58 research outputs found


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    Розроблений експресний метод має достовірність у показниках 99,6 % та може застосовуватися для визначення фальсифікації м’яса забійних тварин та птиці за обробки пероксидом водню поряд з іншими методами визначення їх якості та безпечності у виробничих лабораторіях на потужностях з переробки м’яса, супермаркетах, оптових базах, у державних лабораторіях ветеринарної медицини та у лабораторіях ветеринарно-санітарної експертизи на агропромислових ринках.Разработанный экспрессный метод имеет достоверность по показателям – 99,6 % и может использоваться для определения фальсификации мяса убойных животных и птицы при обработке пероксидом водорода вместе с другими методами определения их качества и безопасности в производственных  лабораториях предприятий по переработке мяса убойных животных и птицы, супермаркетах, оптовых базах, в государственных лабораториях ветеринарной медицины и в лабораториях ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы на агропродовольственных рынках.As a result of the conducted researches is set that stability of indexes on determination of meat after the improved express method was 99,6 % and can be used to determine the falsification of meat of slaughte meat animals and poultry processing hydrogen peroxide, along with other methods to determine their quality and safety in industrial laboratories for meat processing facilities, supermarkets, who lesale bases in thes tateveterinary laboratory and in the laboratories of veterinary-sanitary examination of th eagricultural markets.Conducted studies found that the quality of the meat of slaughte red animals and birds meet the great degree of freshness and the reaction of peroxidase, meat derived from healthy animals. By express method developed by pork, beef, lamb, goat and horse were processed hydrogen peroxide, and hydrogen peroxide was processed poultry, as in dicated by the formation of light-blue color when applied to the poultry reaction. The data on the in tensity of color to establish falsification meat of slaughte meat animals and poultry processing of hydrogen peroxide were stable and reliable, so the separameters can be used in determining the quality and safety of meat animals and poultry.Fur ther more, it should benoted that an express method developed is simple in execution, and the results give a specific quality indicators in falsifying the meat animals and poultry processing hydrogen peroxide.For this development Patent of Ukraine is got on an useful model № 81945 «Method of determination of the falsification of meat of slaughte animals and poultry processing hydrogen peroxide

    Relaxations in Ba2BiSbO6 Double Complex Perovskite Ceramics

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    The electric properties of the complex double perovskite Ba2BiSbO6 have been investigated using impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 1 Hz up to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from room temperature up to 560 K. There are two contributions to the electrical properties due to the grain and grain boundary. The oxygen vacancies play an important role in the conductivity and strongly increase the dielectric constant at high temperatures. The analysis of the frequency dependence of the conductivity clearly shows the structural phase transition of this compound near 515 K

    Ветеринарно-санітарний контроль безпечності та якості м’ясних продуктів

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    Meat foods matter very much in the feed of man and fold considerable part her food ration. In many countries of the world meat is the basic object of food industry. In our state that determines basic legal and organizational principles of providing of quality and safety of meat products, food products made from them for life and health of population and prevention of negative in fluence on an environment in case processing, packing and moving through the custom border of Ukraine. By the most effective method of providing of safety of food products presently the system НАССР, that is base on implementation of requirements of DSTU 4161–2003, sconfessed in the world, that included general principles of functioning of the system, and also requirements of Regulation of European Parliament and Advice №852/2004. In terms of safety and quality cooked sausages (manufacturer PE «Matviychuk A.V.» Zhytomyr region), sausages (manufacturer SPE «Argon» t. Vinnitsa), small sausages (manufacturer SPE «Marshalok», t. Belaya Tserkov Kiev region) meet the requirements laid down DSTU 4436:2005 and hygienic in the production of these types of meat products. Our country has the Law of Ukraine «On basis principles and requirements for safety and quality of food», which spelled out the need to carry out inspections on compliance with hygienic and sanitary requirements in the production of safe and quality of food. The highest protein content was found in cooked (by the standards according to DSTU 4436:2005 – 12%). Fat content, moisture, starch and sodium chloride were well within the norms set of regulations for there meat products. Also safety measure as sodium nitrite content in sausage products did not exceed permissible levels (less than 0,005 %). MAFAnM lowest content was found in cooked sausages and sausages – 1.21·102 ± 28.82 и 2.82·102±42.54 КUO/g. In small sausages MAFAnM content was increased slightly – 1.16·103±29.67 КUO/g. The content of toxic elements in the investigated samples of meat products was within acceptable levels in accordance with DSTU 4436:2005 and radionuclide 137Cs and 90Sr – did not exceed permissible levels set by GN–130–2006.За показателями безопасности и качества колбасы вареные (изготовитель ФОП «Матвийчук О.В.» Житомирской обл.), сосиски (изготовитель ООО НВП «Аргон» г. Винница»), сардельки (изготовитель ООО «Маршалок» г. Белая Церковь Киевской обл.) отвечали требованиям, установленым нормативныим документом – ДСТУ 4436:2005 и гигиеническим нормативам во время изготовления данных видов м’ясний продукции. Наименьшее количество МАФАнМ было виявлено в вареной колбасе и сосисках – 1,21·102 ± 28,82 и 2,82·10 2± 42,54 КОЕ/г. В сардельках количество МАФАнМ был немного увеличен – 1,16·103 ± 29,67 КОЕ/г. Количество токсических элементов в испытуемых пробах мясних продуктов был в прелелах допустимых уровней согласно ДСТУ 4436:2005, а радионуклидов 137Сs та 90Sr – не превышал допустимых уровней, которые установлены ГН–130–2006.За показниками безпечності та якості ковбаси варені (виробник ФОП «Матвійчук О.В.» Житомирської обл.), сосиски (виробник ТОВ НВП «Аргон» м. Вінниця»), сардельки (виробник ТОВ «Маршалок» м. Біла Церква Київської обл.) відповідали вимогам, що встановлені нормативним документом – ДСТУ 4436:2005 та гігієнічним нормативам під час виробництва даних видів м’ясної продукції. Найменший вміст КМАФАнМ було виявлено у вареній ковбасі та сосисках – 1,21·102 ± 28,82 та 2,82·102 ± 42,54 КУО/г. У сардельках вміст КМАФАнМ був дещо збільшеним – 1,16·103 ± 29,67 КУО/г. Уміст токсичних елементів у досліджуваних пробах м’ясних продуктів був у межах допустимих рівнів згідно з ДСТУ 4436:2005, а радіонуклідів 137Сs та 90Sr – не перевищував допустимих рівнів, установлених ГН–130–2006

