1,356 research outputs found

    Composición y edad de fragmentos de monacita de sedimentos terrígenos jurásicos superiores en la base de formación de bazhenov (área multan, siberia occidental)

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    Bazhenov Formation is regarded as the main oil-bearing stratum mothering nearly all the fields of the Western Siberia Oil-Gas-bearing Megabasin. Presently, it is one of the most studied formations of Siberia and, probably, Eurasia as a whole. While there is an enormous amount of studies devoted to the Bazhenov Formation, there are no detailed mineralogical studies at the modern hardware level. The age and sources of the terrigenous materials of the formation have not been studied as well. We have explored the detrital monazite from the upper-Jurassic terrigenous sediments of the Multan Area at the foundation of the Bazhenov Formation in the central part of Western Siberia, Surgut District. All the detrital rare earth phosphate is of the cerium kind being a monazite-(Се). The mineral is rather dissimilar in respect of its chemical properties, especially, the content of thorium. Some fragments have been subjected to superposed secondary changes. The detrital monazite is rounded to various degrees which is indicative of the various distances from the rare earth phosphate orebody washout. As per the chemical data, most of the monazite has been washed out from the medium and basic rocks (probably subalkaline or alkaline) as well as the sialic rocks (granitoids and associated veins). According to the chemical dating, most of the monazite fragments have been washed out of the very ancient Proterozoic formations and lower-Proterozoic rocks. Terrigenous materials derives probably from the rock assemblages of the eastern and south-eastern fringes of the Western Siberian megabasin such as the Proterozoic Yenisei Ridge or Lower-Proterozoic blocks of the Altay and Sayan Faulting.La Formación Bazhenov es considerada como el principal estrato petrolero que es madre de casi todos los campos de la megacuenca petrolera de Siberia occidental. Por ahora es una de las formaciones más estudiadas de Siberia y, quizás, de Eurasia. Aúnque hay una cantidad enorme de estudios dedicados a la formación Bazhenov, no hay estudios mineralógicos detallados en el nivel moderno de hardware. Tampoco se han estudiado la edad y los fuentes de los materiales terrígenos de la formación. Hemos explorado la monacita detrítica de los sedimentos terrígenos jurásicos superiores del Área Multana en la base de la formación Bazhenov en el centro de Siberia Occidental, Distrito de Surgut. Todo el fosfato detrítico de la tierra rara pertenece al tipo cerio y se refiere como monacita-(Ce). El mineral es bastante disimilar en cuanto a sus propiedades químicas, especialmente a su contenido de torio. Unos fragmentos han estado sometidos a cambios superpuestos secundarios. Se redondea la monacita detrítica a grados diferentes lo cual es un indicador de varias distancias de la inundación del yacimiento de fosfato de la tierra rara. Según los datos químicos, la mayoría de la monacita ha sido lavado de las rocas mediana y básicas (probablemente, alcalinas y subalcalinas) así como de las rocas siálicas (granitoidas y capas asociadas). Según datación química, la mayoría de los pedazos monazíticos han sido lavado de las formaciones Proterozóicas muy viejas y rocas  Proterozóicas tempranas. Los materiales terrígenos se derivan probablemente de los conjuntos rocosos de los márgenes sudoriental y oriental de la megacuenca de Siberia Occidental, tales como la Cresta Proterozóica de Yenisei o los conjuntos de rocas Proterozóicas Tempranas de la Falla de Altay y Sayan

    Composición y edad de fragmentos de monacita de sedimentos terrígenos jurásicos superiores en la base de formación de bazhenov (área multan, siberia occidental)

