74 research outputs found

    Contribution of incoherent effects to the orientation dependence of bremsstrahlung from rapid electrons in crystal

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    The bremsstrahlung cross section for relativistic electrons in a crystal is split into the sum of coherent and incoherent parts (the last is due to a thermal motion of atoms in the crystal). Although the spectrum of incoherent radiation in crystal is similar to one in amorphous medium, the incoherent radiation intensity could demonstrate substantial dependence on the crystal orientation due to the electrons' flux redistribution in the crystal. In the present paper we apply our method of the incoherent bremsstrahlung simulation developed earlier to interpretation of some recent experimental results obtained at the Mainz Microtron MAMI.Comment: VIII International Symposium "Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures" (RREPS-09) Zvenigorod, Russia, September 7-11, 200

    Dynamical Chaos and Level Splitting under the Channeling of the High Energy Positrons in [100] Direction of the Silicon Crystal

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    The motion of charged particles in a crystal in the axial channeling regime can be both regular and chaotic. The chaos in quantum case manifests itself in the statistical properties of the energy levels set. These properties have been studied previously for the electrons channeling along [110] direction of the silicon crystal, in the case when the classical motion was completely chaotic, as well as for the ones channeling along [100] direction, when the classical motion can be both regular and chaotic for the same energy depending on the initial conditions. Here we study the positrons channeling in [100] direction. This case is of special interest due to the substantial tunneling probability between dynamically isolated regular motion domains in the phase space. The interaction of the energy levels via tunneling distinctly changes the level spacing statistics. All transverse motion energy levels as well as corresponding stationary wave functions are computed numerically for the 30 GeV positrons channeling in [100] direction of the silicon crystal. The values of the matrix elements for the tunnel transitions are extractad from these data. These results confirm the chaos assistance for the tunneling and the level splitting. These values will be used in the further researches of the quantum chaos manifestations in the channeling phenomenon.Comment: Presented on the XIV International Symposium "Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures", September 18-22, 2023, Tsaghkadzor, Armeni

    Statistical properties of the transverse-motion energy levels for channeling electrons in a silicon crystal under dynamical chaos conditions

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    This paper studies the calculated energy levels of the transverse motion of relativistic electrons in the axial-channeling regime along the [100] direction of the silicon crystal which is described as motion in the smooth potential well. The nearest-level spacing distributions as well as the spectral rigidity are studied for the range of parameters where electron motion is chaotic within the classical limit. Both these characteristics demonstrate agreement with quantum-chaos-theory prediction

    On monitoring position of a charged particle moving near a metal sphere by means of diffraction radiation

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    A uniformly moving charged particle generates transition radiation when moving in an inhomogeneous medium (in particular, when crossing the interface between two media) and diffraction radiation when moving near medium inhomogeneities without crossing their boundaries. Both diffraction and transition radiation can be used to detect particles and monitor beams in accelerator

    Positrons vs electrons channeling in silicon crystal: energy levels, wave functions and quantum chaos manifestations

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    The motion of fast electrons through the crystal during axial channeling could be regular and chaotic. The dynamical chaos in quantum systems manifests itself in both statistical properties of energy spectra and morphology of wave functions of the individual stationary states. In this report, we investigate the axial channeling of high and low energy electrons and positrons near direction of a silicon crysta

    On the effect of quantum tunneling on the energy spectrum of the transverse motion of channeled positrons in a silicon crystal

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    The movement of charged particles in a crystal can be both regular and chaotic. At the quantum level, chaos manifests itself in the statistical properties of the set of energy levels. Systems, in which regions of regular motion are separated in the phase space by a region of dynamic chaos, are of particular interes

    Splitting of the transverse-motion energy levels of positrons during channeling in the [100] direction of a silicon crystal

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    The motion of charged particles in the crystal can be both regular and chaotic. Within the quantum approach, chaos manifests itself in the statistical properties of the set of energy levels. The systems in which regions of regular motion are separated by that of chaotic motion in phase space are of special interest. The statistics of levels of these systems is greatly influenced by the possibility of tunneling between phase-space regions dynamically isolated from each othe

    Global Sampling of the Photochemical Reaction Paths of Bromoform by Ultrafast Deep-UV Through Near-IR Transient Absorption and ab initio Multiconfigurational Calculations

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    Ultrafast deep-ultraviolet through near infrared (210-950 nm) transient absorption spectroscopy complemented by ab initio multiconfigurational calculations offers a global description of the photochemical reaction pathways of bromoform following 255-nm excitation in methylcyclohexane and acetonitrile solutions. Photoexcitation of CHBr3 leads to the ground-state iso-CHBr3 product in a large quantum yield (∼35), formed through two different mechanisms: concerted excited-state isomerization and cage-induced isomerization through the recombination of the nascent radical pair. These two processes take place on different time scales of tens of femtoseconds and several picoseconds, respectively. The novel ultrafast direct isomerization pathway proposed herein is consistent with the occurrence of a conical intersection between the first excited singlet state of CHBr3 and the ground electronic state of iso-CHBr3. Complete active space self-consistent field calculations characterize this singularity in the vicinity of a second order saddle point on the ground state which connects the two isomer forms. For cage-induced isomerization, both the formation of the nascent radical pair and its subsequent collapse into ground-state iso-CHBr3 are directly monitored through the deep-ultraviolet absorption signatures of the radical species. In both mechanisms, the optically active (i.e., those with largest Franck-Condon factors) C-Br-Br bending and Br-Br stretching modes of ground-state iso-CHBr3 have the largest projection on the reaction coordinate, enabling us to trace the structural changes accompanying vibrational relaxation of the non-equilibrated isomers through transient absorption dynamics. The iso-CHBr3 photoproduct is stable in methylcyclohexane, but undergoes either facile thermal isomerization to the parent CHBr3 structure through a cyclic transition state stabilized by the polar acetonitrile medium (∼300-ps lifetime), and hydrolysis in the presence of water. © 2013 American Institute of Physics