    Magnetic properties of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the response of a superconductor with a strong spin-orbit coupling on an external magnetic field. The Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional is derived microscopically for a general crystal structure, both with and without an inversion center, and for an arbitrary symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. As a by-product, we obtain the general expressions for the intrinsic magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs. It is shown that the Ginzburg-Landau gradient energy in a superconductor lacking inversion symmetry has unusual structure. The general formalism is illustrated using as an example CePt3_3Si, which is the first known heavy-fermion superconductor without an inversion center.Comment: Published version, 14 pages, minor correction

    Sanitary and hygienic assessment of milk of cereal different producers in conformity with international requirements

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    Визначено безпечність та якість молока різних молокопереробних підприємств, яке використовується для харчування населення України. Встановлено, що за органолептичними показниками, густиною, кислотністю молока, вмістом жиру, білка, сухого знежиреного залишку, сухої речовини, бактеріального обсіменіння молоко торгових марок «Віта» (ПАТ-ЖЛК «Україна»), «Яготинське» та агропромислового ринку м. Біла Церква Київської області, відповідало вимогам національного стандарту України (ДСТУ 3662:2015). Молоко торгових марок «Віта» (ПАТ-ЖЛК «Україна», «Яготинське» за чистотою молока (кількість механічних домішок), фальсифікацією (домішки води) та  забрудненням лужним миючим засобом – до 5% не відповідало вимогам чинного ДСТУ 3662:2015. Вперше застосовано спосіб визначення фальсифікації молока натрію гідрокарбонатом із застосуванням бромкрезолового зеленого (Патент України на корисну модель № 118246; 2017 р.).  Вперше застосовано спосіб для визначення кількості соматичних клітин у молоці (наявність субклінічної форми маститу) із застосуванням розчину Reagent N (Австрія) (Патент України на корисну модель № 118247; 2017 р.). Запропоновані способи достовірні (99,2–99,8%), ефективні, експресні, зручні в проведенні, не вимагають витрат на реактиви і можуть використовуватися в комплексі з іншими методами визначення безпечності та якості молока.Providing the population with high-quality livestock products is one of the most important tasks of the workers of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, who invest enormous creative energy and considerable funds for the maximum provision of milk and dairy products to the population. Milk refers to essential products and is, along with bread and meat, one of the components of the food security of any country. According to the FAO expert classification, milk belongs to the most valuable foodstuffs of a person, without which it is impossible to cultivate a full-fledged young generation of people. Currently, high-quality and safe milk suitable for the production of high-quality dairy products and baby food products can be produced only by professional dairy farms. Ukraine is implementing the necessary reforms in order to adapt the legal regime for the safety and quality of food products in full compliance with the WTO Agreement «On the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures» and simultaneously harmonizes Ukrainian legislation with the requirements of the European Community. In our country there is a regulatory framework regulating the safety and quality of milk. The Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine», «On Milk and Dairy Products» improves the standards of safety and quality of dairy products, envisages that milk, dairy raw materials and dairy products that produce in Ukraine must comply with the safety and quality indicators established normative legal acts of Ukraine. It should be noted that the issue of safety of raw milk is of paramount importance, which in many cases does not correspond to European standards, especially with bacterial insemination. Quality and safety of milk are often unsatisfactory due to insufficiency and poor quality of feed, negligence during milking, storage and transportation, poor condition of milking and refrigeration equipment farms, insufficient supply of means of filtration and disinfection, and the presence of mastitis in cows. Taking into account the above, there is a need for risk analysis in the production of raw milk for the purpose of identifying critical points for the management of milk production as raw materials. The safety and quality of milk of various dairy enterprises, which is used for nutrition of the population of Ukraine, is determined. It was established that according to organoleptic parameters, density, acidity of milk, fat content, protein, dry fat-free residue, dry matter, bacterial insemination of milk of trademarks «Vita» (PAT-ZLK «Ukraine»), «Yagotinsk» and agro-food market of Belaya Church, Kyiv region, complied with the requirements of the current national standard of Ukraine (DSTU 3662:2015). Milk of trademarks «Vita» (PJSC «ZHLK Ukraine», «Yagotinskaya» on the purity of milk (amount of mechanical impurities), falsification – impurities of water and pollution with alkaline detergent – up to 5% did not meet the requirements of the current DSTU 3662:2015. For the first time a method was used to determine the falsification of milk by sodium bicarbonate using bromocresol green (Patent of Ukraine for Utility Model No. 118246; 2017). For the first time, a method was used to determine the number of somatic cells in milk (presence of subclinical mastitis) using a solution of Reagent N (Austria) with alkaline medium (Patent of Ukraine for Utility Model No. 118247, 2017). The proposed methods are reliable (99.2–99.8%), effective, expressive, convenient in carrying out, do not require reagents and can be used in combination with other methods for determining the safety and quality of milk

