90 research outputs found


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    A diverse fish paleofauna occurs in the upper Campanian portion of the Rybushka Formation exposed near Saratov city in the Saratov Oblast, Russia. Twenty taxa have been identified, including two holocephalans (Ischyodus bifurcatus and Amylodon karamysh), twelve elasmobranchs (Synechodus sp., Cederstroemia sp., Cretalamna cf. C. borealis, C. cf. C. sarcoportheta, Archaeolamna kopingensis, Eostriatolamia segedini, E. venusta, Pseudocorax laevis, Squalicorax kaupi, Squalicorax morphotype 1, Squalidae indet., and Squatirhina sp.), and six teleosts (Pachyrhizodus sp., Saurocephalus lanciformis, Paralbula casei, Enchodus cf. E. dirus, E. cf. E. gladiolus, and E. petrosus). Many of these taxa are new to the Campanian fish record of Russia, and the assemblage demonstrates that there is significant taxonomic overlap between the Rybushka Formation paleofauna and that of North America

    Aquatic Environment

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    Environment and Development: Basic Principles, Human Activities, and Environmental Implications focuses on the adverse impact that human activities, developments, and economic growth have on both natural and inhabited environments. The book presents the associated problems, along with solutions that can be used to achieve a harmonic, sustainable development that provides for the co-existence of man and natural life

    Aquatic Environment

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    Environment and Development: Basic Principles, Human Activities, and Environmental Implications focuses on the adverse impact that human activities, developments, and economic growth have on both natural and inhabited environments. The book presents the associated problems, along with solutions that can be used to achieve a harmonic, sustainable development that provides for the co-existence of man and natural life


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    The article comprises a review of modern methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and emission tomography (single-photon emission and positron emission computed tomography – SPECT and PET) as tools for diagnosis and prognosis of myocardial ischemic damage, in particular in coronary revascularization. The definition of term «myocardial viability» is discussed. It has been shown that the integrity of blood-tissue barrier between myocardium and microcirculatory vessels is the most sensitive marker of tissue viability and of functional integrity of myocardium. It’s evaluation by means of contrast-enhanced MRI of myocardium is the most available and most precise technique of diagnosis and prognosis both in patients with post-infarction myocardial scarring and in patients with coronary disease without myocardial infarction. It is proposed that in the nearest future the combination of MR-coronarography and contrast-enhanced MRI of myocardium will deliver a possibility to obtain the full set of data necessary for planning of endovascular and surgical treatment of various forms of coronary heart disease. PET and SPECT techniques currently are of some essential interest for pathophysiologic studies of coronary ischemia in clinical and experimental studies as well as for qualitative visual studies of pharmacokinetics.Представлен обзор современных методов эмиссионной (однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии – ОФЭКТ и позитронной эмиссионной томографии – ПЭТ) и магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) в отношении возможностей оценки тяжести повреждения миокарда и прогнозирования эффективности реваскуляризирующих вмешательств при коронарном атеросклерозе. Обсуждается термин «жизнеспособность миокарда». Показано, что сохранность гематомиокардиального барьера определяет функциональную сохранность миокарда, а ее оценка с помощью контрастированной МРТ миокарда – наиболее точный и в то же время доступный метод диагностики и прогноза как у пациентов с постинфарктным кардиосклерозом, так и при стенокардии без перенесенного инфаркта миокарда. Предположено, что комбинация МР-коронарографии и контрастированной МРТ миокарда позволит за одно исследование полностью получать весь комплекс данных, необходимых для планирования эндоваскулярного и хирургического лечения. Методы ОФЭКТ и ПЭТ сохранят значение для патофизиологических исследований коронарной ишемии в клинике и эксперименте, качественной оценки кинетики лекарственных препаратов

    Determination of aspirin in municipal wastewaters of Nur-Sultan City, Kazakhstan

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    The presence of aspirin in the municipal wastewater of Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan, was studied in this research. Aqueous phase samples were collected before any treatment [1] and in the end of treatment process of Nur-Sultan wastewater treatment plant [2]. The study was conducted from April to December 2021. The concentrations of target compound were measured using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The obtained results showed that the concentration of aspirin was generally higher than those reported in the literature. For instance, influent and effluent concentrations of aspirin were equal to 42.8 – 60.4 ppb and 1.4 – 6.5 ppb, respectively (October – December period). The removal of aspirin by wastewater treatment process was equal to 50 - 90.2%. Aspirin was not detected in the spring-summer period of 2021. This could be due to usage of aspirin as a medicine for the treatment and prevention of seasonal flu in the autumn-winter period by the population of the city of Nur-Sultan. Currently, our research team is working on investigation of other potential contaminants of emerging concern in municipal wastewaters of Nur-Sultan city and on treatment methods that could efficiently remove the contaminants of emerging concern

    Russian Demographic Data Sheet 2019

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    Центр по лечению внезапной сердечной смерти: результаты пяти лет работы