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    La Formación Bazhenov es considerada como el principal estrato petrolero que es madre de casi todos los campos de la megacuenca petrolera de Siberia occidental. Por ahora es una de las formaciones más estudiadas de Siberia y, quizás, de Eurasia. Aúnque hay una cantidad enorme de estudios dedicados a la formación Bazhenov, no hay estudios mineralógicos detallados en el nivel moderno de hardware. Tampoco se han estudiado la edad y los fuentes de los materiales terrígenos de la formación. Hemos explorado la monacita detrítica de los sedimentos terrígenos jurásicos superiores del Área Multana en la base de la formación Bazhenov en el centro de Siberia Occidental, Distrito de Surgut. Todo el fosfato detrítico de la tierra rara pertenece al tipo cerio y se refiere como monacita-(Ce). El mineral es bastante disimilar en cuanto a sus propiedades químicas, especialmente a su contenido de torio. Unos fragmentos han estado sometidos a cambios superpuestos secundarios. Se redondea la monacita detrítica a grados diferentes lo cual es un indicador de varias distancias de la inundación del yacimiento de fosfato de la tierra rara. Según los datos químicos, la mayoría de la monacita ha sido lavado de las rocas mediana y básicas (probablemente, alcalinas y subalcalinas) así como de las rocas siálicas (granitoidas y capas asociadas). Según datación química, la mayoría de los pedazos monazíticos han sido lavado de las formaciones Proterozóicas muy viejas y rocas Proterozóicas tempranas. Los materiales terrígenos se derivan probablemente de los conjuntos rocosos de los márgenes sudoriental y oriental de la megacuenca de Siberia Occidental, tales como la Cresta Proterozóica de Yenisei o los conjuntos de rocas Proterozóicas Tempranas de la Falla de Altay y Sayan

    The communicative nature of political identity as the basis for individual participation in public policy

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    The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the analysis of the essence of political communication makes it possible to determine effective ways of transmitting politically significant information, and to use the available symbolic resources of its participants, which increases the effectiveness of interaction between subjects in various spheres of public interaction. The analysis of the political identity and identification of a person makes it possible to determine whether the subject of interaction belongs to a specific socio-political group, which leads to an understanding of the person’s place in the structure of ties and relations in politics and the definition of the boundaries of «own» and «others». The identification of the communicative nature of a person’s political identity makes it possible to analyze her participation in public policy as an active and passive subject of political interaction. The purpose of the work is to determine the essence of the communicative nature of a person’s political identity and the possibility of taking into account its application in public policy. The paper uses the resources of the communication concept of P. Bourdieu, M. Castells, H. Innis and some other scientists. The methods and (or) methodological apparatus of the research includes a logical method that allows to form a holistic view of the communicative nature of a person’s political identity. A critical method is applied, which is expressed in the analysis of the possibility of applying the communicative nature of a person’s political identity in public policy. The main results of the work are that the communicative nature of a person’s political identity contains active and passive components. The first is that a person correlates himself with acceptable and desirable patterns and models of behavior and transmits information about them in the form of the implementation of his social practices in the political sphere. The normative consolidation of such practices in the system of legal norms makes it possible to interpret a person as an active participant in political interaction. The passive component consists in the person’s acceptance of the communication and regulatory influence of political and legal norms. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the statement that a person, forming his own political identity, becomes an active subject of public policy. The communicative nature of a person’s political identity is expressed in the ability of a political subject to adapt himself to normatively fixed, permissible and positively evaluated models of interaction and the ability to influence the formation of politically significant decisions

    Some Problems of Qualification of Crimes in the Field of Illicit Traffic Drugs

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    The article deals with the issues of qualification of sales of narcotic drugs, presents the main trends of judicial practice in assessing the actual circumstances of specific criminal cases and their impact on the qualifications of the offense. Attention is focused on certain aspects of the identification of a seized narcotic substance as a single consignment or related to different episodes of sale. Using examples of judicial practice, various approaches to the qualification of the sale of narcotic drugs as a single criminal act or as a set of crimes are summarized. The positions of the courts on the correlation of finished sales and situations in which one part of the narcotic substance was sold and the other withdrawn during operational activities were investigated. It is concluded that the practice materials presented in the article demonstrate the absence of a clear direction in the qualification of the considered elements of a crime

    Codification of International Criminal Law: A Political-Legal Analysis

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    For many decades, the issues of systematization of international criminal law, if not in the center of attention of the subjects of international lawmaking, are at least not removed from the agenda. At the same time, the negotiation process on this topic, even at the present time, is far from over; a significant number of problems of both a legal-technical and a political nature remain unresolved. An analysis of the historical experience of the codification of international criminal law, an attempt to bring it into a single report is the main task of this article, while its purpose is to determine the most significant stages of the codification of international criminal law, to establish the prerequisites for decisions of a law-making nature adopted at the international level, their logic and significance for the current state of the system of international criminal policy. The methodology of this research is made up of such methods as formal legal, logical and systemic interpretation of law, historical and comparative analysis. Both the main and the final parts of this study represent a short excursion into the formation of international criminal policy, indicate the main guidelines in the study of various areas of international criminal law

