67 research outputs found

    Influence of heat treatment on magnetic properties of Cu-Sn-Co-based materials produced by powder metallurgy

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    In the foundation of this work is the issue for production of non-magnetic materials with predetermined weak magnetic properties. Preferable solution is to dope these materials with ferromagnetic impurities in low concentrations. One of the efficient ways to obtain such materials is the use of powder metallurgy which gives an opportunity to produce complex powder compositions with variety of components in precisely specified concentrations


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    The activity of the North-Eastern Shared Research Facilities of the Shilo North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NEISRI FEB RAS) is aimed at conducting analytical studies of rocks, minerals, ores, soils, lake and sea sediments, water bodies using various methods: optical microscopy, X-ray microanalysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis, quantitative emission spectral analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry, isotope geochronology, paleomagnetism and petromagnetism. The results of mineralogical, geochemical, petrophysical, isotope-geochronological (including radiocarbon) and palynological studies have been published in national and international scientific journals


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    The activity of the North-Eastern Shared Research Facilities of the Shilo North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NEISRI FEB RAS) is aimed at conducting analytical studies of rocks, minerals, ores, soils, lake and sea sediments, water bodies using various methods: optical microscopy, X-ray microanalysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis, quantitative emission spectral analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry, isotope geochronology, paleomagnetism and petromagnetism. The results of mineralogical, geochemical, petrophysical, isotope-geochronological (including radiocarbon) and palynological studies have been published in national and international scientific journals.Деятельность центра направлена на проведение аналитических исследований горных пород, минералов, руд, почв, озерных и морских осадков, водных объектов с использованием различных методов: оптической микроскопии, рентгеноспектрального микроанализа, рентгенофлюоресцентного анализа, эмиссионного количественного спектрального анализа, атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии, изотопной геохронологии, палеомагнетизма и петромагнетизма. Полученные результаты минералого-геохимических, петрофизических, изотопно-геохронологических, радиоуглеродных и палинологических исследований опубликованы в отечественных и зарубежных научных журналах.

    The Phenomenon of Financial Economics: Russia and the World Are in Current Global Turbulence

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    The article deals with the analysis of the current situation on the global financial arena, analyzing the chain of cause and effect of the origins of the economic crisis and providing its possible logical outcomes. We are trying to prove here that the way the world economic situation develops will lead to either further growth or stagnation of national economies and define their position in the global business, financial, and social spheres.<br /><br />We provide an analysis of the serious transformations financial economics have been undergoing at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. All these changes, such as the development of international fusions on financial markets, the creation of new financial instruments, products and services, and others, have been caused largely by (and also have led to) significant events in the global political arena. However, regardless of the transformations, world leadership remains in the hands of US government and business and that of their closest partners, while those societies that are not willing to support the “Americanized” world order end up on the blacklist of the World Bank, the IMF, and other international financial institutions.<br /><br />Finally, the article provides our views of the possible ways of dealing with the global economic stagnation. We highlight the importance of the strong and careful supervision of any global as well as national financial activities, the education of the public on the issues of wise investments, and the dangers of living on credit


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    In the theory of the car to study, the work of the drive wheel applies a traction equation or power balance. However, a number of issues related to traffic, energy and mode of propulsion on the deformable layer, more convenient to use the balance of the work on the road S.In the article, the influence of the value of the input moment on the components of energy balance by examining the front wheels of the car MAZ-5434 under different air pressure in the tires on the virgin snow.After processing, the experimental data were obtained dependence of the rolling radius rk, pushing force T, torque Mf, efficiency η, and the useful torque M (figure 2). Graphs of curves expressed by parabolas correspond to different values of air pressure in the tires.В теории автомобиля для исследования работы ведущего колеса применяется уравнение тягового или мощностного баланса. Однако при решении ряда вопросов, связанных с проходимостью, энергетикой и режимом работы движителя на деформируемом слое, более удобным будет пользоваться балансом работы на пути S.В статье определено влияния величины подводимого момента на составляющие энергетического баланса путём исследования передних ведущих колес автомобиля МАЗ-5434 при различном давлении воздуха в шинах по снежной целине.После обработки экспериментальных данных были получены зависимости радиуса качения rk, толкающей силой T, момента сопротивления Mf, коэффициента полезного действия η, и полезного момента M (рис. 2). Построенные графики в виде кривых, выраженных параболами, соответствуют различным величинам давления воздуха в шинах