a Grassmannian leads to an expression for the Euler characteristic of line bundles in terms of a Selberg integral. We propose a way to interpolate higher Bessel equations, their wedge powers, and monodromies thereof to non-integer orders, and link the result with the dimensional interpolation of the RRH formalism in the spirit of the gamma conjectures
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