    Provision of security of milk and dairy products in Ukraine's profitabilized enterprises

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    Особливо актуальним є впровадження системи НАССР на підприємствах молочної промисловості, оскільки, відповідно до переліку харчових продуктів за ступенем обсіменіння мікроорганізмами і частотою випадків харчових отруєнь, що розроблений Всесвітньою організацією охорони здоров’я, молоко і молочні продукти віднесені до I категорії як ті, що найчастіше служать прямим джерелом харчових отруєнь. Система НАССР – це запобіжна система, що не допускає виникнення ризиків, оцінює їх, контролює небезпечні чинники продовольчої сировини, технологічних процесів і харчової продукції, що значною мірою зменшує рівні ризиків виникнення небезпек для життя та здоров’я людей. Одним із основних вимог забезпечення безпечності молока і молочних продуктів на переробних підприємствах є застосування мікробіологічних критеріїв стосовно гігієни технологічних процесів, прийнятих в ЄС, згідно Регламенту ЄС №2073/2005. Функціонування мікробіологічних критеріїв розроблено в контексті системи управління безпечності харчових продуктів, побудованої на основі принципів НАССР.In Ukraine, the issue of the effectiveness of producing safe milk products by domestic producers has become more acute in order to ensure the competitiveness of the industry in the domestic and foreign markets. In our country, the necessary reforms are being implemented in order to adapt the legal regime on food safety and quality in full compliance with international law. Consequently, the adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation on food safety and quality to the requirements of the EU is an integral part of the state policy. Ensuring the safety and quality of milk is especially important in the manufacture of dairy products, as well as in harmonizing national legislation in accordance with international requirements and implementing measures for the implementation of the integrated food safety management system at the dairy industry enterprises under ISO 22000. In our state, it is necessary to create and ensure the functioning of the state system of monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the agrarian market, to develop and implement national standards for dairy products, which should be harmonized with international requirements, and also to ensure the introduction by market operators of the integrated food safety management system (HACCP). Benefits for dairy processing enterprises when applying the HACCP system: provides consumers with confidence that products are manufactured in accordance with the rules of hygiene and safety; demonstrates the desire of the company to apply the necessary precautionary measures and to closely monitor the hygiene of the product; the number of inspections by the consumer partners (second party audit) is reduced, and accordingly the financial expenses are reduced, time is saved; costs associated with product recall decrease, profits increase; costs are reduced due to better relationships with state food safety oversight bodies; product monitoring is carried out in real time; the effectiveness of the food safety management system is increased by optimal allocation of resources in the area's most critical safety area.Advantages of the HACCP system for the international market:● Facilitates international trade.● Supports the World Food Safety Management System.● International and national food safety, sanitation and phytosanitary regulations are harmonized.Especially actual is introduction of the system HACCP on the enterprises of suckling industry, as, in accordance with the list of food products, after the degree of semination microorganisms and frequency of cases of the food poisonings, that it is developed Worldwide organization of health protection, milk and dairy products the categories as those taken to I, that more frequent all serve as direct authority of the food poisonings. Introduction Hazard system provides competitiveness of native food production, it protect users interests and health, it promotes expansion markets in native and world economical area, increases enterprises authority and Ukrainian image as a whole. System HACCP – it preventive system of evaluation  of control of dangerous factors of food raw material, technological processes and prepared products which to a great extent diminishes the levels of risks of origin of dangers for life and health of people. The system HACCP is based on 7 principles which are the bar of this system. One of the mainrequirementsforensuring the safety of milk and dairy products at processing enterprises is the application of microbiological criteria for hygiene of technological processes adoptedin the EU, in accordance with EU Regulation No. 2073/2005. Functioning of microbiological criteria has been developed in the context of food safety management system builton the basis of HACCP principles


