183 research outputs found

    New Economic Geography and the Conception of Social Factors of Criminality: Areas of Common Interest and Prospects for Synthesis

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    The article discusses the application of «new economic geography» in investigating the reasons for territorial distinctions and other factors of criminality

    Cu(2) nuclear resonance evidence for an original magnetic phase in aged 60K-superconductors RBa2Cu3O6+x (R=Tm,Y)

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    It is widely believed that the long-range antiferromagnetic order in the RBa2Cu3O6+x compounds (R=Y and rare earths except of Ce, Pr, Tb) is totally suppressed for the oxygen index x>0.4 (AFM insulator-metal transition). We present the results of the copper NQR/NMR studies of aged RBa2Cu3O6+x (R=Tm,Y) samples showing that a magnetic order can still be present at oxygen contents x up to at least 0.7 and at temperatures as high as 77K.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Продовольственная безопасность, продовольственные потери и фудшеринг: концептуальный анализ

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    Authors emphasize that food in the modern world is becoming less accessible due to the present global economic, geopolitical and climatic situation. At the same time a large share of food produced in the world goes to waste. It means that there is a need to implement tools that could provide people with access to food and reduce amount of food waste. Food sharing, a novel tool of collaborative food consumption, can be used to solve this problem. The paper introduces the concept of distributive food sharing and describes its different types. A description of the present state of distributive food sharing in Russia. We state that the environment for development of distributive food sharing in Russia is not favorable. The main conclusion of the article is the need to create conditions for the development of the concept of food sharing to provide those in need with food and minimize waste.Авторы подчеркивают, что в современном мире продукты питания становятся все менее доступными в связи со сложившейся глобальной экономической, геополитической и климатической ситуацией. В то же время значительная часть производимого в мире продовольствия используется нерационально и попадает в отходы. Это означает, что существует необходимость внедрения инструментов, которые могли бы обеспечить людям доступ к продуктам питания и сократить количество пищевых отходов. Для решения этой проблемы может быть использована раздача продовольствия как новый инструмент коллаборативного потребления еды. В статье представлено понятие распределительного способа раздачи продуктов питания и описаны его различные виды. Описано современное состояние распределительного способа раздачи продуктов питания в России. Мы констатируем, что условия для развития распределительного способа раздачи продовольствия в России неблагоприятны. Основной вывод статьи —  необходимо создать условий для развития концепции раздачи продовольствия для обеспечения нуждающихся слоев населения продуктами питания и для минимизации количества выбрасываемого продовольствия

    Activation of students ' activity in the conditions of training in cooperation technology

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    Competence-based approach, becoming dominant in the system of higher education, marked the transition from traditional methods and means of education to the use of innovative technologies. Modern higher schools under the influence of the requirements of Federal state educational standards seek to optimize their own activities in order to improve the quality of education and seek new ways to build competence. Today, within the framework of the competence-based approach having a practice-oriented focus, technologies of training in cooperation that meet the requirements for modern training of students are becoming more popular. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using learning technologies in cooperation, activating the students’ performance. A powerful argument in favor of training in cooperation technologies implementation is their wide functionality in the development of professional competence of a specialist. Since the development of student competence takes place within the framework of various activities, we consider the technology of training in cooperation, allowing students to maximize their potential in the process of interaction with classmates. The article identifies such important advantages of the technology under consideration as the development of independence, creative component, skills of effective interaction and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue. We consider ideas of training in cooperation technology in detail as well as carry the analysis on the example of pedagogical courses. The presented research allowed establishing increase of students’ activity in studying of pedagogical courses at the expense of identification of an average score in studied profiles

    Russian Crime of the Past Decade: Is the Time of Illusions Over?

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    The purpose of the study is by analyzing the state and dynamics of crime in Russia over the past decade (2010-2020): 1) to identify the factors that influenced the criminal activity of the Russian population during this period; 2) determine the main directions of the then implemented state criminal policy; 3) assess its effectiveness. Research methods: method of summary and grouping of statistical observation materials, analysis of absolute and relative values (structure, intensity and dynamics), analysis of series of dynamics. The results of the study indicate that, since 2015, there has been a progressive increase in crime in Russia, due to unfavorable trends in the development of the socio-economic sphere. During this period, there was also a significant discrepancy between the data of official crime statistics and the real situation in the field of crime. This discrepancy was due to large-scale transformation processes taking place in the sphere of the state’s criminal policy. Accordingly, the decrease in the amount and level of official crime in Russia in 2016-2018 was a consequence of these processes, while the real crime continued to grow all these three years. However, the sharp increase in crimes against property committed through the use of information and communication technologies, which began in Russia several years ago, ultimately could not but be reflected in the data of official crime statistics – in the past two years, an increase in both the amount and the level of crime has been recorded in the state. Russian law enforcement agencies have so far shown their unwillingness to offer serious resistance to digital crime. Russian law enforcement agencies have so far demonstrated their unwillingness to offer serious resistance to digital crime. The situation is significantly complicated by the fact that a significant part of crimes in the sphere of information and communication technologies is committed by inmates of Russian prisons. This means that today, in addition to a strong external influence from the criminal environment, the country’s law enforcement system is also experiencing a powerful endogenous influence from the criminals who are already serving their sentences in prisons