    Skeleton-supported stochastic networks of organic memristive devices: Adaptations and learning

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    © 2015 Author(s). Stochastic networks of memristive devices were fabricated using a sponge as a skeleton material. Cyclic voltage-current characteristics, measured on the network, revealed properties, similar to the organic memristive device with deterministic architecture. Application of the external training resulted in the adaptation of the network electrical properties. The system revealed an improved stability with respect to the networks, composed from polymer fibers

    Изменение рынка труда при внедрении научно-технологических инноваций в экономику (зарубежный и отечественный опыт)

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    The article presents the impact of scientific and technological innovations on the industrial structure of the tradable sector of the economy. The analysis of economic data was carried out on the basis of the VAR model by Christopher Albert Sims for 15 developed countries with open economies and without a sanction’s regime, including the Russian Federation, for the period 1995…2013. Research has shown that the greater the continuous growth of total factor productivity (TFP) in the tradable sector of the economy compared to growth in the non-tradable sector, the more labor resources move from the tradable sector to the non-tradable sector of the economy, which has a stimulating effect on the share of labor income in both sectors of the economy. A model of the influence of scientific and technological innovations on the labor market in the tradable sector of the economy has been developed. The model allows for a state with an open economy and taking into account cross-country dispersion of redistribution effects to calculate factor technological changes. The model predicts the most accurate results for states where capital-intensive industries make a greater contribution to the increase in total factor productivity of the trade sector of the economy, i. e. for states in which capital increases in relation to labor efficiency.В статье представлено влияние научно-технологических инноваций на отраслевую структуру торгуемого сектора экономики. Анализ экономических данных проводился на основе модели VAR Кристофера Симсона по данным 15 развитых государств с открытой экономикой и без санкционного режима, включая Российскую Федерацию, за период с 1995 по 2013 гг. Исследования показали, чем больше постоянный рост общей факторной производительности в торгуемом секторе экономики по сравнению с ростом в неторгуемом секторе, тем больше перемещается трудовых ресурсов из торгуемого сектора в неторгуемый сектор экономики, что оказывает стимулирующее влияние на долю трудовых доходов в обоих секторах экономики. Разработана модель влияния научно-технологических инноваций на рынок труда в торгуемом секторе экономики. Модель позволяет просчитать факторные технологические изменения для государств с открытой экономикой и с учетом межстрановых дисперсий перераспределительных эффектов. Наиболее точные результаты модель предсказывает для государств, капиталоемкие отрасли которых вносят больший вклад в увеличение общей факторной производительности торгового сектора экономики, т. е. для государств, в которых капитал увеличивается по отношению к эффективности труд

    Polyaniline-based organic memristive device fabricated by layer-by-layer deposition technique

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    © 2015, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials and Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Memristors and memristive devices represent a splendid area of research due to the unique possibilities for the realization of new types of computer hardware elements and mimicking several essential properties of the nervous system of living beings. The organic memristive device was developed as an electronic single-device analogue of the synapse, suitable for the realization of circuits allowing Hebbian type of learning. This work is dedicated to the realization of the active channel of organic memristive devices by polyelectrolyte self-assembling (layer-by-layer technique). Stable and reproducible electrical characteristics of the device were obtained when the thickness of the active channel was more than seven bilayers. The device revealed rectifying behaviour and the presence of hysteresis—important properties for the realization of neuromorphic systems with synapse-like properties of the individual elements. Compared to previously reported results on organic memristive devices fabricated using other methods, the present device does not require any additional doping that is usually performed through acid treatment. Such a behaviour is extremely important for the cases in which biological systems (nervous cells, slime mould, etc.) must be interfaced with the system of organic memristive devices, since acid treatment can kill living beings. [Figure not available: see fulltext.