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    За показниками якості та безпечності барабуля сильносолена, нототенія мармурова середньосолена (виробник м. Миколаїв «Океаник-Юг»); піленгас середньосолений, сайра слабкосолена (виробник ТОВ «Водный мир», Одеська обл.); скумбрія середньосолена; ставрида сильносолена (виробник ТОВ «Аквафрост», Одеська обл.) відповідали вимогам, що встановлені нормативними документами (ДСТУ 6025:2008) та гігієнічними нормативами.За показниками якості та безпечності барабуля сильносолена, нототенія мармурова середньосолена (виробник м. Миколаїв «Океаник-Юг»); піленгас середньосолений, сайра слабкосолена (виробник ТОВ «Водный мир», Одеська обл.); скумбрія середньосолена; ставрида сильносолена (виробник ТОВ «Аквафрост», Одеська обл.) відповідали вимогам, що встановлені нормативними документами (ДСТУ 6025:2008) та гігієнічними нормативами.Fish foods matter very much in the feed of man and fold considerable part her food ration. In many countries of the world fish is the basic object of food industry. In our state Law of Ukraine operates «On fish, other hydrogens living resources and food products from them», that determines basic legal and organizational principles of providing of quality and safety of fish, other water living resources, food products made from them for life and health of population and prevention of negative in fluence on an environment in case of fishing-out, processing, packing and moving through the custom border of Ukraine. By the most effective method of providing of safety of food productspresently the system НАССР, that is base on implementation of requirements of ДСТУ 4161−2003, sconfessed in the world, that included general principles of functioning of the system, and also requirements of Regulation of European Parliament and Advice №852/2004. The important index of fish salted are expiration dates depending on the type of packing. Striped mullet of strongly saline keep in barrels with salt solution, wooden boxes for temperatures from −4 °С to 0 °С during 9 months. Marble rockcod middle saline keep in barrels with salt solution for temperatures from −8°С to −4°С during 4 months. So-iuy mullet of middle saline keep in packages from polymeric materials under a vacuum for temperatures from −8°С to −4°С during a 35 twenty four hours. Saury of feeble saline and hardhead of middle saline is kept also in packages from polymeric materials without a vacuum for temperatures from −8°С to −4°С during a 10 twenty-four hours. The horse-mackerel of strongly saline is kept in packages from polymeric materials without a vacuum for temperatures from − 8°С to − 4°С during a 5 twenty-four hours. The least content ofМАFАnМ was educed in so-iuy mullet middle saline and saury of feeble saline − 4,56·102±29,6 and 8,54·102±38,4 КUО/gr. In the products of other types of salt fish content of МАFАnМ was some thing megascopic, especially for the hardhead of middle middle saline − 4,72·103±50,67 КUО/gr and horse-mackerel of strongly saline − 3,66·103±26,4 КUО/gr. On the indexes of quality and unconcern of striped mullet strongly saline, marble rockcod middle saline(producer is Nikolaev «Okeanik-Yug»); so-iuy mullet middle saline, saury of feeble saline (producer of LTD «Water of the world», Odesa region); hardhead of middle saline; horse-mackerel of strongly  saline (producer of LTD «Аkvafrost», Odesa region) answeredrequirements that is set by normative documents ДСТУ 6025: 2008 and hygienical norms.Determined organoleptic, physcal and chemical, microbiological indexes and content of toxic elements, radionuklidis, are set in fish saline, that will be realized in the supermarkets of t. Bilaya Tserkov. In fish saline of striped mullet, marbled rockcod, so-iuy mullet, saury, mackerel and jack mackerel for the indexes of quality answered requirements and norms of DSTU 6025:2008. Probed fish saline answers the regulated indexes of safety in obodience to a normative documents