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    The objective was to summarize the Center's experience in the treatment of sudden cardiac death and to assess the prospects of using venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) in the complex of extended cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).Materials and methods.  109 patients aged 52.6±1.5 years, delivered  to the hospital  by emergency  medical teams with a background of ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Results. In the majority of cases (78), extended resuscitation measures were ineffective, ECMO was not used due to inadequate technology connection criteria. In 15 cases, primary stabilization without ECMO was achieved, and these patients were transferred for further treatment to intensive care unit (ICU), 8 of them died later. Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) was used in 16 cases, in 6 cases, patients were decannulated after cardiac recovery; also, ECMO was used postmortem 15 times to preserve donor organs. The overall survival rate among the delivered to the Center was 7.5%. We found out the correlation between the duration of the prehospital period and survival rate (time to hospital admission in survivors was 42.7±9.6 min versus 64.31±3.13 min in the deceased). The association between pH (AUC ROC 0.728) on admission and favorable outcome was found to be more reliable than EtCO2 (0.266) and blood lactate  (0.387).Conclusion. The creation of centers for the treatment of patients with refractory circulatory arrest seems reasonable on the basis of level 3 hospitals with the possibility  of using X-ray surgical methods  of treatment. The widespread  introduction of ECPR should be accompanied  by the change of CPR  algorithms  in the prehospital period. The effectiveness of ECPR is determined by mandatory strict  adherence  to the connection criteria, which can be revised as experience accumulates.Цель: обобщить опыт работы Центра по лечению внезапной сердечной смерти и оценить перспективы использования вено-артериальной экстракорпоральной мембранной оксигенации (ВА ЭКМО) в комплексе расширенной сердечно-легочной реанимации (СЛР).Материалы и методы. 109 пациентов в возрасте 52,6±1,5 лет, доставленных  в стационар бригадами скорой медицинской помощи на фоне продолжающихся мероприятий сердечно-легочной реанимации.Результаты. В большинстве  случаев (78)  расширенные реанимационные мероприятия были неэффективны, ЭКМО не применялась ввиду явного несоответствия критериям подключения технологии. В 15 случаях удалось добиться первичной  стабилизации состояния без применения ЭКМО, и эти пациенты  были переведены  для дальнейшего  лечения  в ОРИТ, из них 8 впоследствии погибли. Экстракорпоральная сердечно-легочная реанимация (ЭСЛР)  применена  в 16 случаях,  в 6 случаях  пациенты  были  деканюлированы после восстановления сердечной деятельности;  также ЭКМО применялась посмертно 15 раз с целью сохранения  донорских органов. Общая выживаемость среди доставленных  в Центр составила  7,5%. Обнаружена корреляция между длительностью догоспитального периода и выживаемостью (время  до госпитализации в стационар у выживших  42,7±9,6 мин против умерших 64,31±3,13 мин). Обнаружено, что связь между уровнем pH (AUC ROC 0,728) при поступлении и благоприятным исходом более достоверна, чем с уровнем EtCO2 (0,266) и лактатом крови (0,387).Вывод. Создание  центров по лечению больных с рефрактерной остановкой  кровообращения представляется целесообразным на базе стационаров 3-го уровня, имеющих возможность применения рентген-хирургических методов лечения. Внедрение в практику ЭСЛР должно сопровождаться изменением алгоритмов  СЛР  в догоспитальном периоде. Эффективность ЭСЛР определяется обязательным строгим соблюдением критериев подключения, которые могут пересматриваться по мере накопления опыта

    New data on the ichthyosaur Platypterygius hercynicus and its implications for the validity of the genus

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    The description of a nearly complete skull from the late Albian of northwestern France reveals previously unknown anatomical features of Platypterygius hercynicus (Kuhn 1946), and of European Cretaceous ichthyosaurs in general. These include a wide frontal forming the anteromedial border of the supratemporal fenestra, a parietal excluded from the parietal foramen, and the likely presence of a squamosal, inferred from a very large and deep facet on the quadratojugal. The absence of a squamosal has been considered as an autapomorphy of the genus Platypterygius for more than ten years and has been applied to all known species by default, but the described specimen casts doubt on this putative autapomorphy. Actually, it is shown that all characters that have been proposed previously as autapomorphic for the genus Platypterygius are either not found in all the species currently referred to this genus, or are also present in other Ophthalmosauridae. Consequently, the genus Platypterygius must be completely revised.Peer reviewe

    New ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs from the European lower cretaceous demonstrate extensive ichthyosaur survival across the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary

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    Background Ichthyosauria is a diverse clade of marine amniotes that spanned most of the Mesozoic. Until recently, most authors interpreted the fossil record as showing that three major extinction events affected this group during its history: one during the latest Triassic, one at the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary (JCB), and one (resulting in total extinction) at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. The JCB was believed to eradicate most of the peculiar morphotypes found in the Late Jurassic, in favor of apparently less specialized forms in the Cretaceous. However, the record of ichthyosaurs from the Berriasian–Barremian interval is extremely limited, and the effects of the end-Jurassic extinction event on ichthyosaurs remains poorly understood. Methodology/Principal Findings Based on new material from the Hauterivian of England and Germany and on abundant material from the Cambridge Greensand Formation, we name a new ophthalmosaurid, Acamptonectes densus gen. et sp. nov. This taxon shares numerous features with Ophthalmosaurus, a genus now restricted to the Callovian–Berriasian interval. Our phylogenetic analysis indicates that Ophthalmosauridae diverged early in its history into two markedly distinct clades, Ophthalmosaurinae and Platypterygiinae, both of which cross the JCB and persist to the late Albian at least. To evaluate the effect of the JCB extinction event on ichthyosaurs, we calculated cladogenesis, extinction, and survival rates for each stage of the Oxfordian–Barremian interval, under different scenarios. The extinction rate during the JCB never surpasses the background extinction rate for the Oxfordian–Barremian interval and the JCB records one of the highest survival rates of the interval. Conclusions/Significance There is currently no evidence that ichthyosaurs were affected by the JCB extinction event, in contrast to many other marine groups. Ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs remained diverse from their rapid radiation in the Middle Jurassic to their total extinction at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous