9 research outputs found

    Utjecaj toplinske obradbe na mehanička svojstva niskolegiranih slitina molibdena u širokom temperaturnom području

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    The article presents data on the short-time strength and ductility of thin rolled sheet made of low-alloy molybdenum TsM-10 of the system Mo-Al-B, TsM-6 of the system Mo-Zr-B, and TsM-12 of the system Mo-Zr-Hf-B in deformed, polygonized, and recrystalized states in the temperature range 290 - 2 270 K. It was established that heat treatment can increase the high-temperature strength of these alloys by a factor of 1.2 - 2.2 and 1.1 - 1.5, respectively.Članak daje podatke o vlačnoj čvrstoći i plastičnosti tankovaljanog lima napravljenog od niskolegiranog molibdena TsM-10 u sistemu Mo-Al-B, TsM-6 u sistemu Mo-Zr-B i TsM-12 u sistemu Mo-Zr-Hf-B u deformiranom, poligoniziranom i rekristaliziranom stanju u temperaturnom području 290 - 2 270 K. Utvrđeno je da toplinski tretman može povećati vlačnu čvrstoću na visokoj temperaturi svih slitina za faktor 1.2 - 2.2 i 1.1 - 2.5

    Production Technology, Physical, Mechanical and Performance Characteristics of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed Microlayer Composite Materials

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    The production of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed (FD) microlayer composite materials for electrical contacts by the method of electron-beam evaporation and layer-by-layer condensation from the vapor phase is described and the chemical composition, structure, density, electrical conductivity, hardness, and main mechanical characteristics of the materials in the temperature range from 290 to 1070 K are studie

    Međusobni odnos strukture materijala i mehaničkih svojstava niskolegiranih molibdenovih slitina

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    As a result of joint analysis of experimental data on the structure and mechanical properties of low-alloy molybdenum alloys of the systems Mo-Al-B, Mo-Zr-B, Mo-Zr-Hf-B and Mo-Re we have established that for considered class of materials over the wide range of temperature there exist close correlations between the structural state, short-term, and low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue strength characteristic.Kao rezultat zajedničke analize eksperimentalnih podataka za strukturu i mehanička svojstva niskolegiranih molibdenih slitina sustava Mo-Al-B, Mo-Zr-B, Mo-Zr-Hf-B i Mo-Re ustanovljeno je da za razmatranu klasu materijala u širokom rasponu temperature postoji uska korelacija između svojstava strukture, kratkoročne čvrstoće, te čvrstoće na niskociklični i visokociklični zamor

    Utjecaj temperature na mehanička svojstva slitina niobija u sustavu Nb-W-Mo-Zr

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    Data obtained for the short-term strength and ductility of thin sheet, weld metal, and welded joints of niobium alloys 5VMTs and 10VMTs of the system Nb-W-Mo-Zr in the temperature range 290 - 2 270 K are analyzed. The structure, deformation mechanisms governing plastic deformation, and the nature of alloy failure in the temperature range are determined.Analizirani su podaci dobiveni za kratkoročnu čvrstoću i plastičnost tankog lima, zavarnog metala, zavarenih spojeva slitina niobija 5VMTs i 10VMTs u sistemu Nb-W-Mo-Zr u području temperature od 290 - 2 270 K. Određeni su mehanizmi stru-kture deformacije koji upravljaju plastičnom deformacijom i priroda grešaka u slitini u tom području temperature

    Production Technology, Physical, Mechanical and Performance Characteristics of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed Microlayer Composite Materials

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    The production of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed (FD) microlayer composite materials for electrical contacts by the method of electron-beam evaporation and layer-by-layer condensation from the vapor phase is described and the chemical composition, structure, density, electrical conductivity, hardness, and main mechanical characteristics of the materials in the temperature range from 290 to 1070 K are studie

    Međusobni odnos strukture materijala i mehaničkih svojstava niskolegiranih molibdenovih slitina

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    As a result of joint analysis of experimental data on the structure and mechanical properties of low-alloy molybdenum alloys of the systems Mo-Al-B, Mo-Zr-B, Mo-Zr-Hf-B and Mo-Re we have established that for considered class of materials over the wide range of temperature there exist close correlations between the structural state, short-term, and low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue strength characteristic.Kao rezultat zajedničke analize eksperimentalnih podataka za strukturu i mehanička svojstva niskolegiranih molibdenih slitina sustava Mo-Al-B, Mo-Zr-B, Mo-Zr-Hf-B i Mo-Re ustanovljeno je da za razmatranu klasu materijala u širokom rasponu temperature postoji uska korelacija između svojstava strukture, kratkoročne čvrstoće, te čvrstoće na niskociklični i visokociklični zamor

    Mean-field theory of social laser

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    In this work we suggest a novel paradigm of social laser (solaser), which can explain such Internet inspired social phenomena as echo chambers, reinforcement and growth of information cascades, enhancement of social actions under strong mass media operation. The solaser is based on a wellknown in quantum physics laser model of coherent amplification of the optical field. Social networks are at the core of the solaser model; we define them by means of a network model possessing power-law degree distribution. In the solaser the network environment plays the same role as the gain medium has in a physical laser device. We consider social atoms as decision making agents (humans or even chat bots), which possess two (mental) states and occupy the nodes of a network. The solaser establishes communication between the agents as absorption and spontaneous or stimulated emission of socially actual information within echo chambers, which mimic an optical resonator of a convenient (physical) laser. We have demonstrated that social lasing represents the second order nonequilibrium phase transition, which evokes the release of coherent socially stimulated information field represented with the order parameter. The solaser implies the formation of macroscopic social polarization and results in a huge social impact, which is realized by viral information cascades occurring in the presence of population imbalance (social bias). We have shown that decision making agents follow an adiabatically time dependent mass media pump, which acts in the network community reproducing various reliable scenarios for information cascade evolution. We have also shown that in contrast to physical lasers, due to node degree peculiarities, the coupling strength of decision making agents with the network may be enhanced root < k > times. It leads to a large increase of speed, at which a viral message spreads through a social media. In this case, the mass media pump supports additional reinforcement and acceleration of cascade growth. We have revealed that the solaser model in some approximations possesses clear links with familiar !sing and SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible) models typically used for evaluating a social impact and information growth, respectively. However, the solaser paradigm can serve as a new platform for modelling temporal social events, which originate from "microscopic" (quantum-like) processes occurring in the society. Our findings open new perspectives for interdisciplinary studies of distributed intelligence agents behavior associated with information exchange and social impact