    Sports Facility as a Basis for Forming Ecosystem

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    The core activity of sports facilities does not always provide a sufficient level of profit, therefore, in order to increase their economic efficiency, it is necessary to consider the possibility of providing additional services. In this paper, a classification of the services of a sports facility is compiled. It is noted that the additional services of sports facilities should be combined and be of great value to the client.Профильная деятельности спортивных сооружений не всегда обеспечивает достаточный уровень прибыли, поэтому для повышения их экономической эффективности необходимо рассмотреть возможности оказания дополнительных услуг. В данной работе составляется классификация услуг спортивного сооружения. Отмечается, что дополнительные услуги спортивных сооружений должны сочетаться и представлять большую ценность для клиента

    Methods and means of realization of interaction technologies in the university

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    The article discusses the process of organizing the educational process with the use of various educational technologies that contribute to the achievement of effective interaction between students and between students and the teacher. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using methods and means of implementing interaction technologies in higher education. The goal implies that educational technologies are one of the key elements in the preparation of students of higher schools. They allow forming professional competence of students, emphasizing the leading role of their independence, activity in the consulting role of the teacher. The analysis of the educational process with the application of modern educational technologies given in the article allowed to reveal some features in which appearance is caused by the specificity of the realization of technologies. Modern methods and means of their implementation contribute to the guaranteed achievement of educational goals, the interaction of students becomes more coherent and acquires a new, productive character. Of particular importance are educational technologies for students of pedagogical universities, as their future professional activity is directly related to the use of methods and means of their implementation. The article presents the experience of implementing interaction technologies at the University of Minin in the discipline "Pedagogical technologies". As practice shows, such methods as brainstorming, a round table, a case method allow you to teach students how to conduct a dialogue, develop students' interest and motivation to study the discipline, and thereby allow them to form their competence. The results of the implementation of methods and means of implementing interaction technologies showed that having an understanding of educational technologies at the initial stages of training and forming the skill of interaction under their influence throughout the training period, students have the opportunity to form professional competence and organize their professional activities at a high level.&nbsp

    Multimedia technologies in vocational education

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    Modern higher professional education is aimed at the formation of a highly qualified competent specialist. In the conditions of the competence approach, there is an active introduction in the educational process of multimedia technologies. This is one of the most rapidly developing areas of information technology. Therefore, the training of students should be carried out with the use of various information and communication tools, ensuring the improvement of the quality of education. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of training students of pedagogical University using multimedia technologies. The analysis of the impact of these technologies on the motivation and training of students when studying discipline "technology of training teachers of the past" (media technologies have been embedded in the discipline content). For the study, we measured the motivation of students. We compared the indicators of motivation diagnostics in 2017 (before the introduction of multimedia technologies) and 2018 (after the introduction of technologies). We compared the motives of creative realization (MTR) and professional motives (PM). According to the control event on the discipline "Technologies of teaching teachers of the past", we found that the percentage of "excellent" in 2018 has increased significantly, the percentage of unsatisfactory ratings have decreased. The obtained data allowed detecting positive changes after the introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process. The motivation of students to study the discipline has increased, their preparedness has increased, and the quality of education has increased. The high efficiency of multimedia technologies was determined, so their implementation in the training of students of pedagogical University will continue

    Phase diagram of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7y_{7-y} at T<<Tc_c based on Cu(2) transverse nuclear relaxation

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    Two maxima in transverse relaxation rate of Cu(2) nuclei in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7y_{7-y} are observed, at T = 35 K and T = 47 K. Comparison of the 63^{63}Cu(2) and 65^{65}Cu(2) rates at T = 47 K indicates the magnetic character of relaxation. The enhancement at T = 47 K of fluctuating local magnetic fields perpendicular to the CuO2_2 planes is connected with the critical fluctuations of orbital currents. Maximum at T = 35 K is connected with the appearance of inhomogeneous supeconducting phase. Together with data published to date, our experimental results allow to suggest a qualitatively new phase diagram of the superconducting phase.Comment: 4 LaTEX pages + 3 figures in *.ps forma

    Эндоваскулярные методики профилактики и лечения сосудистого спазма вследствие разрыва церебральных аневризм: за и против

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    This review highlights current approaches to endovascular therapy of cerebral angiospasm in non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage due to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm (CA). The main clinical guidelines for the management of patients with CA rupture are highlighted, clinical studies on the use of balloon angioplasty, intra-arterial administration of various vasodilators are presented, the advantages and complications of using various techniques are described. В данном обзоре освещены современные подходы к эндоваскулярной терапии церебрального ангиоспазма при нетравматическом субарахноидальном кровоизлиянии вследствие разрыва церебральной аневризмы (ЦА). Освещены основные клинические рекомендательные протоколы по ведению пациентов с разрывом ЦА, представлены клинические исследования, посвященные применению баллонной ангиопластики, интраартериальному введению различных вазодилататоров, описаны преимущества и осложнения использования различных методик.